>me on the right
Me on the right
post some thicc jojo
got youo.
is this a BLACKED episode?
She a coal burner lad
Hey cunnybros, hows it hanging. Got banned for no reason
>The Rock
his dad is a nigger and his mom is half island chink
Lexee is so much better and sexier
She also a coalburner tho
You spelt chloe wrong user
she's way too lewd
Sorry that happened to you bud. These are dark times I feel like I've been telling myself that for 3 years though
that's not how you spell sex goddess
she's. way. too. fucking. lewd.
>sex goddess
If you make these claims you better back em up
got any brown cunnies?
is this real
I know user, hang in there though. If cunnysuers and waifuists give in to the reddit threat then it's all over
It's hypnotising
Then how come he doesn't look black or asian?
The thing you're looking for
You won't find it here
is this legal
no way
this cant be happening
how old is this girl again?
We gotta fight the good fight
Me in background.
Why is this allowed
muh dick
Meh. The rock is a candy ass pussy. I bet I can even beat him up on a fight. Stupid ass roidy boi.
I look forward to the same level of tolerance shown to cunny threads as are shown to waifu threads these days user
You paedos are why there's a backlash against waifu enthusiasts
tl'dr eat shit
>waifufags banding together with cunnyscum
Just ask if shes kino
then the Sup Forumsedditors wont report your thread and the mods will see a highlighted word (kino) in their report queue and will ignore the reports if there are any
Old enough for rimjobs
18 right
Less than a year until you start your folder reddit. We all been there, we all denied it, we all fought it. Just let it happen.
Cunnyism and waifuism fight the same noble fight for equality and tolerance.
I can't speak for all waifuists but Sershbros stand by our cunnysuers
Forgot my image
Yes. Ask your friends and coworkers what they think of cunny
Saoirse is too old now stop posting her on cunny threads
To be fair, Sershbros have gotten pretty uppity since the jannies have stopped outright dropping the permaban hammer on Sersh threads recently. Don't spread yourselves too thin sticking up for cunny posters and ruin it for the rest of us waifuists.
here's a meme reply to your meme post
It's in solidarity with my cunnybros that I post sersha
This is what I don't get. They creepily spam pictures of underage girls every day of their lives and type out scenarios to go along with them that have obvious sexual undertones to them, yet for some reason they vehemently deny that they're pedo/hebe/ephebophiles? What's the point in denying it? You're already seen as being creepy as shit, it's not like anyone's views on you are going to change.
Your waifu a shit and isn't worth bringing up.
You need to go back reddit scum
It's all just memes. Noise with no meaning.
I'm not going anywhere
reported for being a faggot
I think cunny is more about the cuteness factor. Some real pedos hijacked the movement though.
Don't know what the other words mean but Lexee and JJ are both 16 so legal so Idk what you complain about?
>Some real pedos hijacked the movement though
kind of a "no true cunnyist" thing, huh?
Yeah that was the joke.
Tell me your thoughts on
This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Sershbros think they can just pop off on anyone else's waifu. Forming unholy alliances. You'll get yours user. You'll get yours.
Hey bruh get a trip it would be easier to follow you around
I think it looks nice. Though I wonder why her bottom half looks darker than her top half.
If Japs are Islanders like anglos why don't they show the same inbreeding signs?
yes, those two are, I'm talking about those stupid fozen-and-chill/beckons-to-bedroom girls and the others they post that are younger than JJ and Lexee. I don't even care that they spam it honestly, I just don't get the whole "l-lewd!" thing they do. I guess it's just part of the meme.
She's a whore and a coalburner
What is this waifuist vs. cunny dichotomy shit? Should be on the same team desu
They're just emboldened because she lost weight and saved herself. Give it a few years when she puts it back on and they'll shut up.
hey potatobro :3
hey lexibro :3
we've always been one and the same
only neo-redditor-"""waifuists"" think otherwise
This is why you waifu a literal shit, you'll find me in every sersha thread, I'll post sershas even in non sersha related threads, that's the difference - commitment and dedication
Way to out yourself reddit pleb
That's reddit mentality
>trips are reddit mentality
funny you should say that
Can you blame us after the shit we went through
potatobros are always welcome in cunny threads
it's literally one redditor trying to created discord between the two groups
true waifuists know we're all the same
Yay Jadebro is here
Yeah I agree. It gets creepy with younger ones. Just don't tell my cooler friends.
>it's literally one
It's a bot, newfag :^)
Me in the back.
We have similar interests and the moderation has become increasingly intolerant of both of us over the last few years
hey mister J how are you doing tonight?
That's how I always felt about it too. To me there is no difference