YouTube celebs you wish death on.
YouTube celebs you wish death on
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>knowing any youtube celebrities
Literally who?
I want him dead and his body turned into a doll.
>wishing death on princesstard and babytard
i wish death on you op
pedo fuck, hope you burn in hell with them
All of them.
what? how am i a pedo?
I wish death upon you for even knowing them
...probably missing 100 more
>mfw i wish death on all these faggy ass youtube celebs
THEY ALL SHOULD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>not acknowledging that there are many hundreds of youtube celebrities that make many millions per year and are more well known with the younger generation than most actors
wew lad, go to bed grandpa
i looked up their channel and it's literally just videos about their shitty, normal life
why do people watch these?
That fuckwit with the idiot son who breaks shit open with an axe to show what is inside.
A really weird family, wouldn't suprise me if there was some abuse going on.
lol why?
thats pretty edgy
>it's a Casey does absolutely nothing but drinking expensive shit while riding on an expensive board while having an expensive drone follow him around episode
>wishing death on a big family of white people
That dad rapes that kid. I only watched 20 seconds but I would bet my life on it.
guy milks his kids lives to beg for jewtube shekels
>some abuse going on
no shit
jesus christ he's so gay. is that really his son?
That kind of youtubers in general.
"What's inside an Xbox One Elite controller?"
Watch how he totally butchers it, without even doing a good job of showing what is inside.
Guys, i'm still relevant!
>pushing your children into such a fucking toxic profession
One day they'll look back and realize they have no memories outside of those on camera.
watch a bunch mentally ill people
no thank buddy
id watch gore videos over those kind of "people"
what a shitshow
>that giant tv
I'll admit it, I'm jealous af, fuck this homo family
CGP Grey
Literally made for people who watch the daily show for news and south park for social commentary.
Who is this family? Why do they have those stupid fucking tard names? Who the fuck watches this shit??
We're all getting our wish one of these days
They're cancerous normie cunts. Other normie retards watch them. Look at these fucking viewcounts.
Men fear you
Women wants to get impregnated by you
Some of his videos are cool, I enjoy the one where he talks about Flags.
Sure he's a bit pretentious but I appreciate he keeps his videos down to good short lengths.
Is weird, cuz his daughters are the memes of pedos, and they still recording his daughters.
All for the money, they are such pathetics persons
This post perplexes me.
I know its supposed to be some kind of ironic meme humor but it's so abstract.
Yisus, what a boring life you have.
the stuff he's doing at the moment sounds fun
>Owen is going to university to study video games
Is this the whitest family on YouTube?
I'm sure you're living the fast and exciting life while posting on a Korean mahjong forum.
that one weird little mtf or ftm trans bitch with the stupid face
It's his wife's son.
Im posting and wasting my life in this shithole, at least i dont watch shitty videos.
Kill yourself, man
They make fun of retarded people and get paid millions in YouTube views.
Get with the times grandpa. Nobody cares about Jimmy Stewart or whoever you think counts as a celebrity anymore.
Some peooles watch this shit?
GradeAUnderA is funny and you should kill yourself for being contrarian faggot
He's literally /ourguy/
Haha, did i trigger you?
he's a faggot
kill yourself my man
Oh shit you did lol
Haha nice one bro
>wanting to kill the Andy Kaufman of our generation
I used to like him just for the video presentation and general attitude, but once I realized how all of his videos are some echo chamber for the 13 year old opinions ( lol school is useless, fashion is soon dumb, lmao tipping???? , sports are dumb xD , Pokemon is WEIRD if it was real life!! ).
Now I can't enjoy any of his shit.
I think he shat himself once he hit the million subs milestone. Now he plays it safe.
Literally "Reddit" the channel ( not even in a derogatory way, actually Reddit incarnate
Just the parents. They know they carry the gene for microcephaly but they kept having kids anyway. But they profit of these kids so they probably don't care. Son is smiling because he dodged a bullet and will probably gtfo to college soon
you mean pathetic?
Bla bla bla, etc.....
Fuck off
>YouTube celebs you wish death on.
fucking all of them
>>knowing any youtube celebrities
and this
Those fake smiles and the superflual agony.
That feminist who I always see that gets meme'd on for saying she's bi and that there's 5 genders.
Sam Hyde. All racists should die tbqh
SJW please
What is Owen studying?
I don't really care about "youtube celebs" enough for that.
Try doing something else with your time, OP. Maybe read a book or play boardgames.
Laci Greene?
thanks for the laugh, user
Pic related and all the other "pranksters"
This. Fuck that reddit shit. Worst thing is his veneer of education which he uses to peddle the most sensationalist bullshit ("hi guys ur actually 2 consciousness")
Venus angelica
he has a ridiculously tiny head
He has a ridiculously tiny dick as well
everyone except my boy pewdiepie da god
tha og you tube man
Jokes aside his videos where he is neither playing video games nor interacting wth other YouTube celebs have been pretty fucking good the past couple of months
I don't know if he's got a new editor or whatever but it's comedy gold
you may pick only one
i was joking but i think he's a charming guy even if i only catch his videos if they show up on trending with 5+ million views
Reaction channels. All of them.
This guy.
>that last few videos where he road trips with his son
Why does Owen look so bored and dead inside
I used to work in a movie theater in Idaho and apparently I served the Shaytards popcorn one day. The only reason I even know it is that all the high school girls I worked with freaked out afterwards and said "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT WAS?"
>destroying your clueless childrens own private lives by parading them around the internet EVERY SINGLE DAY
>not being arrested for child abuse
Only in america
youtube board when?
If I send this thread to him can he sue Sup Forums or better yet swaglord for death threats??
And gay. Don't forget that he constantly looks and acts like he's craving some fat D.
Is that what they're called lel
Lilysingh or whatever the fuck that Indian chick is
he's trying to shit post ironically, but he's just not going far enough.
Tard is an offensive term, no?
What the fuck is wrong with people.
all of them
youtubers and their fans are cancer
Yeah bro
I think he's 100% gay.
Weird how you can sense naturally if people are gay or not
Imagine being that son and knowing you dodged being a literal brainless mong.
It actually comes from unitard, Shay wore one in like his first video and since back then they didn't say the kids' names they just made -tard names up.
I used to subscribe back when Shay was fat and self-loathing, he was a lot less irritating and their family was more relateable because they weren't worth literally hundreds of millions. I live alone and it's comforting having some kind of exposure to a family life, it's the only source I have because I'm pretty sure I'll never live with people for the rest of my life. Plus I'll admit the two girls are cute, that was a main draw.
I unsubscribed a couple years ago when I found myself unable to watch any scene with Shay for more than 30 sec. Occasionally I'll pop back in during the warm months to see if there are any nipslips or to see if Avia is getting tits yet.
I want to fuck laci green so fucking bad
Fucking Mormons.
wasn't the mom a crack whore?
I swear one day this guy is going to cut open his kid or wife and upload it. Everything seems "off"
>watch a video of Casey at vidcon
>HUNDREDS of retarded teen grills completely lose their shit when he walks past them
God damn, I usually don't mind the youtubers as much as the fans. They are the real fucking cancer.
After watching that I seriously felt uneasy for a few days knowing that there are a lot of people out there that act like that.
Why is his wife so fucking ugly holy shit.