Provide one piece of evidence that the Earth isn't flat

Provide one piece of evidence that the Earth isn't flat.

Pro-tip: You can't



You can leave now, lol.

not being autistic

Yes you are right its impossible to proof something to lunatics who belive in made up concepts to make them selves feel bettet

Let the big boys speak, bud.

That's not why I'm right though.

I know this is bait but you can watch live streams of the iss any time of the day

How do you explain the north star? If we are not moving in orbit around a star like you suggest, we should not be able to measure a star's distance using parallax (which we do) and we can see it's about 400 light years away. Using your model, the north star would have to be very low to the Earth to change inclination as you approach the north pole. Please explain.

also I realise this is bait but this question makes flat earther's stutter and I like it.

Modern science hints at a universe with at least 11 dimensions. I would argue that a spheroid could appear flat in an 11 dimensions space. OP is correct.

Fake propaganda.
I think you do not understand the concept of parallax, lol.

You must be retarded.
The stars spinning and the angles we see them like the north star can't be seen close to the south pole.
you flat earth faggots i wish you a painful death piece of shit get to work.

Yeah they just dump billions into live cgi that accurately reflects the weather on earth

How do you explain it then? It is observing an object from two different points in space and noting the difference and then extrapolating a line of a triangle (distance away) from that data. Please respond to the rest of my post. Polaris would have to be within several thousand miles from earth to fit your world view. Also


It's flat otherwise people would fall off the bottom because gravity you dumb fucks.

Go back to high school!

Have you actually been there?
You're wicked good at Google homie. Big ups.

You're literally not addressing any of my points. You're seriously the worst internet debater ever. AT LEAST TRY TO TRIGGER ME FuCK I TRIGGERED MYSELF REEEe.

Also no google, we measured parallax for astronomy club, if you're just trolling and still in school check out your uni's astronomy club.


I look at the moon sometimes.

>implying sun rises/sets are possible in this model