Cucked this fag now he's mad what do

Cucked this fag now he's mad what do

fuck his gf some more, lol. and post pics here, ofc

he messaged you instead of kicking the shit out of you, fuck his gf more

I had situations like this. THE BEST thing to do at this point it to ask for his number and call him right the fuck away. Ask him "The fuck is yo problem nigger" and you will feel him shiver over the phone.
And tell that gf that she can straight up suck your dick becouse the dude she is with is the biggest faggot in existance yo.

And you yourself is a fag OP

Troll the faggot, rustle jimmies then post results obviously

I second this motion.

Whats his body build? Could you take him if you fuck this up? If you can, go ahead

If this is dubs send him a dick pic

Post pics?

Also fuk that guy, why the fuck is he messaging you?

His girl is the one he's in a relationship with, not with you. He should be breaking up with his girl instead of talking to you. Break up with the hoe and find another chick.

I dont get why dudes do this shit. If ur girl fucks another guy or flirts with another guy, get mad at the girl, not at the dude. If the knows shes in a relationship then he's a scumbag but not really at fault, if the dude didnt know then he's not a scumbag and STILL isnt at fault.


Fucking kek I just had this shit happen to me about a month ago. Fuck with him user, straight up tell him "No, how about you lose contact so she can be with a real man" that'll lead to something good

post pics of the chick u nigger

I'll die if I send that

Are you scared of him op?

Of laughter maybe, if this fool was serious he'd tell you this shit to your face. Instead he's acting like a little bitch on IG with that gay ass dog filter. Do it!

He's four years older than me and her

Show pics of her

This is them btw lol

And how old are you?

Context op

How old are you? 12? If you're scared of some pussy ass bitch because he's slightly older than you then you should just do what he says like the little cuck you are.

come on he looks like a faggot


What did you do with her?

Did you actually fucked his gf or were you stalking?

Somehow this feels like OP didnt actually fuck the gf, more like orbiting

we were just talking non stop

so you didn't do anything?!

take her out for bubbletea and see where it goes. Give lots of little physical touches, and invite her to watch a movie at your place.

Why are you trying to get with some other dude's girl? She's not even that cute tbh

So you did not in fact cuck anyone

Wow, you're a cuck

90707441982 if you want to fuck with the cuck

Bitch got a man jaw


I wouldn't want to fuck either one. And I'm bisexual.

Sigh. A bitch like you tried to stalk my GF, I'd tell you to back off, too. You strike me as a beta manchild.

She's not even hot.

this is false some coon named michael answered sound like a chill dude

then you didn't cuck him, he's just putting you in your place like the little bitch you are

You didn't even fuck her. 404 this gay faggot thread

op is a cuck


I don't know why the cheaters themselves get a free pass. If a chick cheats on me, I'm not gonna beat the dude she cheated on me with's ass. And anybody who expects me to is a dickhead. I'm just breaking up with the bitch.

Actually happened to me a few years ago too. My then girlfriend of 6 years cucked me out with some faggot at work who knew that I was her boyfriend. Once I found out, I packed all of her shit and put it all in the drive way. When she got home, I told her "Go and live with Jerry. See if he'll put up with your bullshit for 6 years like I did." She ended up moving in with the dude too, but she was kicked out of his house and was forced to live with her parents because he was cheating on her as well. I tell you, man. Relationships really make people fucking stupid. I don't care how much I love someone. If they deceit me like that, I'm kicking her out and letting her "bull" support her bitch ass, and if he's reluctant to care of her, well then she better be good at surviving without a home. Good riddance.

Op show pics of you must compare the cucker to the cuckee

Those kids look like they 13

Amazing story big boy, but have you actually tried read the fucking thread?

you fucking retard its not "cucker" the correct term is a bull faggot

ever seen 13 reasons, the show about someone killing themself?
sure were a lot of misunderstandings due to lack of communication.
as a high schooler yourself, looking for approval on Sup Forums, maybe you could actually just let someone else live their own life. she doesn't need your help, she just wants things to be easier. you're being used, user, by her. if she needed help, she wouldn't ask a teenager.

tldr; you aren't helping her / him. you're just preventing closure


aaaand fatfingered his number, take out that second 0

>13 reasons why
your the high schooler my guy

because he's a scumbag

get a life, kid

and you must be a nice guy
reminds me of that screencap of some cuck messaging guy's gf that he doesn't deserve her, but it was her reading it

Yeah, OP is a retarded fag who believes that talking to someone's girl equates to cucking them. So what? What is your point? I'm pretty sure what I said could've still standed whether or not I read this gay ass thread either way. And I was replying to the other guy.

But by all means, if you wanted to feel special for participating, yes. Yes I did read the thread.


nice guy? the fuck are you talking about you tard. If you know a chick is going out with some dude and you fuck her then ur a scumbag, ultimately its the chick who should get the blame because she's in a relationship, but doesnt mean you are free n clear from the situation. Tell the hoe to break up with her man or straight up tell the dude what his chick is doing.

True story- she asked op
To stop harrassing her he wouldn't so next step boyfriend asked

i'm 25

I hope he murders you.

OP you are a faggot and a cuck

Don't mess with the really insecure guys, a lot of them are really psychotic deep down inside just waiting for the trigger, next thing you know he finds out where you live and have a bullet in your fucking head.