People you instantly hate
>fat people
>black people
>men who wear tank tops
People you instantly hate
>fat people
>black people
>men who wear tank tops
People who hate me just because I'm black
sjws and anyone who claims to live an "alternative lifestyle"
You're literally an ignorant and retarded fuck if you hate someone before they even show who they are.
So if you find a fat nigger that wear a tank tops who just started being a vegan you gonna kill him. Wew
how's living off of welfare checks paid for by the average worker?
U aigght brother Pls show dick
Im an insurance agent who most likely pays more taxes than you
muslim nigger
pretty good i can get a new car every year and buy pretty much anything i want.
I know you've sucked more cocks than me fagit
>fat people
>groups of teenagers
>asian tourists
>loud Mexicans
>white guilt
>retarded kids
fat people
black people
ugly people that compensate their ugliness with weird personality quirks
>sucked more
>cocks than me
faggotry confirmed
It's true watches at $ 0?
>fedora-tipping neckbeard detected
this isn't the site for you
this isn't the site for you anymore friend
slow down there, Sonny
why don't you just say "everyone who isn't similar to me" and then realize you mostly just hate your self
Nom nom nom
Didn't have to. Silver spoons are great you know, as long as you know how not to be the average white spoiled fuck up who doesnt know how to keep shit going for them selves because responsibilities are too scary but mommy and daddy sure know how to bail you out of jail and send you to rehab because heroin is ravaging the white community as we speak
Shut the hell up you
TLDR so u shoved silver spoons up your ass?
u shut the hell up u horrible cunt
when people argue on an anonymous website
Dont have shit to say. Expected from a Sup Forumstard who knows nothing but generic insults
no u
Good job you special fucking snowflake. I bet you post that type of comment 4 Times a week
>chicks with beards
>chicks with huge tits
>chicks without hymens
keep in mind the average nigger is addicted to drugs and collecting food stamps. then you all are audacious enough bitch and moan at white people, the very people that are keeping you alive. fuck you, get cancer.
>tries to start an argument with the pacifist
so you're saying you're a faggot? idk what else to believe
Would it really matter if I said that I could probably beat the christ out of every single person in this thread? What if I actually could? Would it make a goddamn bit of difference unless I was retarded enough to divulge personal info? Do you think that any of your arguments are landing? Any of you?
Fuck the other niggers. I hate most Haitians that come Into my place. But i have nothing to do with fucking daquan that robbed you a year ago. So yes, when someone hates me for my skin, they can eat their shit. I'm not accountable for any hoodrats just like you didn't enslave anyone
Hate any woman over the age of 18
>not the other user.
white people also ended slavery
>People who don't turn their signal to turn
>People who shift into the far lanes even though they drive slow af
>People who stop to make a turn at the very last moment
I hate you
Fuck off and go start a peace treaty somewhere else. You're in the wrong place. And since when does race and occupation cause any concern of an identity breach on Sup Forums.
step the fuck up user
Anyone wearing Rainbow Suspenders.
And the rest didn't particularly agree did they
if you give me 30 minutes i can find a reason to hate anyone. i'm very friendly to people on the outside, but in reality at least 80% of the world's population could go exist and i couldn't care less. there are only a select few people who genuinely care about.
Kek I bet u r a nuffy in a wheelchair
That's how the world works pretty much
>Would it make a goddamn bit of difference unless I was retarded enough to divulge personal info?
learn 2 read
>could go exist
Time to grow up or get some brains. You don't even know why you hate any of those groups, do you. You just hate because that's what you've been told to do. You can't think for yourself.
If not bait then absolutely fucking retarded. Why are you even on Sup Forums if you're gonna cry like a pussy?
>if it opposes me then the other person is a pussy, especially when it's the truth
>implying you're not crying on a site filled with autistic fucks
Can't read huh
>People that quote and openly talk about "Family Guy."
>People that make excuses for why they watch lewd anime. Don't give me all this "It's funny, and it has a good story" bullshit.
