So what's the story with carrie fisher?

so what's the story with carrie fisher?

did she completely lose it?

Other urls found in this thread:

What did she mean by this?

midlife crisis


We've missed you!! Getting ready to return to the United States!!

she's redpilled as fuck

We missed you, getting ready to ??? to the ??? states

*return to the states

really makes you think...

if you think you might get ahead of yourself, make sure you've got a great behind

Sweet never deciphered this one. Thanks

holy fuck she's like the zodiac killer if he had twitter

this is fun

Sup Forums here. Can you guys seriously not read 1337?

She has serious mental illnesses, her dog is her support dog thats why she brings it everywhere

That's not the 13375P34K I grew up with.

>the kiss in ANH was improv the voices in her head told her to do

I can believe this

>let's just have this kid grow up in Hollywood and see what happens

thanks, carrie.

I think the dog might be controlling her at this point

If you something following something something
I can't read this. Help cypher-user

if you follow instagram, then check out @garyf

best I got

OH it's If you something follow instagram

The last part is Hathellway, w/e that is

>single eyeball
>I have no mouth but I must scream smily

There's a secret pattern to this. I'm sure. And if only I could understand it the horrible truth she's trying to tell us would reveal itself.


"If you follow Instagram, then check out @garyf. Share and/or Praise the Lord. They're sick..."

I think I'm getting there. I can't tell if it making less and less sense means I'm closer or further away

if you following instagram then check out @garyfe sher and/or praise the lourd they're sick, in that well way

you're cracking the davinci code twitter version


it's for the dog