>tfw Luke Cage premieres on Netflix in less than a month
How excite are you, user.
>tfw Luke Cage premieres on Netflix in less than a month
How excite are you, user.
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Me likey superhero me likey punch bad men with rap music!!
Literally who?
Nigger show
why is this character interesting ?
I'll watch it.
The trailer didn't seem to be selling some kind of BLM agenda like other shit that comes out these days would.
None. It's a show for blacks about blacks. Timed well, when "black lives matter"
because it's pretty much a blaxploitation character, he's a huge nigger punching bad guys and making jokes. He's pretty fun.
Too bad they hired the least charismatic actor alive to play him on tv just so he could be Jessica Jones's huge dildo with no personality, so his series is DoA.
>Luke Cage, also known as Power Man
>Unbreakable skin
>Accelerated healing factor
could daredevil kill him? how cna he even die? fro,m trailer they gave impression he's invincible.
It's a rather generic powerset, but these stuff have always been about the interpersonal relationships. The guy is essentially a miniature black Colossus, and yet in Deadpool there is remembered more for everything else but his powers.
Are they canonically m8s?
again, why is he interesting, what are his flaws, his motivation, dreams and so forth..
and what is his cryptonite? I hear hes quite tough to take down.
theyre only mates, cause DD cant see he's black and nobody told him yet.
Every character on Jessica Jones was boring and generic as fuck besides Kilgrave.
>how excited are you for invulnerable BBC: the series
About 0%.
cannot wait to be BLACKED desu
Well, the original version was pretty fun. Modern Luke Cage is just boring.
>More capeshit
Will it ever end?
>and what is his cryptonite
Just don't watch it
Whitey gonna freak!
aren't niggers supposed to do the cucking?
I have not watched it for ten years. It's not working
not at all
Spider-bull does the cucking here, friend.
like half of all new pilots and movies are capeshit, its hard to avoid.
>MCU cucks actually exist on this board
Getting owned by Spider-man is just a day in the life for Luke Cage.
Did he just call out Spidey for being on Iron Man welfare?
With the show coming out should I bother to watch that Jessica Jones one?
I'll probably watch it since I fell for the netflix meme but I don't expect it to be good.
Luke Cage doesn't wear a cape
Spider-man now owns Parker industries, and is richer than Tony Stark, so Luke Cage can just shut up. No wonder his wife wants the spider D.
I don't see why you would watch one capeshit show and skip the other.
>616 Spider-man is in his late 20s/early 30s
>He's a veteran hero and a peer to the original Avengers and Fantastic 4
>we're forever stuck with Spider-babby in the movies due to Ultimate Spider-man
fuck Bendis, I swear
>Sup Forums inventing reasons to hate based Power Man cus "muh nigger", "muh cuck meme"
Nicholas Cage literally picked his stage name Cage from the character.
i dont pay much attention but it seems like thor is pretty much the only marvel hero who wears a cape
Vision wears a cape.
Dr. Stranges most defining aesthetic feature is his dracula-cape.
Kill yourself, degenerate.
>not liking the Wincest twins and sexy Trish getting beat up
you're gay user
I'm looking forwards to it, I loved Luke in the comics (though he is a bit of a dick for the first part of Alias, but something something Bendis), and I think the actor has presence.
Because easily hurt and 'brave because they bleed' heroes are so rare these days. I like Luke because he could stand toe-to-toe with all but the most powerful of the Avengers and yet he chooses to stay grounded. And his power set just means those close to him are his weakness, and gas and electricity and blunt force trauma and drowning.
Yeah, Daredevil would be pretty much fucked unless they give him plot device powers. Matt gets fucked up regularly by mere mortals. Luke is easily the most powerful character in their circle; just see how he was chasing Jess around in JJ.
I personally liked JJ, it was something different, but people like to shit on it around here. It is somewhat important if you are going to watch Luke Cage, as he is a fairly important character.
In Jess Jones he almost died from a pointblank shotgun blast fucking his brain up. I guess that foreshadows that Daredevil, Iron Fist and even the fucking Punisher could beat Luke Cage if they prepare.
Sure, and all three would be spread over the street if it had been them. No one ever said he couldn't be hurt. It just takes a lot more than any of the other Defenders. Matt might be able to plan around Luke's durability, but if it came down to the two of them in a mostly empty room, Matt has very few options.
I will never get used to seeing Spider-Man not care who sees him without his mask. Fuck current Marvel.
In the Comics, Daredevil beats up Luke. Daredevil can also take on Wolverine.
Wolverine's expression in the last panel is pretty great.
...how? He should be physically unable to so much as scratch Luke, and Logan knows everything Matt was taught fighting wise, is as fast or faster, tougher, and has over a century of experience.
I like Matt, but he should be the serious underdog here, tot he point it's silly. His enhanced senses are his power. Otherwise, he is basically just an especially skilled ninja.
>it's a BLACKED episode
>still no Punisher series
it's confirmed, just be patient
Yes, yes, very excited.
He's a nigger.
