How fucking badly will this fail?

How fucking badly will this fail?

>BvS and SS completely destroy any confidence people had in the DC universe
>Released after the Aquaman and Flash movies
>Completely rushed without even establishing the different timelines like The Avengers did

Honestly believe this will make less than BvS and completely destroy the DC universe if Wonder Woman also fails

>Released after the Aquaman and Flash movies
is not going to be before those?

Fuck meant to type BEFORE Aquaman and Flash

If WW fails, I would say that any hope of a continued DCCU fails. Too many mistakes have been made in the attempt to catch up with Marvel.

Suicide Squad destroyed peoples' confidence so badly that it's been the #1 box office draw for three weeks straight.

Eat shit.

>>BvS and SS completely destroy any confidence people had in the DC universe
Oh fuck you. I have seen Suicide Squad twice and absolutely love it! WAY BETTER than BvS

I wanna see David Ayer become the main DC director

Its on track to making 650-700 Million which isn't much considering how much marketing was put into it

There's nothing else to watch

Its going to be complete trash
>Sup Forumseddit style cap
Kill yourself jesus christ kid

because the fucking critics ruined its success.

My friend was worried when he saw the RT score but after he saw the film with me he said it nowhere near deserves its low score

You don't know how much they spent on marketing. You also don't know how much they're already making on merchandise.

Which means nothing considering it had no other big movies to compete with. Everything else big it was up against had already been out for a few weeks.

That shit was marketed everywhere for almost a year.
They ran ads for it during the Super Bowl and other major sporting events. Not to mention the amount of reshoots done because of the failure of BvS

They're making the same on merchandising as the new Ghostbusters movie

I hope WB slashed the budget because Snyder poisoned the brand.

And think about it, if BvS couldn't cross a billion, how the fuck is the cast plus Flash, Aquaman and fucking Cyborg going to do better?

The teaser was already cringe and unless someone steps in and teaches Snyder how to make a movie, not a music video, it's already fucked.

And beyond that, Momoa and Gadot literally can't act. This whole thing is resting on Affleck.

So as much as shitlords like want to meme, three objectively bad entries, combined with someone who can't direct coupled with actors that can't act, this shit will be lucky to clear 800 million.

They really should just reboot everything. Affleck is solid, but he's not worth keeping this universe for.

So how much did it cost? I'll save you some time. You don't know.

Learn what the word "objective" means, for your own sake as well as everyone else's.

>Completely rushed without even establishing the different timelines like The Avengers did
>not like Marvel

that's not their fucking problem it's the normies

>implying you're not a contrarian shitlord
don't worry user, you already fit in with Sup Forums

Considering that BvS made 872 ,illion and barely broke even as well as caused a major shitstorm at Warner Bros, they're not gonna work on a sequel to it unless it makes like 800-900 million

The Amazing Spiderman 2 made 714 million and Sony pulled the plug on the series because the gross was disappointing

Normies? so you need to be a "real" fan to like this movies?... im a big DC fan and i still hope the DC mvoies have at least some decent choreography like Marvel movies have. Of course, i dont hant them to go the same path but i really think this last movies of DC are awful... horrible cuts, dialogue, acting and plotholes in general

It's the normies fault that they tried to make 2 movies that were giant advertisements instead of making the movies actually good? It's normies fault that WB LITERALLY rushed MoS into production to avoid a lawsuit from Siegle and Shuster's heirs? It's normies fault that WB knew the script was ass but they still went with Snyder because he didn't need to prep, highlighting how incompetent of a filmmaker he his?

Honestly, the 872 million box office wouldn't have been so bad, and even great, if the movie didn't have such a fucking ridiculous budget.

People shit on Ratner for being a yes man but Snyder is just as bad.

I guess it makes sense, seeing as nepotism is the only reason Snyder is working.

But that's the issue
These movies production budgets keep going up and up while their demand decreases.
Justice League is probably gonna need to make a billion dollars to be considered successful and maybe even 900 million just to break even

To be honest, I'll be surprised if it ever sees the light of day. If WW and Aquaman fail it might not.

No, that's a gross underestimate. I have it on good authority from an anonymous source that the studio needs it to make 5.2 gorillion dollars or they're going to fire everyone, close the studios, and rent out the buildings to a sweatshop that makes nothing but Mickey ears.