Ask a bitcoin millionaire anything

Ask a bitcoin millionaire anything.

Check it

1G6N4vqnH8gB7U9m YVrV6GzK6485o3dgXF

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gift game on steam pls

do you think bitcoin fall again and if it does will it be worth to buy it then?

give a poor dude some money?

It will absolutely fall again. I will probably not be a millionaire anymore after it does. It'll likely drop to about 1000 again within the year. Then who knows?... I am holding on for the future. I might lose it all but fuck it I don't care.

buy me steam games pls

I don't deal in frivolous things like fiat currency

but i got duuuubbbbsssss ;)

why not cash out. I understand cashing out in millions would change the price but you would still be a millionaire....

what if I told you people don't like dubed anime

I believe in the technology too much to cash out. I feel bitcoin is bigger than cashing out now. What if next year it hits 5k or 10k? I will wait out the storm and see what happens.

Although I would get a decent laugh out of some dumbass that got to greedy and waited too long.

always HODL

if this post ends in subs then give moneys

1. sign message with your private key to prove you had the funds?
2. 400+ bitcoins were transfered out of that acct, sign message with the priv key that corresponds to the destination of the 400+ bitcoins to prove you own those funds.

op pasted a wallet that he didn't prove is his, and the wallet only contains 0.001 btc currently

Spare $10 user?

Have you considered putting any of that in ethereum, litecoin, or any other crypto as a plan B?

not op, i'm this guy i currently have around 25k in crypto, i mined a bunch of btc years ago and only recently shifted about 1/4 of it into various altcoins.
currently the 1/4 is split across ltc, eth, dcr, zcash, doge (only like 100$ worth), golem, and augur. there might be a few im forgetting.

also, i just spent around 3.5k on mining rigs to further diversify.

Check these and please gib me a knife in CS:GO, poorfaggo here.


how about some money buddy

how about you post a btc address you control so i can send you some money buddy pal friend

Can I get $5? Anything at all?


Do you think it's feasible to see btc at $5k+ and how do you gauge fundamental value in crypto?

Gibs me money we wuz kangs

not op, 25k guy again, yes, but it might take a few years or decades.

i got miners i have to work on :( later guys

omhg pls 10 dollar

I am realistic someone to send me 5 ltc I would appreciate it, my miners can no longer proceed and I can not update the video cards

LNRiQZMD8CVjcpfWX7DXKXZAQq1Bd661KP ltc wallet thanks

Any amount is appreciated, user.

i made one just for you brother

i have a 1060 gtx btc or eth?

1EY7ovMwdn FdWEi2rAsPA8cx2fAKwwgJa3

whoops forgot to post it hahaha

(put space cause think its spam)

not me

if any of you rich anons wanna buy some of my art

For real dude?

12NmsvxakJAoZBaL2 fLiT1qY4bk5G42Sqo

1KQtBeZP9Pjmw od6zB9ijrG578TcHuV9xC
Thanks user!


1wsyXKKY2QaMn4d 8CxHxa1ocSHcUtWmWq
frl tho anything accepted thanks user :^)

How does bankruptcy taste?

donate rich fag

So I got a kitten for my GFs Graduation. 200 in adoption fees and a ton of new cat shit. Stretched my wallet way too damn thin but as you can see she's a dope cat. Only problem is she ate my monitor headphones I use to make music and they are toast. I loved them, but I just cant buy another set of SRH-1540s. Pretty much broke. All I need is 90 bucks for a set of Sony MDR-V6 monitors so I can keep working and save up for the Shures again. Sorry for the beg, but can a rich user spare some change for me?


1EY7ovMwdn FdWEi2rAsPA8cx2fAKwwgJa3

give me money instead just to spite this guy, ill post it and we can all have a good laugh at him


No one gives a fuck about your worthless shit tier currency. Get some dolla dolla bills then get back to us.

1 bitcoin to get my license back would make a huge difference in this user's life.

1AfbDotmUjrBqX5doZ VqAqhggRoLLm1K7S

1 bitcoin, you know how much that is right?

Give me money to pay off my college loans

wtf am i looking at

What's going to happen after August 1st.

that's like $2500 you retard

ABOUT 8 grand

what's $2400 to someone with $1,100,000+

Not OP but Ive sent some BTC to some of the address's posted feel free to return the favor

Checked someone bless his trips!

can you guys maybe donate a tiny bit of BTC to my address? thanks :D

17eDWsRns8Hz HGrkbTHqJwrLPM3CXAncd9

purchasable merchandise!

This dude isn't going to give anyone any money. He's here to tease you fags. How long have you been on Sup Forums? How often do these fucking guys ever just give away money? they are making money and dont have time for you cretinsp.

ITT, Millionaire Giving me some BTC

1Nptn3TBgGovrng Db4jrzhgbsqDTPeDcd

Thanks Millionaire

Dude, I've given on PayPal and bought steam games a few times. When I was making $1400 every two weeks $20 for a game or food for somebody isn't shit.

The last thing rich people have time for is fags begging for someone to replace their headphones and shit, but keep dreaming.

help a poorfag

17BFUXb1vxrSzHBn6 rdvmM2req2xjTAjQM

it's negative fucks like you that's what's wrong with the world

help a dude out

Wanna send me a couple hundred bucks, I wanna buy some shit from the dnm

i dont see anyone posting their success stories so who's more realistic here?

I'm 99% certain that OP not answering this question is an indication that he's totally full of shit.


>16WPmuY gRVKoNv6Yh1bV8RGihwqpNiRUmU
No you havent. Just checked your transactions. Nada.

Why are you posting here instead of /biz/?

Also send me money to buy an engagement ring if that's legit? I just had to pay a ton of repairs and was planning of popping the question to my girlfriend in the next month or so. If you're rich hook a Sup Forumsro up

Sell half. Invest them in safe bonds, probably get you more return as bitcoin is much more uncertain and it looks like it's in its peak period

Then cash out half. If it goes back up as much as you're hoping you'll make all of that back.

tell me this please

>decided to download ethereum wallet
>waiting 2 days 70% download
>had to turn off computer, cuz reasons



PLZ TELL ME MR MILLIONAIRE OR ANY other fag that does cryprocurrency

Go to /biz/ it's literally just crypto there

they didnt respond

I was trading on LBC basically arbitraging coins I bought by depositing money into a bank account. I got in right before the Chinese did and rode 3 coins up to three grand. I was making good money, good enough that I was starting to think I was going to need an accountant my gf and I sold a couple hundred grand worth of bitcoin in a year. Then NY required a money services business license and that was that. I now live in a bitcoin blackmarket. I was averaging about 18% on each sale. Fucking government.

It's not projected to hit 10k for a couple of years. And I think it's got something like 100 years left on it's life span if the chains keep up like they are.

OP you look really nice today ;')

1HfJyYZAF3 BQaZqQRiXsgYtoEXp8xSc5M9

how do you do it?