>People that wear jackets with shorts.
>Children that are obviously trying to manipulate their parents into getting them something "Whoa, mom! I didn't know they have this here! Isn't this cool? This thing is my favorite, i dont want it or anything, but im just showing you. I heard that its really good for you too. Ricky's mom got us one once blah blah blah." Just fucking ask for it or get a job.
>People that shamelessly give attention to girls that are obviously fishing for attention on social media.
>Lazy workers.
>People who have zero regard for others in a movie theater.
>People that constantly mooch.
>Chefs/Cooks that don't know how to prepare an over medium egg.
>Myself I guess for spending so much time on this at 2am when i have work in the morning.
This whole thread is crying in case you haven't noticed
so much this
>people who use the far left lane that ends just after the lights
You're sitting here crying about other people's posts
Mah niggah, the children obviously trying to manipulate thing and lazy workers for sure.
The children thing also translates into anyone who tries to ask you something by not asking directly. "So, I heared that blahblah blah" and you're just like waiting for the fucking retard to get to what they want from you.
Up yours nigger
Someone had a rough childhood
Bruh that's almost half his body that doesn't feel pain. 0/10 would lose.
Fuck. meant extinct.
this is all obama's fault
Just curious, what here makes you think that?
Please go to sleep. And don't come back here.
your momma
So what did i say that triggered you?
>you knew better not to beg/ you didn't get what you want
>you never bad a chance to be lazy so you don't understand lazy people
>you never got attention and the same attention whore girls you complain about were the ones who took advantage of you.
Just a few wild assumptions that led to my hypothesis
Well i personally wouldn't say that i had a rough childhood.
Replied to wrong post
>The the guys who constantly post Spider-Man in other people's tread
>that fucking retarded banana pic posters
>any fucking thing or any fucking one to do with ponies
>precocious little girls
i hate beta nerds, cant understand how someone can be so insecure and fking autistic, like my cousin, hanging all day on 9gag and bashing people who have real life. Fking sad creatures, but they will realise when they die alone wihout anyone loving them
9gaggers are dumber and more harsh than Sup Forumstards. It's soft here nowadays. 9gag is full of prude Germans I swear.
Blacks, only because many of them are really rude and don't tip worth a shit. Oh, and robbed the restaurant I worked at, and passing bad checks, which is why we don't accept checks anymore
>Lazy workers.
You pay for what you get son if you pay me less sure as fuck ima be lazy
Ppl that r way too serious about being serious.
Makes more sense if u know whl im talking about
And ppl that ask for favors that turn out to be a fucking chore like moving!!!!!!!
People who hate "normies" as if they dint rightfully run the world
I honestly didn't want for a whole lot as a kid. My parents were divorced which was fine, but my dad usually asked if i wanted things, and my mom was rather poor so i never wanted to ask her for things.
I'm actually lazy all the time, i played a lot of video games growing up and still do, but i'm also a hard worker and i take some pride in that, so it bothers me to see people that don't want to work at their job and especially when they complain about it.
As an only child i got a lot of attention from my parents. I just hate it when girls think theyre being all clever and guys just eat it up. Like thats what she wants, dont inflate her ego even more. I think that's mostly what it is honestly. When someone with a large ego gets praise for the thing that they have a large ego about.
>People that don't do things because they're hard.
And if it's not hard then just do it, it's what you're getting paid for.
- myself
That's fair.
What does it matter if i am doing it, my work pace is the same as your payment pace. deal with it you stinky jew.
Dont listen to that faggot
Turns out I was wrong. I should stick to my day job. You seem like a good guy
dicknipple crumplesnatch hydrofarter
Will he ever recover?
Everyone in this fucking tread
And Harry fucking Porter
This is a thread about people you instantly hate, and i instantly hate lazy workers. You don't have to defend yourself, i'm not even saying that you're wrong, it's just my opinion.
What is this part of Sup Forums that ive never seen before.