Poor guy is so scared of heights he chained himself to the building
very sad :^(
I have the panels saved but I can't find them. The Daredevil vs Wolverine one is famous, though. It gets posted a lot on Sup Forums. Daredevil is faster and calmer and could stun Wolverine with the right attacks.
To be fair, that's about the most likely thing to kill him with his power set, severe blunt-force trauma (from falling, or otherwise) that no one can help him with.
The trailer was pretty good, so I will give it a try.
Why does he wear the chain?
He belts people with it.
That page is from like 10 years ago, stick to your Raimi films kid.
He grew up on the streets, and was falsely accused on a crime. This led him to being experimented on in prison, which is where he got his powers of almost unbreakable skin. He met up with iron Fist/Danny Rand and in the 60s-70s this was a big deal because of race relations. They had their own little C-List team where they took on small time criminals. Down the line, Bendis brought him back and he got to dating Jessica Jones. Bendis gave him a big role with Steve Rogers/Cap during Civil War, which led to Luke leading the New Avengers (Iron Man sold him the Avengers Mansion for $1)
His superpower is also his greatest weakness. If he gets internal injuries, he can't really get surgery to get cut open. There was one issue where he swallows Ant-Man/O'Grady, gets a stomach ache and shits him out, imagine if Ant-Man turned giant inside Luke's body, that could fuck him up.
DD's dad got his face pounded in by a guy who could turn his hands into steel. DD himself is just as durable as his daddy and twice the fighter.
The Murdock clan have the superhuman power of getting fucked up repeatedly and not dying from it.
Not at the time that comic came out.
A little bit but I'd rather netflix had just combined Luke Cage and Iron Fist into the one show. You know, like the actual fucking comic and they're already dangerously past saturation point.
3/3 reasons for dropping a show right there
Wolverine gets his ass beat by especially skilled ninjas fairly regularly. He's a mid tier fighter, but he can tank anything thrown at him.
I kind of agree, but it's fair to let them get their origins out first.
Luke and Iron Fist started out separate then IF sales were terrible so they threw him into Luke's book who wasn't doing too hot either. IF does an amazing job of balancing him out, though
Wait, so is Luke Black Friend Forever with Daredevil or Iron Fist? I thought him and Danny were the power team.
>comparing the movie flicks to the Netflix kíno
This is hilarious.
>life gets wrecked
>damaged goods
>everyone forgets about her existing
>she hooks up with a black guy
>still daydreaming with that white guy who got away
I love it.
Coc bros
Cant wait for tvs reaction to the blacked scenes theyll make
Remember when the Punisher got plastic surgery to become black and then fought crime with Luke Cage?
why does he need to be black to fight crime ?
>hooks up with a black guy who she used to abuse herself, and ended up getting knocked up by, while he was still seeing other hoes he saw as more important.
Get it right user.
It's especially amazing if you read Bendis' 'what if' fanfiction where she makes one decision different, and ends up saving the world from Day M and marrying Steve Rodgers.
I do love Jessica, her existence and life makes Carol's seem normal and well adjusted. And there is more to come!
He needed to be black because some guys were chasing him so he asked a former pill popper surgeon to make him unrecognizable. When he woke up from surgery, he was black.
I don't read the comics, I was just making vague guesses as to what happened with her life.
>writing interracial in comics
Who could have guessed it?
Give them a quick read. Alias and Pulse are relatively short runs, and offer something different to the show. By Pulse, Jessica is far better adjusted than in the show, and in early Alias I would argue more messed up.
She literally sleeps with Luke (who goes to bed with her while she is speech-slurring drunk, after she has used his bar to drink herself into oblivion before) and let's him do her up the ass to 'feel anything'.
Later on she goes to his house for help, and he basically tells her to fuck off. He does send Matt to represent her when he later realizes how serious it is, but he still tells her to go away because he's with another woman.
Hell, Carol Danver's is her best friend and entire social support network (a remnant of the fact she was supposed to be Jessica DREW). That's how fucked her life is.
>"Lucas will feel guilty about this."
No, he won't Jess, he really won't. You just get filed under 'Messed up, but freaky in bed'/Crazy.
Their interactions don't really gel well with Pulse, where it makes out Luke actually loved her for a while before Alias, and admired her as a heroine. It makes him double the asshole for enabling her and taking advantage while she self destructed.
I wonder if the difference in her personality as Knightress and the short story and then the mess she is in Alias will be the drive behind the new ongoing?
For the irony
>he doesn't know about Power Man
>give them a quick read
I'd rather read Judge Dredd, Alien, Predator or anything else really.
>Only a month and a half before Iron Fist wraps production
How excited are you?
Judge Dredd I can understand, but Alien and Predator?
I can't be hyped for it since I know they're going to make Heroes for Hire, featuring Daredevil.
>Judge Dredd I can understand, but Alien and Predator?
Surprisingly enough, there's quite a few comics worth reading. Not all of them, of course. There's more of them which are meant to be just action and nothing else, but there is a small number of them which are actually well written and decently drawn.
Some of the crossovers are very good. Batman vs Predator, for example.
>Xenomorphs and Predators attacking Dredd
That's it creeps.
wont it just be the first season of that shitty show jessica jones
This guy is pretty based.