German Borat is scary

German Borat is scary

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>no one wants to discuss literal kino on Sup Forums


Burgerman here. How did they manage to get this movie made? Isn't Germany super touchy about anything Nazi related?

as long as you say ''nazis are bad'' you have some artistic freedom.

I honestly don't know. They have hitler walking around the brandenburg gate in a uniform which has blatant (but tiny) swastikas on it. Shouldn't that be illegal? I was surprised throughout the whole film he doesn't once approach a police or military officer and try giving them orders.

During one of the borat style interviews where they talk to a guy and Hitler demands to know if he would follow him into battle and the guy asks them to turn the camera off and they fake it and leave it rolling and the guy says, "if you were really him, I would" and they cut there. I feel like maybe he broke character after that when they were filming but watching it I got chills because I believe that man would really do it and it was frightening.

> if you disagree with my political views you are literally Hitler: the movie

Yeah it really scared me, I was shaking, fearing for my life

I had no idea those interviews were unscripted.

>literal kino
This is about Hitler, not Hirohito.

>the real politician interview scenes

Why would real politicians want to be interviewed by Borat?

And the movie just cut their political ideas short

I had some expectation for this movie. But nah they just went full Borat and called the right wingers weak without actually introducing what the right wingers are saying.

What's so chilling about it? He has nothing to do with us or the political spectrum of this age. The Hitler will come again meme.

>The end credits have Hitler driving around like a boss in his open-top Daimler
>all the normies in the streets salute


>I got chills because I believe that man would really do it and it was frightening

What a faggot.

Great movie except for the last 10 minutes where they shove all that bullshit in your face

Cool film but muh holocaust in the end kinda ruined it.

Nah he is just trying to enjoy a show that's all.

The premise of this shit is that Hitler is still relevant. Without assuming it it's a boring Borat wannabe.

Agree. I guess this idea can never get developed beyond random interview. Beyond that is just shitty scheme.

>that ending
O shit

Liked it all up to the ending, much preferred the book ending.

What's the book ending?

>Average Germans agree with his ideas
>His ideas aren't even full on nazi just somewhat nationalistic
>He is non-violent in his tactics
>There is no coercion of the masses , he is just charismatic
>he finally gets people involved in politics

The end reminds me of the end of American History X where they add a last minute moral message to cover themselves but it's delivered so terribly that it doesn't effect you at all.

the ending of american history x explains why Norton was a racist to begin with, I agree that it's tacked on and not well excecuted but the idea behind it is very powerful, which is likely why using it so cheaply at the end feels forced and manipulative.

they weren't

Art is exempt from most of the anti-nazi laws. Besides the laws aren't against portrayal of nazis, but against promotion of nazi ideas.

Trump is 100x worse then Hitler ever was

thanks, ctr

Not really. Ayy, Hitler, lmao is a pretty popular brand of humor in Germany.

whats ctr?

Record status
[ ]Incorrect

>implying I care about politics
>implying I think Hillary is good (but atleast she is sane and somewhat honest).

As long as you say it's "Satire" and "ironic" and have a anti-nazi message in it you can do that

>shouldn't that be illegal
What are you; some sort of fascist?

>somewhat honest

this is bait.

The first time he rose to power was exactly because of all those reasons, just replace jews with refugees. People weren't thinking "WOW THIS GUY SURE IS EVIL BUT I AGREE WITH HIM LET'S DO THIS!". Are you fucking dense?

Hitler rising to power wasn't a bad thing.
People have the right to rule themselves.
Governments aren't god. They don't get to decide what people are allowed to want or who they can elect, what ideas are acceptable and onso.
Killing people unnecessarily feels wrong to me but if the people of Germany felt the minority group they recently let in (Jews) were causing issues and they as a majority (99% of the population) wanted them out then who is to say they shouldn't be able to do it?
Also believing in Nationalism and even ethnic Nationalism doesn't mean you're a lunatic who is going to murder huge numbers of people.
Trump said deportation not gassings and in the end we all know the fucked up system wouldn't even let him deport the illegals so have off it you paranoid fuck.

