At my wife's son's graduation

At my wife's son's graduation
Dubs decide what do

>wife's son's

Just sit and be respectful, you goddamn aspie. It's not 2007 and we don't trolololololol anymore.

Pull out 9mm

Break off the relationship

get your wife to dongcopter you for a bit whilst saying, 'WOOOOOOOOOOOO' after each student receive diploma

During quiet part yell out I love to eat my wife's stank farts

Looks like a shitty school
take the diploma from your wife's son and throw it in the garbage
then kick down all the chairs while shrieking

Sit respectfully and quietly, clap when his name is called. Thats what you were going to do anyway you faggot

stand up and shout how proud you are when some random kid walks to get his diploma

yell out the entire 'what did you just say about me...' pasta

rolling for this

better record it


this, but only the kids right before, and right after, your wife's son. basically slipping him.


How about sit there and be respectable, allowing him to have his moment you pos.

Stand up whip your dick out and fap when your wifes son goes on stage you cuck

OP is a faggot

wolf whistle whenever a girl walks across the stage


pretend to be a pedo

What shitstain town do you live in?

I live in Seoul, why do you ask?

>wife's son
kekkle mcdoubleshekkle