Release shitty movie to put out in theaters

>Release shitty movie to put out in theaters
>Uncut version of the movie gets released on blu ray /dvd
>It's actually kino

If someone edited Snyder's movies better for him will he be one of the greatest directors today?

he already is. just normie plebs hate him, because they are plebs.

nanannanananannana BAITMAN

having fun yet kiddo

>it's actually kino

it's actually not. you're just a Redditor who fell for the "BvS uncut is actually good" meme

He would get more respect and be better reviewed, that's for sure.

The theatrical cut of BvS made me sick. It was a bad editing hellfest that undermined the whole movie and highlighted its worst aspects.

The Ultimate cut doesn't have that problem. It still has other flaws, but it's a much more focused and coherent approach. Whoever is taking the decisions with the theatrical cuts at WB's should be fired.

I think the theatrical cut could have been fine, but they definitely cut the wrong scenes. WHy the fuck is the Lois bullet subplot that goes fucking nowhere still in the movie when the scenes that build up Clark having a reason to be against Batman?

As-is, it's like Clark decided he hated Batman because he read the script that morning and it said "You need to hate Batman now because."

The Masterpiece cut of BvS was Snyder's intended vision. WB's problem is that they were so desperate to outshine Marvel they hired talent that they couldn't control. Now you have great auteur directors like Snyder and Ayer using the genre to really push cinema forward, but that's not what WB wants, they just want your typical normie pleasing capeshit in line with marvel, so they take these great cinematic accomplishments and try to retrofit them into simplistic pleb pleaser shit in the editing room.

>only makes capeshit movies
>tries to take capeshit seriously
>over-reliance on CGI and movies that are 90% green screen

nope, he's a pretentious hack with somewhat good sense for visuals

>forcing Zack "FUCK QUIPS" Snyder to direct Quipstice League of Quipmerica
It will be terrible

He entered the pleb arena and then elevated it. Capeshit is killing film and there's no stopping it. So instead Snyder realize that instead of trying to kill capeshit, you make elevated art capeshit. Turn your enemy into your friend. If you lump Snyder in with typical capeshit then you reveal yourself to be a meme spouter. Somebody who doesn't actually have the sophistication about the medium to know good from bad and just goes along with the film buff vetted meme opinion.

The only good thing he did was the Dawn sequel.

>>It's actually kino

No, it was still a bad movie.

Yeah, nah. He started doing capeshit way before the current capeshit obsession hit the fan.

If anything that's the least artistically interesting thing the man ever made. It's first class entertainment but the likes of Sucker Punch, MoS, BvS and Watchmen Ultimate Cut blow it out of the water. He hasn't made a bad film but it took him until Watchmen to really find his voice as an artist.

nah, fuck off. The Ultimate Edition only fixed some of the problems related to character motivations and else, but the old problems still exist. I don't get the high praise about the UE


It's not unwatchable, which the theatricual cut was.

The wheels of current capeshit have been turning since the early 00s. Of course you can trace it back decades before that even, but from the era of Raimi Spider-Man and Singer X-Men it was clear to cinema experts that capeshit was a very dangerous thing and it has only steadily grown in momentum since then.

>I don't get the high praise about the UE
One question. Do you have a formal film education? Because I find that most people who aren't equipped to appreciate BvS do not.

>tfw haven't even seen the UE yet and still love the movie

It takes it from being a flawed masterpiece to flat out movie of the decade material.

>He entered the pleb arena and then elevated it.

Were we watching the same movie. BvS was just more generic capeshit to the point I was half-expecting a big Marvel logo to pop up on the credits.

Suicide Squad and the Justice League just reeks of WB desperately going "See see! We can be funny le wacky xD like Marvel, please see our movies," and I get the impression they seem to think capeshit is dying out and trying to squeeze what money they can out of it. They fail to realize they're basically the only capeshit franchise in shambles right now.

Marvel's also shit, but it's shit that's making money and normie shitters like, so it's not going to stop anytime soon.

>. BvS was just more generic capeshit to the point
You are cinematically illiterate. BvS was essentially an art film in a capeshit veil.
>Were we watching the same movie
The movie was the same. The difference is that I was equipped for it and you were not.

>So instead Snyder realize that instead of trying to kill capeshit, you make elevated art capeshit.
which kills capeshit?

>You need a 10 year art degree to not think Batman v Superman sucked

Bud, I hate to break it to you, but that degree you got in the mail from sending 10 box tops to doesn't change the fact that Batman v Superman was boring garbage.

Art is not there to entertain you. BvS was a declaration of war upon destructive cinematic ideologies. To make an entertainment movie is to lead us deeper into the pit of non-neurotypical video game degeneracy. BvS: DoJ was a brick to the back of the skull of the capeshit fan. He lured them in and then he punished them. Which is exactly what "entertainment" enabling audience's deserve. Maybe you had a bad time at the movies, but in terms of the battle for the future of the white race BvS was absolutely a positive force. The weak video game kiddies who watch marvel flicks need serious re-education and Snyder is a great alt-right teacher.

