I have the worst hangover of my life. Tried going back to sleep but can't. Need practical solutions asap

I have the worst hangover of my life. Tried going back to sleep but can't. Need practical solutions asap.

smoke lots of weed

drink a couple v8, sit in a hot shower until the hot water runs out

Lots of fruit believe it or not try somth like a smoothie

Take multivitamin
Eat something greasy like a burger, or breakfast foods
Take ibuprofen
Eat something sugary to bring your blood sugar back up
Try and sleep




Vomit and try to sleep, there's actually no cure just take it and wait for it to pass

drink a bloody mary

have a candy bar and a coke

drink pedialyte
next time, match every drink with a glass of water during the night. or don't drink so much.

This actually works.

Drink a beer in the shower. have a wank while still in said shower. Put on comfy pants, watch lord of the rings. water, then another beer. maybe some broth if you hold that down.

Trips of truth. Do this and also take Excedrin Migraine. Best OTC pill you can do for a hangover.


That's fucking adorable user. I remember hangovers from back before I was an alcoholic but it's been a long time. Obscene amounts of alcohol is just part of my body's homeostasis now.

la de da boys,
looks like someone respects themselves

how long since your last solid shit?


hair of the dog mate. How much did u drink? Drink about a quarter of that amount with water and try to eat something.

My shits are generally loose but not diarrhea like. A proper turd that actually holds its shape is kinda uncommon for me though.

16 bottles of wine over 3 days. I really, really, don't want to drink another 4.

I heard ibuprofen is bad for hangovers.

You can't sleep because you're dehydrated. I know you're probably not use to this, but drink a glass of water. Then some more then smoke some weed and then go back to sleep.

Fucking scrub.

16 bottles of wine in 72 hours. That's.. got to be some sort of record. Are you Andre The Giant?

I'd do what other anons are saying and get a steam shower, try to eat if u can, pop an ibuprofen.

As an alcoholic, I will warn you that it's dangerous to drink THAT much and then suddenly stop. You could have a seizure or hallucinations. Your heart could stop. I'd advise you to drink at least a few drinks slowly and see if it helps you sleep.

One time I drank about eighteen beers in one sitting, was hot as fuck outside and I started hallucinating badly. I tried drinking water and going to sleep. This was before I knew that when you reach that stage, you could die.

I would bet at least 50 dollars that you're still in high school.

Lol why? I could care less what you think honestly. You asked for help and I'm telling you what I know. You can go get fucked if you're going to be like that.

That's not me. I'm grateful for all the advice.

Cranberry juice. As much as you can drink to hydrate yourself. Hangover will be gone in an hour.

Whoa nice fucking trips, both of you.


Drink gotorade recover. You'll be str8 in like 10 min. Also masturbate

Hangover = dehydration
Drink water or Gatorade


Pickle juice user

When I'm feeling like that, I generally go sit or lie down in the shower.

Ibuprofen is bad for the stomach if consumed regularly. However, taking something like 600mg won't kill you after a night of drinking.

18 beers in one sitting? Babbys first time

It's not just dehydration, your body is withdrawing from a drug. Besides hydrating, eat if possible. Anything you can keep down, the greasiest the better. If you can get your hands on any benzodiazepines, they can help, otherwise your going to have to sleep it off. Get some excedrin pm or unisom, any otc sleep aid. Hair of the dog is not really recommended, it will essentially delay the hangover and can be dangerous.

Puke, then drink as much water as you can. Then eat something and go back to bed.