How long do I have to wait for some grimy dark Mexican cartel kino?
How long do I have to wait for some grimy dark Mexican cartel kino?
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every movie about mexico would be an understatement.
baka senpaitachi mexico is irredeemable
and nothing of value was lost
Every movie related to Mexico will be about Mexicans being oppressed by white people.
>implying white people aren't to blame for the actions of POC
Is that what they teach you in Nazi school?
If Mexicans are people of color then what color are they?
Why would you even snitch on a mexican drug cartel in the first place what possible reward could be worth that
>Nice meme
Thats your answer right there, they want to be social justice warriors even in real life.l
>people will vote for Hillary anyway
Never trust a mexican.
hopefully till a Trump administration where the Mexicans are accurately characterized a violent thugs inveterately incapable of creating civil social institutions
Sicario is the closest we got this year. I dunno try City of God if you haven't seen it, Gomorrah (Italian), End of Watch is good.
Oh who am I kidding. Nobody ITT wants to talk about movies.
Literally Nixon/reagan's fault.
some are mentioned here:
La Linea
also there is a movie about some american tourists in Tijuana getting killed by some ritual crazy cartel. I forgot the name of the movie but it was based on true events (the crass voodoo cartel does exist)
only mexican film i saw was that road trip one and everyone in it pretty much was white.
Fuck me.
What a disgusting shithole.
Wtf i hate drug cartels now.
based mexican cartels btfoing blogger faggots
Mexicans have turn the USA from a 80% white country to 60% one in just 3 decades. They will be the end of the American experiment as we know it.
>snitching on cartels
Why would you do that?
that was a Colombian cartel
There is literally no difference between Colombia and Mexico besides how they make quesadillas differently.
go watch 600 miles
Mel kino
what's this chinese porn cartoon is called again?
i knew some smart ass retard like you would get baited into saying Pablo was Colombian
because you're normy dumb eenough to put your real name and personal information on the internet
Mexican Cartels are way more deadly than Colombians ever were
Has anyone seen Narcos on Netflix? It's pretty good, especially the guy who plays Escobar.
>baited into saying Pablo was Colombian
But he was a Colombian, born in Rio Negro.
Of course he was you dumb fuck, why are you stating the obvious?
Say that again you fucking spic I fucking dare you.
>no one will ever acknowledge cartels as the terrorist organizations that they are
Why is Mexico such a fucking non-country?
>because you're normy dumb eenough to put your real name and personal information
I like how those kind of people don't even realize that bashing politicians, first world people etc. online isn't the same as bashing fucking cartels or triggering Muslim jihadists
Mexicans have turn the USA from a 80% white country to 60% one in just 3 decades. They will be the end of the American experiment as we know it.
IDK man
You would think first world euro style gun control would save them.
I didn't get baited, i just thought that you might be a retard so i corrected you. There's a lot of retards here, so it wasn't personal.
Haha wooooow is that how goldenberg made Facepunch?
>cartel land
bitch pls
It's ok amigo
Plastic surgery is one helluva a drug.
that movie had no right to be as good as it was.
legend of the galactic heroes
it was called Borderlands
Well, in whole honesty, i saw couple of dox and couple of news from mehico.
Even an yuroopoor (from other side of the globe)like me can figure out that cartels are either stronger than their government or literally encouraged by them.
They are best export merchandise Mexico momentarily has,Mexico would literally bancrupt without them. Some cartel midboss fills his swimmingpool wit $$$,they arrest him, RICO all his shit, fill their holes in budget,rince repeat.
On the other hand, on every ounce of drugs usa imports, they export couple of firearms(with warm regards and a nice warm fuck you) used to kill Mexicans by Mexicans. Why do you think Narcos needed 30 years to be made. Who the fuck would actually risk to make a flick thatbreveals how global politics works to average Joe.
What if they totally coincidentaly make an flick with stuff that actually happened or is happening,how long until someone comes annd starts asking questions.
Look at Penn, would you like to be in his skin,he was careful and benign and he landed in hot fucking mess. Who the fuck needs that shit in his life?
Yeah, but it glorifies him and exaggerates his role.