>Movies aren't for entertainment

Then Snyder needs to go into painting or something.

>I don't get the high praise about the UE

It's a Sup Forums meme you dolt. UE gets shitted down everywhere else too

>I don't get the high praise about the UE

We're just meming. Watching Marvel shills get assblasted over someone saying anything positive about DC movies never gets old.

Hi Joss

Curing the cultural autism that has rendered the white race infantile and weak is far more important than "muh mubie time fun feels".
>paintings are innately not the place for entertainment
>cinema is innately not the place for art
What did the adult videogame player mean by this?

What the fuck dude, how do you even read that deeply into some capeshit flick. Even if what you say is true, it won't work, because nobody will notice the 'educational' aspect.

In all seriousness, having a few well shot scenes (or rather composed, because 90% of them are computer generated) doesn't make a movie deep and artful.

>because nobody will notice the 'educational' aspect.
It left audience's bored and unhappy. This punishment IS the education. The same way a video game player deserves to be punched in the face repeatedly until he enters adulthood. Trial by fire. Audiences lost their right to be entertained a long time ago. Now they reap the consequences.

>Snyder is willingly sinking a multi-billion dollar franchise just to teach a couple random people a lesson no one will notice or give a shit about

Gee, Snyder sure showed us.

So you just hate entertainment. Fair enough. But making a movie that fails to entertain is not 'art', nor has it any deeper meaning.

>fails to entertain
There is failing to entertain and then there is intentionally antagonizing your audience. Sucide Squad is the former but BvS is definitely the latter.

>Audiences lost their right to be entertained a long time ago.

yeah no. Audiences have money that they'll pay to go watch movies with.

Audiences can do what they want because they control the money flow that goes to these studios.

it's still not art and still not meaningful in any way

not him but you are just a butthurt hater 0/10 cry more

>Audiences can do what they want because they control the money flow that goes to these studios.
And Snyder pulled off a classic bait and switch. Sell them "entertainment" and instead he hold up a mirror to the degeneracy of the audience. The only thing that would have been better would be if he had barred the doors and then gassed every autistic piece of shit who had come in search of their "fun".

ok, now the real question: why do you hate fun?

Making a film with the intent of challenging your audience is art.

"Fun" is a pacifying chastity device sold to the white man by the Jew with the end goal of cultural genocide.

Challenging is not the same as antagonizing. You are basically saying that Snyder intentionally made a boring movie to make people dislike it. There is nothing artsy about it. I could make a short where I'm shitting on a plate and then force someone to eat it. Most people wouldn't like it. Would you call it art?

>You are basically saying that Snyder intentionally made a boring movie to make people dislike it.
not what he's saying at all

It's not like today's world is not one big 'pacifying and chastity device'. There is nothing glorious in a normie life without 'fun', it's just more boring.

>nothing artsy about it.
It's art to intentionally make people bored and annoyed.
>I could make a short where I'm shitting on a plate and then force someone to eat it. Most people wouldn't like it. Would you call it art?
That depends on the intent. If it was made to arouse then it would be "entertainment" pornography, an extension of the cheeto dust video game sensibilities of standard capeshit, but if you made it with the goal of digusting people then it would be art.

The fun is the sedative sold to you to keep you docile. Western normie life in general is one big memetic manipulation.

>It left audience's bored and unhappy. This punishment IS the education

>There is failing to entertain and then there is intentionally antagonizing your audience

>haha, jokes on you, the movie was actually shot the entire time
>w-wait, where are you going,coin few back and give me money

Followed by suits entering the room along Snyder what the fuck he's doing, followed by suicide squad and the justice League trailer turned into Marvel ripoff.

Boy Snyder showed us.

>It's art to intentionally make people bored and annoyed.

>haha, jokes on you, the movie was shit on purpose
>the fact I'll never be able to get another directing job from anyone but my own wife again is irrelevant

Except it wasn't shit at all. The goal was alienating audiences and it was a resounding success.

You have to remember that audience enjoyment if anything is a failure of a work of cinema. Audience fun times is not a valid metric to judge art.

>the movie was shit
Nope. The hate it garnered proves that it was very effective.

Snyder settled with the original cut. He wanted to release the 3 hour version but WB said no. The same thing happened with Watchmen. The reason why so many people thought the critics were idiots for giving watchmen mixed reviews is because most people watched the home release. Which is longer and fleshed out the movie and overall just much better. What needs to happen is WB needs to stop fucking with the directors.

I so totally agree with this.

You might be "meming." I'm not and I very strongly doubt that I'm alone.

Audience enjoyment is what gets people into theaters, and as a result gets the studios money.

"He did it for art" is fine, but the bank rolling his art don't give two shits how artsy it is if it's not making money. Hence the panicking at WB followedby trying to turn their future movies into Marvel movies.

absolutely this.

