Eternal /got/ general

Lyanna edition

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old thread

great, now i wanna start a rebellion

I don't think they had highlights in the medieval times

also fuck everyone who dyes their hair blonde in the first place

Much better than the real thing

Sersha is a little to perfect for /got/

From what I understand lyanna is a complete slut

cant wait for this thread to die prematurely

This is a /got/ general fuck off with your pedo shit

who still stannis here

Sometimes she looks pretty enough to give me an erection, but as soon as she opens her mouth to talk the tip of my penis does a bungeejump.

Guys I don't know what to do.

The only reason I even watch this show at all is because of Sophie Turner, but I have a feeling she is going to die next season.
And then what? Will she even have a career after this? I do nothing but browse this board and /hr/ for her pictures, I know it is unhealthy but I just can't stop following her, if there's nothing more then why even live?

Oh look, not only an early thread, but a waifu thread pretending to be a /got/ general.

Prepare to get pruned you faggots

dude stop just talk about got...........ok.?

But I love /got/

Remember that time when the fire lady was alive in the fire and the fire gave birth to wyverns?

>Game of thrones is famous for its characters dying, if for some horrible reason she went out in a blaze of glory, how would you want it?
>Sophie: A long slow episode lasting death where it's just one long scene of my death and no one else, and it's gonna be the last episode of the last season

Why is Sophie such an edgy narcissist?

I mean really

>So you've played Phoenix in X-Men and pretty much had limitless power, if you had that power what would you do with the world today?
>Sophie: Oh my god, I think the world needs fixing. Well my power is telepathy, telekinesis, I guess Phoenix has really no end to her powers, so Donald Trump would be out of the country, and we'd create a wall around him so he couldn't escape, and I mean there's so many negative things happening I would kinda restart the whole world and build a new one, Noah's Ark style

World's fucked up so better destroy it? Really?

You and I both know that /got/ threads with unrelated actress images get pruned.

If it was Sophie as Sansa, fine, if it was Emilia as Dany, okay, but Sersh isn't an actress on the show and obviously can't be incharacter in the op pic.

dude she's cast next season oK??

Honestly hope Jon either fakes his death after the Battle of the Dawn or just gives up the crown so he can go live in peace somewhere.

His life's been struggle, then responsibility and fighting and a balancing act where he has to keep denying himself true happiness, it'd be nice for him to get a chance to really relax.

Yeah makes no sense to me either, but then again Sophie is quite stupid who ever she is

Why would he fake his death?

Nope lily kreuk is the best lyanna

I don't know

Reporting in desu. Stannis for king

He's des bruh let it go and accept it so his des in the books doesn't hit that hard

Why did you copy paste my posts?

Why did you copy paste my posts?

Does anyone want to talk about /got/

>waifu thread is filled with faggotry and cancerous waifu spamming

I prefer bran threads, at least they're /got/

I agree bran is literally our... girl?

stop responding and let the thread die or get pruned

I just watched battle of the bastards

Did anyone else feel sick after it or am I just a pussy?

But why?

What do you guys expecting next season I think the dragon lady will be queen

Why? It wasn't that gruesome and no one you should like died

It was more the corpse hills and suffocation.

Just finished the episode where Jon wakes up.

I don't want to be that guy but I'm getting a real feministy vibe from the show. Should I even bother continuing to watch or shouldI kill myself

Yeah I got the same vibes to the feminist agenda is quite extraordinary in this shows

That part was great

Former /soapfag/ here, Sersh is my new muse, Sophie get fucked you Demoshit Shillary lover go suck a thousand dicks in hell and eat all the poop, fucking butthole motherfucker shit, yeah this is how we roll in America curb-stomping your raggity ass, Potato Sersh forever, Soph swerve tbqhfnsmdfcsifkydns

Welcome to the light brother. Doesn't it feel warm?

>/got/ thread is so dead, the shitposter has taken over.

Horse faced bitch.

who here /baelishforking/

>I don't think they had highlights in the medieval times

What do medieval times have to do with the fictional world of Game of Thrones?

>also fuck everyone who dyes their hair blonde in the first place

But not persons who dye their hair any other colour? Why not?

>tfw you will never capture natalie dormer in your basement, strip her nude, put her on a tight leash and have her crawl on the cold hard concrete while you whip her ass until she's bleeding from both butt cheeks and tell her to oink harder



bran, can never be king

not fit to breed

not fit to lead

you can say all you want, but at the end of the day, it's a fact.

Stannis is still my king, but I'm glad for Stephen Dillane that he's now free of GoT and can do more serious work, he made it pretty clear he never liked the show.