Post characters that would definitely vote for Hillary in November
Characters that would vote for Hillary
this big gay boy here
Meadow is the good type of liberal though. The one that you can have a rational argument with and she's also sceptic of the government.
Cap wouldn't vote.
>good type of liberal
No such thing. Literally every left winger would be better off with a bullet through the skull. If I could push a button that would make everybody who wasn't right wing die right now I would do it without hesitating.
>a political figure wouldn't vote
>good type of liberal
What did he mean by this?
>pro military nationalist Christian
>voting Democrat
Pick one.
>Wears a "God is awesome!!" t-shirt
>Would vote for Hillary
>Wouldn't be a Trump supporter, instead.
Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
Despite being a symbol of patriotism, Cap has always been characterized as left leaning.
>his arch enemy is against the migrant crisis
Except he never has. Even in the Civil War line he was against the liberal approximation of registration.
>first post is the most republican superhero in Marvel
first time in politics senpai?
He would until those scandals are proven true
Can you name a single thing Captain is liberal on?
first time in politics senpai?
So no.
He loves abortions
Cap's entire shtick is social justice, though.
first time in politics senpai?
the character of me. fuck trump.
Pic related are both Hillary voters.