My partner made me watch 4 seasons of Big Bang Theory
It wasn't that bad at all
Nice to see Sup Forums being wrong about these things
My partner made me watch 4 seasons of Big Bang Theory
It wasn't that bad at all
Nice to see Sup Forums being wrong about these things
I guess it was the first four seasons. If so it makes sense you didn't dislike it. The first three seasons are fine for a sitcom, not great, not bad. 4 is where it starts to go all wrong and the downhill roll just gets faster and faster from there.
I like all the seasons true kino.
Get better b8 loser
Wait for all of them being in a relationship, you will witness the true horror of cringe.
>nerds can't have bae
it's pretty realistic.
I don't really ever recall Sup Forums hating TBBT. As current throwaway mainstream sitcoms go, it's probably the best.
>reddit the show
>Hi im jewish nerdy girl who always talk about sex haha muh orgasm
Just say your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband for fuck's sake.
>partners have to be human
I doubt a dog will make you watch TBBT.
maybe he's a no nonsense detective
you have shit taste m8.
seriously though the first 2 seasons weren't as cringey as the absurd mess the show ended up being
Cowboys watch TBBT? I bet your favorite movie is broke back mountain you faggot.
No. Proper reddit terminology would be SO.
what? you can't be in love with yourself anymore? why would you otherize the "other" as an other, why are you so hateful? do you hate all others?
Anything that has a laugh track is instantly in the "to only be watched if being tortured" category.
First four are good. Everything after sucks.
TV is wrong about A LOT.
sorry i mean Sup Forums
i'm a bit tired.
tv has their head up their own asses, this shit is true kino never gets bad.
First two seasons were acceptable time wasters, but it turned into garbage real quick when they found out how easy it was to pander all of their jokes to the quirky "nerd" crowd and normies that care about romance and relationships.
How am I supposed to identify with these "loser nerds" when they get hot gfs they fuck every night.
It has no laughtrack, it's live studio audience
Why was this series so anti-semitic?
>Haha the jew lives with his mother and mistreats women xD
i have to admit that i actually liked the first few seasons, but then they changed their target audience from actual college students/ nerds to, well, normies. also, everybody seemed to be a "nerd" all of a sudden. i had just started engineering and the amount of chicks who watched the show and pretended to be a nerd when you just knew they couldn´t have been one back in school was nerve wracking
For all intents and purposes it's the same thing. It's indescribably bad.
Same shit. What to you think they do when they shoot a scene several times in a row? Laugh at the jokes exactly the same 10 times? It's fake laughter.
Probably wanted to say boyfriend but didn't want the thread to derail into
that means nothing, every joke goes through multiple takes before it can be used in the final cut and many rely on editing or camerawork. The audience is just there to fulfill an obligation to perform the laughs that will be sampled in the laughtrack for each episode.
>people ever liking this show
>people thinking any of the seasons are good
>people still watching sitcoms in the current year
Can you all adopt trips I can easily filter?
but did he give you the dick between eps?
it seems concerning that a man would pretend to like TBBT, so the only alternative is that it was in fact a faggot and thus OP is literally a faggot as well.
Pretty sure tbbt has canned laughter, but sitcoms with more than one take can have live audiences. Look up Seinfeld bloopers.
>OP is literally a faggot
Dont you have nap time now, Sup Forums?
>a poo
>a literal Jew
>a scrawny fish head
>a Bazingster
the only thing I tolerate about this crap is Penny and that's because I wanna fuck her everyday
penny is broad shouldered and masculine. do not want.
i never understood what people like about her, she doesn´t have a pretty face and gets fat in the later seasons
She's that good thick
she looks like a frog or these little girls who were born without most of their brains, you can have her
> made me watch 4 seasons
stopped reading there
>not posting her ass in yoga pants
u srs m8
>stopped reading there
but then you wouldn´t know what show he´s talking about?
It isn't that bad. It's not good, it has quite a lot of low effort jokes and the types of things you'd say to friends that are only worth a chuckle get a huge laugh track, but it does have some decent jokes. Once again, Sup Forums hates popular things
TBBT and other sitcoms are probably more fun when you're watching it cuddling up with your qt girlfriend to be fair
pretty much this
I watch it for Penny's ass and Bernadette's Tits. The show is low brow humor but it's harmless.
Neither of those seem like they're worth the time invested.
>I watch it for Penny's ass and Bernadette's Tits
you´re pathetic
They aren't but I'm a shitposter on Sup Forums. Clearly I'm not doing much with my life.
Eh, I aint mad at you. Someone has to do the dirty work to get good tit shots from shows like two broke girls for people like me.
I want to shit in Kaley Cuoco's mouth
You post it then, succboi