She's one of the best actresses in Hollywood at the moment, why isn't she a hot topic anymore?
She's one of the best actresses in Hollywood at the moment, why isn't she a hot topic anymore?
She's a meme actress and was exposed as a bitch
>She's one of the best actresses in Hollywood at the moment
No lol
>why isn't she a hot topic anymore?
she hasn't been seen publicly in over 2 months
what does a nigger know about acting?
You're all welcome.
Hunger Games ended, Joy kinda fizzled, she was basically a special guest star on Apocalypse (which also kinda fizzled). Top it off with her inheriting the Anne Hathaway "Supreme bitch" crown, people are kinda just bored with her. As is usually the case with people that are primarily film actors.
>she was too universally liked so it became "cool" to hate her
>she jokingly told a foreign press person to get off his phone and fat Midwesterners in America were not able to reconcile that with her usually relatable, friendly red carpet/talk show persona
>during the #oscarssowhite controversy, someone said that Joy was just a movie about a white lady who invented the mop- which sounded like a biting and smarmy thing to say, which was repeated ad nauseam and internalized in the collective consciousness
>people realized teen lit adaptations that are turned into too many sequels are often bad movies
Once her next movie comes out, she will be back in a big way though.
>Sup Forums talking about her not being a hot topic anymore
>when her next movie comes out she will do some random thing and there will be nothing but threads of her
She is a mediocre overrrated actress who gave sexual favors to escale the "Hot list" top, and who ultimately got exposed as a slut.
>somehow doing sexual favors for producers will make the general public love her
Shut up nigger
Instead of being a good actress she tried to bank in on being a quirky It Girl and it kinda backfired when she took it too far and started acting like an obnoxious dick.
Post hand
Seen her asshole, lost interest.
0/10 body
Women can't act.
You kidding? She looks way better naked than she does clothed
I just want to know who took the pictures
>make the general public love her
Media dictates what the public loves. Do you actually think mediocre artists like Kristen Stewart, Justin Biber or OP's got famous for their wholesome personality?
>saleen "muh causes" woodley
>sersha "el potato" ronan
>brie "oscar to capeshit like halley berry" larson
because these cunts exist, you can't name any of that whore's roles that either of these three females can't EASILY do better.
also, she's not jewish, her time is up
What do you mean "Anymore"? She does make "Buzz" for better or worse.
Kek (笑´・艸・) Must be ex boyfriend who went mad cuz he got dumped or something!?!?!? IDK DESU, user!!
She was revealed as a bitch and her "relatable girl next door" image vanished
Are they selling their personal life for the fame ? ..... I dunno... Why don't you try a bit ?
Because everybody has seen her goods.
Overexposed and saturated the market.
Since she is talented she'll pop up in some sleeper hit years from now and people will fawn over her again.
>being this gay is legal
Why is she a bitch?
Why is hathaway a bitch?
She said something remotely feminist along the lines of, "so, can women get paid equivalent salaries?"