They let rapists get away because they don't want to be considered racists, that country is cucked beyond repair

>recently let in


Jews actually had a right to be there. Illegals are by definition unregulated

Hitler didn't rise to power because of anti-semitic rhetorics or anti-semitic policies, that's one of the things most people don't get. Hitler rose to power because the economy was in shambles, the middle class was wiped out and the ruling parties were incompetent.

Is the ending saying that the mess of the world could lead to Hitler rising to power more than "people who dislike this are basically Hitler"

yes he did. They took the issue with the economy and provided a convenient scapegoats and sold it to ignorant rural towns and farmers

Hitler wasnt a bad guy
the world war was mainly france's fault. i dont know what they expected desu.

>I believe that man would really do it and it was frightening.
were you literally shaking?

It's a satire of Nazism. But low-IQ Sup Forumsbeards can't understand satire so think it's "redpilled"

It says Hitler is already back (ideologically/mentally) and we didn't even notice.

>jews practice usury and control the central banking system in germany that was causing hyper inflation
>scape goat

whatever you say schlomo

the last 3 federal reserve chairmen have been jews and they've crashed the economy at least 3 times and have destroyed hundreds of billions in people's personal retirement investments and devalued people's assets while inflating the stock prices of the investment banks that cause get away with investing in stupid risky shit because the fed bails them out every time

I want Sup Forums off my Sup Forums
Ugh, I can't even right now...

Yeah that was entirely the jews fault and totally justifies mass deportation and genocide, lol Sup Forums

Sup Forums is literally /rightytumblr/, they're just as bad but their on (((our side)))

Ya i was surprised


it's happening again btw, this time Deutsche Bank fucked up with trash derivatives

What are you guys talking about, Borat? I watched the trailers and haven't seen a single gonzo/prank/non-scripted scene.



It's fucking unfunny shit
(((Critics))) liked it but nobody actually watched that crap

Would you let Hitler hug you if he offered?

They are illegal immigrants that don't give a fuck about this country
fuck of you ignorant leftist faggot

> want safe space from Sup Forums meme
>Criticizing tumblr
Wew lad

no I just want retards to actually follow the rules, but I know that'll never happen :^)

I thought it was funny how most of the Germans were actually pretty happy to see Hitler. And that ham fisted "Hitler is evil" scene where he shoots the dog even though Hitler loved animals

7/10 the producers didn't get the reaction they wanted

>the message is we're too focused on entertainment and irony to recognize a Hitler type character is on the rise

Terrible movie with a few entertaining scenes littered through out

>I got chills because I believe that man would really do it and it was frightening
Hitler did nothing wrong.

>Isn't Germany super touchy about anything Nazi related?
Can you explain why you think that? I have heard that a lot and it is crazy to me as a german.
All my history class was basically just that one period.
They make sure every german knows everything about that part of history. I am pretty sure there are laws about it to make sure it gets taught.
It is also very common to go on a school trip to a concentration camp. Many of which have been build into mini Museums.
And it is illegal to say the Holocaust didn't happen.

So this "you can't talk about it in germany" bullshit just seems really weird.

$0.75 has been deposited into your bank account.

>it is illegal to say the Holocaust didn't happen.
Sounds pretty fascist to me.

Heil ya nigga

As an American I want all illegal immigrants deported.
In part to send a clear message to the world that foreigners will not be allowed to live here just because "they want to" and that American citizenship is a privilege, not a right.

If you wanna live here you can apply first and if you get approval you can come and if you don't get approval either because of quotas or any other reason then you can fuck off. We don't owe you anything.
The American people (and all peoples) should be able to feel an absolute ownership over their countries and can be as discriminatory as they want when it comes to people asking to immigrate in.

I want to value my citizenship.
I want my citizenship to be something highly prized and coveted and not handed out like its toilet paper.
I don't want it to be something easily given out.