>artist wants to create his own art and vision
>outside forces stop him and try to limit it, thinking it's too grand for the public
>his overall vision was the best
>this keeps happening
>people are shocked to find out Synder wants to make a Fountainhead movie where an architect doesn't want to compromise his art or vision from outside influence or his audience

What I think a lot of people overlook is that the films were always headed in a lighter,brighter, more "comic-booky" direction. Even Terrio confirmed as much.

I think that people will come to view MoS > BvS > JL as a trilogy with an overarching story about how Superman elevated a "real" world into one where superheroes, modern day myths, finally had room to breathe.

You could even draw parallels between Greek mythology with Bruce's character serving in the role of Hades, the god of the underworld who steps aside to make room for Zeus(Superman) as the founder of the pantheon. They frequently make allusions to those myths in the comics(Grant Morrison's JL run, for example). It's even sort of fitting from the perspective of Batman's character being a pastiche of earlier pulp heroes like the Shadow and Zorro, who all collectively moved aside to make room for the modern superhero.

His career is basically a performance piece for "The Fountainhead's" protagonist.

I'm gettting a vision here
>people are surprised because the movie sucks
>people refuse to realize that the book sucks
>Snyder makes shitty excuses for why all his movies turn to shit
Even with a god tier property like Watchmen he only managed to make a slightly better than average film.
>my work is shallow and pretentious and nobody likes it
>better make a movie about a guy whose art no one understands, it'll be thematicall resonant
>inb4 'the movie was SUPPOSED to be shit, because like no one likes my art or Roark's so like its supposed to turn people off but still go see it please.'

I am not pro-WB, I am pro-Snyder. I am glad he tricked them into bankrolling his anti-capeshit viewing audience capeshit. If more directors manipulated their way to doing what Snyder did then capeshit could be sunk.

>Snyder's films eat shit critically
>they must be fucking commies

The modern critical landscape is comprised almost entirely of leftwing nu-male manchildren. Of course they throw shit at Snyder's alt right superhero art monument. More cultured right wing critics like Armond White could appreciate it. It just upset the cheeto bridage that have been trained to lap up Disney shit.

Oh I'm sorry, your movie still fucking sucks. And everyone knows it.

Nah. This is the new thing for you ADHD Millennials who don't pay attention to shit.
>Release huge-budget blockbuster with established characters that almost everyone wants to see
>People will go see it no matter what, even if it is shit, because they "have to see if it's shit or not"
>Director and producers laugh their way to the bank
>Director and producers purposely cut out good stuff and fuck up the edit slightly so they can release a "director's cut" or "extended cut" when it is released on video
>People who saw it in the theater just have to sperg out and buy the blu-ray because "they have to see if it's better"
>Director and producers laugh all the way to the bank again
>Non-dumbasses, such as myself, just wait for a 1080p torrent, watch it once, delete it, never think about that average movie ever again, laughing at all the dumbfucks who spent $40-$50 combined to watch it in the theater and on blu-ray

>le SuckerPunch
>muh female empowerment
>muh stronk female characters
>shit story
>pointless film
He fails at being a lefty so he runs to the right and then people blame leftists for him being a fucking hack. Literally every interview he has ever given boils down to 'idk what the fuck im doing so im gonna make up some bullshit on the spot'

Also, I guarantee this will happen with Suicide Squad. Look for "more scenes with Joker." I will laugh again at all you dumbfucks.

Your language reveals that you are a video game player and thus all your points are not even worth reading. You are exactly what Snyder has devoted his career to combating.

Will I ever see a Zack Snyder movie again?
Yeah, I probably will but I sure as fuck am not going to pay for it. Especially with BvS.
>Blu-ray director's cut so good
I refuse to pay for a movie twice before it becomes good. What kind of cuck falls for this shit?

I get where you're coming from, but I think we're reaching a point where we really do need to draw a line between "capeshit" and sci-fi/fantasy. I think of "capeshit" as perfectly serviceable, if wholly disposable, entertainment where any deeper meaning, if there at all, only creeps in through the very nature of story-telling.

Fantasy and sci-fi can contain fantastic, comic-book-esque elements while still driving hard at philosophical, moral, and ethical themes. I very much think that Snyder understands this and seeks to use them as a vehicle to do so. If that leads to a collapse of the big-budget cape blockbuster, then so be it. I'd still just so totally go watch a more modestly budgeted movie about Superman trying(and failing) to stop world hunger. It would be a huge downer for everyone who only goes to movies for pure escapism, but it would be a real lesson for everyone who chose to watch it.

I'd watch the shit out of it.

Sucker Punch is a layered beautiful work of art. If he had been put out with Lynch's name on the poster instead of Snyder it would be in the criterion collection by now.

>It would be a huge downer for everyone who only goes to movies for pure escapism,
Escape is the route of the coward. Audience's need to be confronted with their sins.

Uncut is best cut.

Also women find uncut to be more pleasurable

Which is why (((Hollywood))) mess those things up on a regular.