What are your thoughts on Lifeforce?
What are your thoughts on Lifeforce?
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It's good campy fun. Mathilda May's tits help in the enjoyment as well.
Is that the movie with patrick stewart posessed by a woman's ghost?
Yes. And he kisses Steve Railsback.
Some faggot told me she'll show bush in one scene but in the version I got she didn't :(
probably the most batshit insane film to come from the 80s Golan Globus era.
Pure CannonKino
>its a space vampire zombie invasion jungian Sci Fi horror Boobie Kinö
any other movies like this?
Pretty sure there's plenty of scenes where she is full frontal nude.
Return of the Living Dead if you remove the space vampire part.
In my version it's just tits and ass.
>that movie where she breast feeds some pre-teen
Fuck, why and how did I get a censored version.
>not posting the original
Great movie my friend
there you go.
there are many frontal nude but with a lots of shadows.
Lel, you can stream the original online, just check with IMDB how long your version is.
the music in this movie was amazing
It made my penis come to life, if you know what I mean.
everyone talks about the naked chick, but I unironically love this movie.
No, could you please elaborate?
i wanna bite those banana titties
tobe hooper's bugfuck insane cannon trilogy of lifeforce-invaders from mars-TCM2 is a testament to the creative power of cocaine and shady israeli money. we'll never see its like again.
I used to spank to this movie so much as a kid it was unreal
It's one of the most amazing B-Movies ever. True entertainment kino. Capeshit got nothing on something like this.
Amazing Tits/10
Well said.
Time for a sequel
>cannon group rebirth when?
She drained my life force.
Tits : The Movie
Frank Finlay died earlier this year, RIP.