How are they going to ruin this beautiful bitch in the reboot

How are they going to ruin this beautiful bitch in the reboot.

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I thought it was cancelled?

>In another potential shakeup, the showrunner said his team is having to reconsider the show’s iconic costumes – especially now that Game of Thrones’ fully armored Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) has updated pop culture on what a female warrior realistically looks like.

Don't they know Xena is supposed to have kind of a Ancient Greek setting? Did they even really watch the series or did they just block out everything that wasn't 'problematic'?

Thats not all friendo. They're "addressing" the who gay thing. They're saying xena is going to be overtly gay. Whatever that means.

>watching hercules
>"hey doesn't that centaur lover remind you of someone herc?"
>"yes salmonellas she looks a lot like xena"

hehehe i love these shows

>Most medieval soldiers had light armors like mail and leather.

Well at least Lucy Lawless showed us her tits while it was still worth it. No Xena reboot can take that from me.

They're so fucking terrible but I can't stop myself from enjoying it.

Why is Brienne such a huge deal all if a sudden? To the point that she's affecting genres that are totally unrelated.

>A great deal of the appeal of the show lies in certain pulpy elements – like Gabrielle’s bare midriff, Xena’s leather miniskirt, Callisto’s amazing and gravity-defying… well, you get it,” he said. “And it’s hard for me in the post-Brienne of Tarth era to reconcile with the idea that Xena and her friends can meet every challenge in such skimpy outfits.

Being shot in NZ didn't hurt either. Pretty sure some of the stunt guys in LOTR had worked on Xena/Hercules as well.

HOW MUCH YOU WANNA BET THAT HERCULES WILL WEAR NO SHIRT. The fucking hypocrisy is thick with this one.

>Hercules is played by Buck Angel

If they are going with a "realistic" look, or rather make a female version of contemporary armor basically what Xena would be wearing is first of all a bronze breast plate with giant tits on it. That's of course assuming that like the male hoplite armor, it'll be based on ideal anatomical features.

She's not unless some other faggot was going on about how she has apparently had an impact on pop culture.

It's easier to pay some armorer to make imposing armor tha to get a fat bitch actress to work out and look the part.

>at least 10-15 more years of people trying to create the next Brienne of Tarth for their show
Pls no

But honestly, Xena's armor wasn't that bad. The vambraces, the skirt, the greaves were contemporary features of MALE armor. The only real problem I can see is that her torso is mostly leather rather than bronze plate.

Isn't the whole point of xena that she's a wandering warrior? Why would she be wearing standard armour. She would just wear whatever the fuck she can get.

What I'm more interested in is who's got the chops to play my domfu.

What's wrong with herc with no shirt?

Don't you mean your new transfu?

I think they're going to cut her all together. But if they don't she won't be an outright villain.

Now I think I understand what /fit/ is striving for.

Nothing. But herc has skimpy clothing and xena doesn't. It's stupid. They have to pick one style and stick to it.

Replace her with some ugly skinny jewish woman.

fuck off reeeee

Moar Callisto!

>she'll be a lesbo
>all mens are evil
>im fighting the patriarchies
>problem glasses
>coloured hair


She's a very successful wandering warrior with a past of leading infamous bandit parties. I mean back on this days, most free and successful men owned their own armor and weapons. Having a bronze spear, a shield, a sword, some plate and greaves was basically the norm for any respectable man at the time. You were expected to form your own militia if need arose. Raiding a village meant you'd probably secure dozens of such sets.

She could've played Harley in suicide squad.

How likely was a woman to be of that size during medieval times? Also if they're gonna bring up "realism," hopefully they do some actual research.

No way I would watch without Flawless.

Also post reaction images and context because I haven't watched in years.

uh...yeah...xena never had lesbionic undertones lmao

obviously but lets be serious they will do overtunes that will be cringy as fuck like that gen z cartoon

Good luck doing this in full plate. This is the problem with the armour thing. It's a small change but it means she can't do her crazy fight moves and without that the show loses its charm.

U wot m8?

>that fit belly
Uhh... l-lads



She's still got it as far as I'm concerned.

Here's a xena thread that was on /wsg/. It's got some fresh webms.

I want reaction images not webms

>tfw Joxer will somehow be an even more beta cuck in the reboot

But they're high quality user.

No I want low quality and I phone post.

I command you to leave!
I hereby banish you from this realm!
Go back from whence you came!


what the FUCK is that website?

>recast as an aboriginal
>now is a militant dyke instead of an implied lipstick lesbian
>gabrielle is a submissive bottom stereotype

>especially now that Game of Thrones’ fully armored Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) has updated pop culture on what a female warrior realistically looks like.
is this an admission they're about to cast a grotesque beast instead of an outdoorsy qt3.14 like young Lawless was at the time?

