I need to rant Sup Forums, and my shrink is on vacation
>be me >pretty confident, can get any girl I want due to me building a reputation of a loner smart guy(i lost half you of there, just trust me) >notice this cara delevingne lookalike in school >signmethefuckup.jpg >hit her up, ask her to go to coffe >shes sick >we chat, she seems kinda basic, but im in love with her face so i give her a pass >we go out eventually, we sit on a bench, just talking >i mention a guy that pissed me off, said some dumb shit and we both laugh at him >we bond over how other people are stupid >a month goes by
Oliver Thompson
Loner smart guy? She's sick? please kys
Hudson Cox
What an enthralling love story OP. Who will play you in the inevitable blockbuster romantic comedy?
Mason Rivera
>i start realizing shes a basic bitch with nothing interesting to say >I would always be the one who is talking >still in love with the face, and the smell of her >my first instinct is to throw everything in her face, break her down like i usually do >decide this leaves me in a bad spot if she matures >come up with a genius plan >im gonna convince her we are too alike, should stay friends, and then after confess i like her too much and want more >i bring it up one night >she agrees, i pretend im happy and she seemed kinda down, but she bit the bait >we dont talk for a week >thefinaldaydawns.jpg >I msg her the next day
Brody Gray
sick is, she had a cold its what people consider me, i dont condone it and i cringe when i hear it
Ethan Cook
>still in love with the face >and the smell of her Oh you were that guy in HS huh?
Jordan Bennett
Cut the shit. Did you fuck her or not?
Adrian Taylor
Special snowflake nigger, jew, nazi, kkk, god worshiping whore.
Lincoln Russell
>i apologize for not talking to her for the past week >she seemed hurt but we get over it >we talk for about an hour >itstime.gif >i tell her that i love her more than a friend >shes confused >I loosely explain how i feel like we are more than friends >she responds : "I felt like that at the start too, but than after our talk, I realized we are too alike and should stay friends" >I tell her i cant handle it, struggle a bit to make it more believable >I tell her maybe sometime in the future we can work things out, shes obviously very sad >since then she tried contacting me a few times, I rejected her >time passes by, she gets a bf
Connor Roberts
>i apologize for not talking to her for the past week You fucked up.