I worked for CSIRO for 18 years

I worked for CSIRO for 18 years.

Here a short time
Ask away, Serious questions I will respond

I am so happy your funding gets cut you retarded left wing cunt. Burn your organisation down and start again with less lefty bullshit

do they actually do anything?

also why did you quit?


And I retired

You misspelled retarded

what and why

where were you when you invented wifi?

Or was it bluetooth? Can't remember

My time is all most up.

I was researching Animal health , birds and bats early career.
Ended studying Marine and atmospheric research

My apology's for my misspelling.


Aliens in the atmosphere?

John O'Sullivan and his team I believe

How do you define Alien?

There is life in the Atmosphere and as far up as the Mesosphere

did you get a massive defined benefits super pension to fund your indulgent retirement?

did you actually achieve anything scientific in your career? Or were u a sycophant and legitimizer to the climate change lobby?


What is it doing

did you find some giant spiders species that can possibly mutate and become a threat to mankind?

Is the sun's output dropping and will it affect us?


CSIRO and even Australia inventing wifi is such a load of bullshit.

They did it tho m8

Are birds dinosaurs?

Did you have tospout the dogma global warming is real everyday to keep your job?

The technology existed already, CSIRO developed technology that allowed it to be put into practical use.

how can so-called scientists explain this?