>what a female warrior realistically looks like

what the fuck is their problem? Hercules was supposed to wander around naked under a fucking lion skin, there is NOTHING supposedly realistic about tales based on mythology of any kind or culture

Is Paul Bunyan supposed to look like a hipster faggot who doesn't cut down trees because he went paperless years ago just because that's what nu-males "realistically" look like that today?

It's 2016 and females are no longer just sex objects. I think full platemail is a daring attemp to make a first medieval transwoman.

Yes they are. Just like everybody else are.

More like:
>It's 2016 and popular culture is all about subverting (((problematic))) tropes so it panders to a marginal audience's vapid identity political sensibilities

well said, sir, could not agree more

give her lame lines that gabrielle had, when old xena refused to suffer that shit and just drank and fought instead

also minorities fucking EVERYWHERE

post more Xena less of the blonde pls


Yeah this is gonna flop

Brienne's armor is horribly unrealistic for the simple fact that she doesn't wear a helmet.

Wearing full plate without a helmet is CATASTROPHICALLY stupid. No one did this in real life. If you could afford any armor, you started with the helmet.

I'm gonna need some evidence on that famalam

Black lesbian covered in a jihad , she fights the patriarchy now

There were already minorities every fucking where. There was heaps of gay shit and even a tranny too.

i dont watch tv anymore but i think the show is called sparticus that she shows em

FUCK THIS BULLSHIT!! I'm a huge Xena fan BUT thanx to Hercules. What made Xena the legend it is was Hercules and all the crossovers of supporting characters on both shows. Before the Marvel Cinematic Extended Universe, before the DCEU, there was the Hercules/Xena universe and crossovers. Everyone loved watching both Xena's primary enemies like Callisto interacting with Hercules and watching Hercules events affect Xena later. It was the first true fictional/fantasy universe of its kind not counting Star Trek.

Without the extended universe, without Hercules, and now infected also by the SJW bullshit by turning Xena and Gabrielle into lesbians this show will be forgotten and unwatchable. It was mostly a demographic of men and teenage boys that loved this show. By turning them into lesbians it will now appeal only to fags and dykes who don't even care about the mythology of the universe. FUCK THEM!!

>implying a lanky woman is strong
Seriously retarded, a tall woman isnt going to have any more muscle mass than a short woman, she's also going to weigh more and have terrible back problems

When tall people roid they can become extremely strong, but otherwise they're just skeletons

I'm no SJW nor do I want to see a bunch of lesbians mowing each other's lawns.

Played by Melissa McCarthy

Sometimes I read these threads and wonder if any of you actually watched Xena. Like all of Xena, not just an ep here or there to fap. It's already gayer and more SJW than most shit on tv these days.

>I want to see a bunch of lesbians mowing each other's lawns.

>all if a sudden?

Suddenly. You mean suddenly.

what's to ruin, this and hercules were always a piece of shit for autistic children

>what's to ruin, this and hercules were always a piece of shit for autistic children

>Doing Xena flips in the air and acrobatics in full plate

Yeah no, rip reboot

she looks like Grimes

When you see pics like this, it's easy to see why the Greek legends might have had a grain of truth to them.

it's not bait if it's true autist

how crosseyed are you

>female warrior

Why is that?

>female hating user
>not autistic

Jesus Christ. I-it won't happen right? They're not that crazy are they?

Er, are you a lady...? Because, and I say this as someone who is very conservative in daily life, you say lesbians and have most guys full attention. In more than one sense.

Aside from that, I sort of agree. Plus, I don't feel it needs a remake. It's campiness only gets better as time goes on. I'll still have a look, but more out of curiosity. I give it a season, maybe two.

It's not like she didn't also have a son through a male lover and have male love interest either. She was bi if anything. Making her a straight up dyke takes away from the character.

in the reboot, hercules is going to be a woman.

wait, but if Joxer is going to be played by a woman, we can't have her played as a fuckup, because that sends the wrong message

To be fair she wears a helm in the book. Every one does and hats and hoods too cause it gets cold as shit at the wall. But you cant do that in a show cause how are the retards that the companies believe us to be recognize the main cast.

>it's a voyager crossover episode

>especially now that Game of Thrones’ fully armored Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) has updated pop culture on what a female warrior realistically looks like.


aren't there dragons in GoT?


u wot m8


If she's this kind of woman, than I'd be OK with it. I don't want another Gal Gadot type of chick.

>attractive lesbians
>no guys will watch it
what are you? gay?

they are just talking armor autist.

They seem to forget in GoT that there are women that run around in leather bikinis to fight. One has exposed midriff and everything.

can Americans pls hand over intellectual property rights of their older tv/cinema to a non-profit like they did with internet?

She's covered just as much as a male warrior.

>lipstick lesbian

Xena was butch as fuck

More women should lift.

Filename got me.