DUDE you believe in God LMAO
DUDE you believe in God LMAO
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Which one?
10 years from now, this will be an animation statement. Once all the christfags stop PMSing about it and yelling "degeneracy". It has artistic merit as a statement on censorship and pushing what is comfortable. Be autistic as you all want, you know I'm right
>You are autistic if you dont want to watch animated food have a graphic orgy.
hehe.. meme
Missed the entire point, didn't you? Like it or not, these types of films are important
Important in what way?
>Seth Rogan
Pick One.
In censorship and pushing the envelope. You can be "outraged" like a sperg about this every few years, or you can understand what doing this is necessary for free expression.
>Seth Rogan has never made a funny or successful movie
Is everyone 12 on this fucking board?
They find out in the movie that they can talk to humans when the humans are high on bath salts. So they plan to attack them with toothpicks doused in bath salts. Are people even still doing bath salts? I never hear anything about it anymore. It seems like a cheap "DUDE LMAO SO CRAZY" reference but hes like 4 years late.
>He think this movie challenges the establishment and those in power in any way that would make them want to censor the movie
It's le so rude XD, nobody is scared of that.
>pushing the envelope
In what way? Just trying to see how raunchy you can be with one movie? Do these guys have to rely on shock humor for laughs?
You just have low standards. By your logic I can animate a pile of shit that talks about some stupid bull like the military industrial complex and it would be 'culturally important'. Get over yourself. It's just lazy entertainment, and there's nothing wrong with that. Don't pretend like it's something more.
They called the Southpark movie lazy too
>dude degeneracy, low brow, dumb.this film is not important
Yeah, nobody has ever said that about anything faggot
(1/2) I think that the more surreal, absurdist comedy of Tim & Eric, the better parts of The Eric Andre Show, Pilotredsun, Andy Kaufman, is "turn-on-your-brain" comedy. It requires the viewer to have a familiar understanding of comedy, pop culture, and entertainment at large, so that when one's expectations of these things are subverted through the bizarro editing, nonsensical dialogue, and surreal visuals (what elevates it beyond LOLSORANDOM PENGUINS!-type comedy), that's where the humor lies.
If that type of stuff is "turn-on-you-brain" comedy, I think Sausage Party was "turn-off-your-brain" comedy, in that there's little thought involved in the viewer's part, watching it is a fairly passive experience. The jokes are largely one-note and based on the most common of stereotypes. The bagel and the falafel are Jewish and Middle-Eastern respectively, and they fight over their aisle space like Isreal and Palestine fight over their Holy Land. The aisle "land" used to belong to the FireWater (Native American), before the "crackers" took it. The villain is a literal douche who acts like a "douche". The female "taco" is a lesbian. And so on...
They were also clearly going for a shock value thing in having the food curse a lot, make blatant sexual innuendos, and eventually engage in full on food-sex-scenes. I guess I might just be desensitized to vulgar language, gore, and nudity, so a lot of those gags didn't do anything for me.
They could have completely done without the "douche" villain sub-plot. It felt very tacked on, as if they decided at the last-minute that the film needed a villain.
Foodfight is remarkably safe. Movies offend people but in the U.S. there's already firmly established constitutional protection for artistic free speech, right? (I'm Aussie so I don't know enough, but I assume this is the case)
Kubrick was important. Parajanov was important. Solzhenitsyn was important. THIS??????????
(2/2) I initially described the art and animation as being "early Jimmy Neutron-tier", which I think was a bit unfair. Upon further thought, I think I have a much more apt comparison. Fanboy and Chum-Chum. The design and animation-competence of the characters, especially the human ones, looks eerily similar to the likes of Fanboy and Chum-Chum. Not enough textures on a lot of surfaces and characters, making the film look at times like one of those Venezuelan rip-off animated movies you'd find in a Redbox somewhere. Sure it's a broad, dumb comedy, so the art and animation is secondary to the jokes and writing, but I feel it's worth mentioning.
Again, I think this movie definitely falls under the "turn-off-your-brain" style comedy, which doesn't automatically make it a bad thing. I would say that over time, my comedic sensibilities have changed to be more preferential to Tim & Eric style comedy, but that doesn't mean I can't find "regular" comedy funny anymore. Superbad is a hilarious movie. Walk Hard is great, Knocked Up, and these all came from the Seth Rogen- crowd. Perhaps as a 15-20 minute short this movie would have worked better, but ultimately I just didn't think there was enough there to carry the film. I wouldn't say that I was bored at any point, but I was certainly on the verge of it at times.
There were certainly jokes and gags that I enjoyed, and the film is by no means terrible, but I guess ultimately it sorta fell flat for me.
