Why hasn't he been in a decent movie since Casino?
Why hasn't he been in a decent movie since Casino?
Meet the Parents
little fockers
meet the fockers
hackie brown
He has poor taste and bad judgement.
He's broke. He lost all his money and now accept everything.
Jackie Brown
He does old guy stuff now
I'm beginning to think he's probably a retard and would have gotten nowhere without Scorsese.
>#3 Robert de Niro – lost $88 million
some of those people are real idiots
he didn't lose money he lost profits from the art sold
Jackie Brown is definitely a good movie but De Niro just mumbles his way through the whole thing.
He doesn't have to be.
Will Mafia movies ever make a comeback?
They could squeeze a couple more classics out of deniro and al pacino before they die.
The last good movie with RDN is The King of Comedy.
Honestly Mafia movies are one of the most pleb tier genres and it's good for cinema as a medium that the Mafia meme has died.
How can you even make a straight laced Mafia movie now unless you are coward who has his head buried in the sand? The 2012 masterpiece Killing Them Softly and even The Sopranos did a good job at closing the book on the great cinematic Mafia sham.
I really hope they make a few more Fockers movies.
He introduced decaprio to scorsese, thus ending his career.
Jackie Brown
Is he /our guy/
>De Niro is just playing a retarded gangster baka
you fucking people are disgusting
pacino is dead m8
>this is the actual man who made Looking for Richard.
His last good movie was Ronin (1998)
what do you mean yikes, how does the fact that liked ronin justify such a dismissive tone
this is a level of cruelty I can't even fathom, what did he do to incur (((their))) wrath?
Should've stopped at Heat/Casino
How do you go from?
shark tales
Kids these days will only remember DeNiro as "that old guy from Dirty Grandpa", instead of true masterpieces from our generation like Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers.
Pretty overrated desu
implying casino isn't shit
implying those aren't shit
Your opinion is overrated
Kys faggot. The world doesn't need you or your shitty opinions.
If every person on the planet who thought that Goodfellas and Casino are good movies took a bullet to the brain right now, the artistic intelligence of the human race would rise incrementally. Goodfellas is a capeshit. Goodfellas is a video game.
Your opinions are worthless.
Pls Kys.
>that scene where he tells someone, that one
sniper on each side of a street is bad because they gonna shoot each other
>Killing Them Softly
not if they're both in elevated positions...
Found the Sup Forumsedditor. Bet you love Goodfellas.
not even necessary, but yes that's the point
Goodfellas is better than Killing Them Softly on every level.
Andrew Domink would be embarrassed that people are even making the comparison.
Domink's best gangster film is Chopper and by some margin.
>The Fan
>Meet the Parents
>The Score
>Silver Linings Playbook
>The Intern
All of these are decent. If you don't like go home and get your fucking shinebox.
Goodfellas is cheeto dust stuffed filled ode to degernate video game autism.
Killing Them Softly is the antidote to the Goodfellas cinematic poison. It shoves the audience's face down into the pile of shit that is Goodfellas and then makes them inhale deeply as it holds a gun to their heads.
Killing Them Softly is both Dominik's best film to date and also one of the very best films of the decade. It spills the blood of the Goodfellas viewer. The obese video game playing tarantino breaking bad watching weak white cuckold.
Goodfellas = the hot pocket treat to keep the white millennial docile. Killing Them Softly = the red pilled expose on both the gangster movie and entertainment culture at large. I am a Killing Them Softly acolyte and I am willing to both die and kill for that film.
The Irishman is supposed to come in 2018.
You're so 17 it hurts.
Waste of time.
91 Days is pure anime kino saving the mafia genre
There's a webm of him jerking off to cuck porn so yes
Go home and get your shine box.