Politics aside. This is a great movie which has made a lovely Hitler.

They keep ridiculing him but on a few key issues (mostly related to entertainment media) they made him a brilliant man I admire.

For example there is a clip of all other Hitler parodies. This version of Hitler is given a special chance and power to be "the real Hitler looking at his parodies".

Instead of getting angry or ashamed this Hitler just look at these parodies calmly as a man with mature understanding of parodies. This is really charismatic.

It is illegal in america to say you want to boycott products from Isreal.
Right? That was the one? I knew there was something you are not allowed to say.

But yeah I agree with you. Personally I think people who are stupid enough to deny history should be allowed to say it and show everyone how stupid they are.

>It is illegal in america to say you want to boycott products from Isreal.
Can I get a source for that claim?

Yeah but we're not the USA and being German is still tied to ethnicity and culture.
Doesn't matter if a Turk or whatever is a citizen, they aren't German.

That movie, mockumentary or whatever people want to call it, was downright horrible. Germans cannot into movies in any way shape or form anymore. Almost every joke was awful, the actor playing the beta journalist wasn't funny and way to much time was wasted on setting the story, which surprise surprise, was horrible as well.

The law isn't explicitly Holocaust, it's against the denial of any recognised genocide. Thus it is illegal to deny the Armenian genocide in Germany too.

t. nazi

This thing. The Export Administration Act.

Revolutionary post my antifa comrade!

He didn't mean you can't talk about it, he meant you can't have it IN ENTERTAINMENT. As opposed to education and documentaries.

Half of the turks in germany have german citizenship

I see nothing there about it being illegal to say you want to boycott israel.

You know its a movie and not a documentary, right?

>Americans are really this dumb

>if people don't share my bad taste they are nazis
Nice logic friend

That's the point you mong
They are not and will never be German, even if they are citizens

>Nice logic friend
Fuck off back to Sup Forums

And why wouldn't you be allowed to have it in entertainment?
Schindler's List and Inglourious Basterds weren't banned here in any way.

I think only videogames sometimes have some bullshit banned but that is more a problem with them being blamed for everything bad that happens.

It just fell flat at a few points.
It was really hamhanded at trying to get you to dislike hitler.
They had to go out of their way to do the dog shooting thing when Hitler absolutely loved dogs.
It could have been done way better.
When they have to asspull to give people something to hate about hitler, you know the writers are shit.

That makes no sense.
Ethnicity wise you are all mixed. Mostly Russian rapebabies.

Hitler did kill his own dog out of love

Same with the ending to religulous
>the whole movie is him making fun of people that take religion too seriously
>points out flaws in religions right to religious nuts' faces
>then right at the end says any religion will literally destroy the entire world in a nuclear holocaust

I mean he has a point, but the tonal shift was pretty jarring

epic meme, lad

Because you had to do so much to get your citizenship huh?

Not like it was literally handed to you at birth.

shut up

Yeah that's really weird can't understand why they made that obvious departure. My guess they were sending a clear message that this is a Borat not a real Hitler.

Are you American? because you sure sound like one, faggot


Soon Germany will become 100% muslim and arabs love Hitler so it'll change

Yes i did actually. Had to prove i was a valuable member of society with a degree and a clean criminal background. Took me 10 years and cost $25000. Should have just raped a white woman, then you and your ilk would sneak me in for free so I could fuck your wife.

Yeah I'm a pretty hard tipper and I still thought the movie wasn't actually that good. It is entertaining though if you like random mockery of religion in people's faces. Before he died based Hitch said he would do a fails that's "much much funnier" than religiolous and I think he would've pulled it off.

Why is it always immigrants who hate other immigrants the most?
You are not american. You do not speak for america.

Illegal "immigrants" aren't immigrants. They're leeches and criminals.

Because I earned my citizenship. Fuck border hoppers and fuck hippies who make excuses for them.

maybe just maybe there were different circumstances for you.
Maybe it was an option for you to spend so much money. For many that isn't an option.