Super Bad was good. Pineapple Express was ok, it was kind of hard to watch it though just because of how absurd they were trying to portray weed surroundings as. Like its some serious hardcore gangster shit that will take your life. Other than that every other movie hes been in or produced was mediocre.
For depictions of literal food porn?
There is no "scale" for films in terms of objectivity, but any film that pushes any sort of standard is itself important in some way
Dude! Sausage cucks! LMAO WEED
I meant Sausage Party. wew
Yes. Why is this so hard to accept?
When did it become cool on 4chin to be offended by sex and swearing?
A movie with anti-Christian themes is self serving to a degenerate Nose-nigger like Rogan. Here's a newsflash guys, the Jews don't like Christianity.
The South Park movie was kind of dumb though. I hate all these 18-30 year olds that think South Park is incredibly witty and insightful. I still hear faggots my age say the ol' "Hurr Durr, Douchebag and Turd Sandwhich" line every 4 years like clockwork. I like South Park and I think its funny, but the Sadam Satan relationship makes me cringe. Like i cant even look at the screen when thats happening. The main reason i like the SP movie was because it was in musical form. If it wasnt for that it would have been a pretty lame movie.
That might be true if the people being taunted had any political power at all. When are we going to get comedy movies challenging, attacking and/or mocking leftist premises, I wonder?
Thinking movies like Sausage Party are sticking it to "the man" is ridiculous. People like Seth Rogen epitomize what is one of today's most politically powerful groups of people.
There has not been a wide released R rated animated summer film in the US to do as well as it did opening weekend.
>Mfw my best friend told me he's an atheist the other day
lmao we're not offended, it's just overdone and cringey at this point.
This is so fucking degenerate
seriously just as bad as those minecraft pornos, swear to god this is some jew brainwashing shit
>When are we going to get comedy movies challenging, attacking and/or mocking leftist premises, I wonder?
Sigh, here we go with this shit
But it literally reinforces all the popular PC opinions of the time. Using foul language and sex isn't pushing the envelope, that's part of the dominant liberal narrative. It's a statement on censorship from thirty years ago, maybe.
Wrong board, Milo
That wasn't my intention, but it's truly silly to imply that the Overton window is anything but shifted to the left.
>Movie only mocks Islam specifically
>Calls out militant atheist
Milo is a Jew you dummy
>Sausage Party
>is PC
why are the whole lot of you a hemlet away from being a full retard?
The movie has endless racial caricatures/stereotypes. Surely that makes you neckbeards happy
christfags owned
Lol who told you that?
that's not what he said
he said it reinforces the popular pc attitudes
in other words, politically incorrect window dressing for a politically correct message
Fuckin' reddit.
I don't watch movies that often and don't plan on watching this one. What anti-Christian statements are made in the movie?
>dude, lefties reeeee
This is so boring now. This retarded boogeyman on here. Enjoy it while it lasts neets
>Big nosed sexist Arab lavash who talks about getting 72 bottles of virgin olive owl
>Whiny Jewish bagel that sounds like Woody Allen who says he "passive aggressively pushes his agenda"
>Box of grits who says "shieeeeeeeeeet"
>Lazy/sleepy bottle of Tequila who talks like a Mexican stereotype
>Indian food that poops in the streets
>Holocaust jokes
Sup Forums tricked me into watching this
Why can't you continue the discussion like an adult instead of getting upset? There is a point to be made there.
I made that chart for /lit/ years ago and it still gets used.
No one ever asked for any proof of the test.
This is just what Japanese studios do. Look at the conditions anime animators work with
This. People saying stupid shit on the internet is one thing but making a 20 million dollar movie about this shit?
Im not upset
t. butthurt neck-nigger
Wasnt this shit debunked?
>Are people even still doing bath salts?
yeah, people are stupid. I know a lot of people who work at area hospitals, Bath salt trips still get people sent to the ER on a fairly regular basis.
I doubt it but that's just how the VFX industry works
A guy from florida ate a guy's face off last week and they think he was on flakka which is basically the same thing
Oh is this JIDF territory now? Fuck off Schlomo.
>Average IQ
If anyone thinks this chart isn't completely bogus, they've clearly never lurked /lit/ for more than 20 minutes.
>there are people that actually believe this
I guess Movie 43 and Human Centipede are all really big statements with artistic merit too.
And Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights is a fucking masterpiece.
It's His Dark Materials with more food sex.
If they were going by self reported IQ, then I totally believe it.
/lit/ is full of the "By the way I have an IQ of 140" types.
Seth is the new Adam Sandler.
The movies he makes are just getting progressively worst, it's pretty obvious.
