Christianity has Jesus' movies, Islam has Muhammad's movies. What do Judaism have?

Christianity has Jesus' movies, Islam has Muhammad's movies. What do Judaism have?

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Judas' movies.

Literally anything else.

The 6 million holocaust films.


Not even Sup Forums, but yeah, holocaust movies. They also share biblical stories with Christians.


Everything else you silly goy

rugrats passover specials

>holocaust movies

Satan movies.

>Islam has Muhammad's movies

What? No they don't. That's considered idolatry and blasphemous.

Moses movies are the ones that come to mind.

First post best post.

Eight Crazy Nights

They worship the Holocaust, so they've pretty much got that.
Other shit too like Munich or Inglorious Bastards.


Jesus was literally jewish, senpai

Holocaust guilt flicks

Yentl and Chaim Potak's The Chosen and Fiddler on the Roof

>Muslims have muhammad
>Implying portraying muhammad in anything other than in abstract geometric shapes is halal

Why did you post that godawful shit?

>me on the right

In Judaism, God is a code word for "us"

Does owning hollywood count?

Jews have Moses movies?
Fucking retard


Movies by the Coen brothers

Book of Job starring Brendan Fraser when?


Has there ever been an Esther movie?

Charlton Heston and the Ten Commandments. Watch it, it's pure bible kino.

All the money those movies bring in

Literally came here to post this. Bravo.

Anything by Mel Brooks?

anything to do with money...LOL (applause line)
anything to do with the fake holocuast ...LOL (applause line)
anything to do with killing Jsus...LOL (applause line)

moses movies

also Islam doesn't really have Muhammad movies considering your not allowed to

Why did he play a priest in The End? Jewish subversion?

Treasure Island.


holocaust and nazi movies

Came to post this

This was dope. Should I watch Evangelion?

Watch the original series' director cut first,then EoE and then the Rebuilds.

Kike Kino

Ya guys are forgetting the jew-special of the holidays.

that was before jews were "the jew".

>What do Judaism have?

Adam Sandler movies

>Book of Job starring Brendan Fraser when?

it's funny because Brendan can't get a Job

Those silent movies about the Golum

even the poster knows its kino, those Germans have a word for everything