Left or right?

left or right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Look op, We don't fuck niggers here.


1000 times left



tbh id like to try something exotic so right

my left or your left?

obviously left

Yea still left. I'd make love to left.

Left ftw

either of these cunts should have some cute brother, I choose him



Not even once, if the nigger smokes I'll just burn down the building their shitty flat is in.

Look like a couple o' slags.

I see the darkie has a few tats on her legs so she's gotta be four on the floor up de' arse while the white one can suck the ass juice off my cock periodically and lap her friends bloody twat.

I suppose they'll have to switch positions, but te darkie gets those stupid fucking glasses off her face.. prob before I rape her arse.

Us three will have a good ol' time.

Juju (left) is the only choice.

Forgot pic

Right. Smoking is nasty.

>Not even once, if the nigger smokes I'll just burn down the building their shitty flat is in

You'd probably piss your self and cry for your "mommy" the minute that sweet dark meat blew a cloud of smoke in your pimply faggot face.

>pic related

they smoke both

Nura (Right)

Juju all day. Hands down






Right definately, that hair is retarded tho.

I love this one of her. I want to shoot my load on her tongue.

One is a skank, the other a fucking nigger you blind twat.

yeah thats gonna be left.

l,r,c with these three



Dude. This is a SXTN thread. What are you doing?


wtf is this retardation?

Why not both?

SXTN sind scheiße, dennoch schaut man ja mal ab und an die Videos um zu sehen was die fabrizieren. Habe mich aber doch gewundert als ich diese Dame in einem Ihrer Videos gesehen habe.

Blasen kann sie nämlich richtig gut...

Wird von mir auf jeden Fall weiterempfohlen, durfte schon mehrfach in ihren Mund spritzen!

Sorry bestiality isn't my thing.
> the only time to go left on anything


Black girls are fun in bed so right.

Who you choosing?

We do guck them with slavery tho

One is an obvious race traitor and the other is a coon, so neither


shes pretty hot

Center. She's cute.

L C R?

Don't like blacks or skanks so neither

Speak for yourself fag.

both thank you