>Sup Forums
>IQ of 125
Yeah because spamming "AMD is done for!" and "FUG LEENUX" all day just screams Feynman-tier intelligence.
>I dont like the movie so it be default doesnt have any artistic merit because I said so and offers nothing in terms of pushing the envelope with censorship despite being the first R rated wide released animated film in the US with a literal food orgy. Reeeeee! Degeneracy!!
>(insert tired Sup Forums memes here)
This entire site is ready for death
>le reddit meme
>har har, am I cool yet?
>(says mr. reddit)
They will never know!
It has as much merit as those other movies I mentioned because it "pushed the envelope".
And if you believe this, you are quite literally an aspie. Because that is bullshit to the max. You cant just "PC REEEEE" at every fucking thing
Form yiur own opinion
You have to be a grade A pleb, charlatan, uncultured, adolescent contrarian to say you discern any "artistic merit" in Sausage Party. Please give credit to movies that are actually pushing boundaries, or are at least made with some sense of quality and taste, rather than spend your time shilling this sub-barbaric trash.
Which is subjective, sorry if this triggers you.
What's wrong with it? "Hey guys religion is a trick!! Its not real! Sex isn't sacred!" Hmm what a crazy, subversive message in the year 2016!
Artistic merit is completely subjective, faggot. You liking it or the movie not being "good" arent conditions for pushing the envelope
>You have to be a grade A pleb, charlatan, uncultured, adolescent contrarian to say you discern any "artistic merit" in Sausage Party. Please give credit to movies that are actually pushing boundaries, or are at least made with some sense of quality and taste, rather than spend your time shilling this sub-barbaric trash.
Guess I should dig this one out of the vault
Then I suggest you jump ship and go back to redit. Clearly you're too intellectually powerful for this site. Just look at your well thought out and articulated responses:
>Wrong board, Milo
>Sigh, here we go with this shit
Just amazing how you can make these guys look like a utter fools with these genius and very well thought out argument.
Yeah, I can't think of a better place for your quick and witty comebacks and savvy debating skills. lereddit would be just perfect for you.
I remember when everything that tried to be as edgy as possible appealed to me too user. You'll grow out of it.
Did you see the movie? Holocaust jokes, a lot of redpilling going on, sexist jokes, rape, murder, racial stereotypes.
You have to be a brainless faggot to actually believe this movie is in anyway "PC" just because you are a hidden Christfag who is offended by the "dude, atheism lmao"
What is the fucking "redpilling" in the movie?
>challenging, attacking and/or mocking leftist premises, I wonder?
Dude we're gonna make millions selling guns to imperialists so they can strengthen capitalism's global hegemony lmao
>more le reddit meme
It is the same 3 or 4 jokes on repeat either done horribly by autistic newfags or neets who actually think that these are "gotcha" posts to really make one think. This board has been ready to fucking die for the last few years
I hope it does so you faggots can reopen your ifunny accounts and have some place to sperg in incognito, where nobody will notice since thst behavior there is normalized
lol u can't be serious.
you are acting like people can't express themselves freely. you can post pretty much whatever the fuck you want on the internet. shut the fuck up.
If they really wanted to push the envelope then why didn't they call trannies degenerate and told women to go back to the kitchen?
Not the point
Because we already have been there and done that for the last 60 years in film. Not doing that has actually been a recent trend
Not like any of the neets here even would recall that
>dude everything is PC lmao!
>not offended
>20 fucking threads about it every day since its release
K bro
If the average is 147, then it follows that there are quite a few people with an above 150 IQ that regularly post on /lit/.
Now take a minute to think about it.
People with IQ over 150 frequent Sup Forums.
>oh my god I can't even, can't you see how important this movie is for free expression? So stop criticizing it okay you stupid fucking neets!! Haha got em
What about naming the jew?
Wow just another fantastic argument. I am shivering, literally shivering, that a genius like you would even acknowledge me, even if it's in a distasteful manner.
But the sheer fact that you even quoted me, well pretended to quote me while making things up and not getting the point, is truly an honor.
I don't think anything with James Franco in it it "necessary for free expression"
>People with IQ over 150 frequent Sup Forums
Hahahahahahahaha, okay faggot.
>missing the point this much
Yeah, clearly you don't have over 150, actually I'd be surprised if yours was over 90.
yeah I bet Quentin was over 200+ IQ at least
Oh please tell me the intricate subtext of "dude reddit" Mr. Kubrick. I'm sure it takes a complex and deep mind to understand the nuances of this?
Is your favorite movie Eraserhead too? Next to V for Vendetta?
I didnt miss the point, faggot.