Will this be the best Spider-Man adaptation? Will Marvel once again prove that they are kino-gods? What will be Rotten Tomatoes score?
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I hear Wesley Snipes is playing Jonah Jameson
You almost got me.
Even Disney would have that fucked up casting.
>that flash is real, Donald Glover is cast (character unconfirmed)
kill me
>Flash "Chad" Thompson is a numale pooloo
What did Marvel mean by this?
Soro's Minority-Man
Bong, jew, nog, other kind of nog, third kind of nog, obese asian, paki, and Tony Stark: The Movie.
I dont understand. Why is uncle ben black? It makes no sense :/
pooloo wat is that?
>Boy of colour bullies white boy in school
HOW did they get away with this
what happened last time a tv show was recasted with a stock standard list of poor oppressed minorities? wasnt it complete shit because of the lack of chemistry because people were casted by their skin colour?
that's the absolute worst possible casting choice for flash thompson and i'm not even talking about his race.
The guys role is unconfirmed. It's probably a joke.
This is retarded, and not because I have anything against diverse casting.
I understand being in Queens not everyone is gonna be white (in fact most people really won't be), but by going this far with diversifying the main cast they're basically shining a huge spotlight on the notion that "while anyone can be a teenager in high school, only the white dude can be the superhero."
If you're going this diverse, why even bother making Peter white? It just reeks of false, half-assed intentions.
Better to give Parker a few more white friends so he doesn't look like Daeny in a sea of brown like some diamond in the rough.
He's supposed to be a regular guy that anyone can relate to. That goes out the window when they literally make him look like a special snowflake.
>It just reeks of false, half-assed intentions.
But that's what it is. Propaganda is not about believing in what you're doing, but making others believe in your stead.
I wouldn't say it's so much propaganda or conspiracy shit, more like corporate idiots trying to keep up with changing demographics but not really knowing how. I would've added some non-white characters from the comics while still keeping Flash and a few others white.
I can see a mixed or black girl having a name like Mary-Jane Watson so that's not really a big deal, but an Asian named Osborn is just silly.
If it wasn't for the sake of propaganda they wouldn't do it. They're well aware of where the money is. If you don't believe yet in disney driven propaganda just take a look at their tv shows.
Considering that
1. He's brown
2. He's a manlet
They will probably have flash not bully Parker. And just be a character that has the same name, but shares no other characteristics. Kind of like what they did with Zemo.
Propaganda has a political aim, it tries to influence public opinion or reality. I don't think depicting kids in Queens being blacks and Hispanics is going to make people see Queens any differently than it already is.
Seriously, I've been to Queens. White people aren't exactly the norm there by any stretch. So I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Here's your problem, you're not looking at the larger picture.
Why not come up with new and original characters if you feel like they need more representation?
Why not use one of the many pre-existing characters of color from the source material (Gloria Grant, Michelle Gonzalez, Chad, Randalph Robertson, Ganke, etc) if you feel like they need more representation?
Jews are in a logic of destruction of anything that was made by the white.
I'm not even meming, look it up, it's really a thing.
Jews are the greatest of the whites.
They're responsible for most advances of the last several millennia.
Not a single white person.
>A paki called Flash Thompson
>Asian got Harry Osborn
>implying it will top Raimi's white power masterpiece
obviously not the real casting but Sup Forumstards will believe it
it's Liz Allen not Gwen Stacy, and Ned Leeds not Harry Osborn
>Ned Leeds
>any given comic book character
>not created by a jew
Marvel is getting cucked rather hard with this one innit
It's actually partly true. see it may as well end up 90% true.
>spiderman is holding mary jane while escaping from bad guys
>record scratch
>"you're probably wondering how i got here"
>'it aint me' starts playing
>not a single one of them has blue eyes
It's like looking at the future of america.
If by advances you mean shitty math that makes no sense and nonsense physics that is a complete asspull then yeah.
>Spiderman: Minorities
What are they thinking?
Gubby gaboo I'm gonna take a poopoo on you¡!
Fortunate son is kino now, it was in suicide squad
That's sad.
Spider-Man is boring and this film will be the exact same Peter-tries-to-go-on-a-date shit as the others.
Spiderman is just generation x deadpool.
Laura isn't playing Gwen.
You do realize it's Sony's Spiderman? Not marvel's
uncle ben is black because of uncle bens rice
Do black people really look at movies and say "ok ok we be represented in dis movie now I can watch it" because I can watch a movie with an all black cast and have no problem with it.
>Watch Creed
>nearly all black cast
>bawl like a baby
doo-doo doo...doo-doo doo ;-;
>DCucks still mad Marvel stole their Batman
I wonder how the cinematographer of this movie will capture all skin colors and maintain the color balance. it will be the challenge of his life
this movie looks like dogshit holy fuck lmao
>Culturally enriched Flash Thompson
>not Jamaican
Why didn't they just use Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker if they wanted muh diversity
Peter is white cuz he's a nerd who went on a university tour or some shit. Black people dont do that in new york
That fad retard is going to be the Hobgoblin?
Harry being Hobegoblin has never been true to the source material.
They will hire BLACKED.COM cinematographer
That said, Marvel's universe is even more convoluted than DC's, which at least has the decency to keep its reboots in separate universes instead of slapping it all into one big "multiverse"
>that fucking shoes
What was RDJ thinking?
>"diverse" cast
>only one white
What did Disney mean by this?
Harry isn't his role, though, he's Ned Leeds. Hobgoblin.
disregard that, I suck cock.
It isn't your fault, you have been bamboozled by OPs bait pic.
>new spiderman.
>everybody is fucking ugly.
Epic LEL marvel.