Degrade my wife it makes her horny

degrade my wife it makes her horny

She looks like her face caught on fire and some one tried putting it out with a hammer.



no jealous virgins please

those are the saddest looking tits ive ever seen. how are they so tiny and yet so droopy?

its called bein a real woman try not watching so much porn with fake tits virgin

you're not a very good troll. you're supposed to be at least semi-believable

why because i called you out on bein a virgin?

Flat and fat

dont listen to the haters bro shes fine as fuck id worship her tits

thank you! at least theres one guy in here that isnt a fucking faggot!

i agree man i love those dick sucking lips

what a black babe id destroy her slutty big ass

seriously why do you keep replying to yourself... you can see the number of posters on the right.

why are you still here do you wanna fuck my wife that bad?

idk, just wondering wtf is up with you. why u making this thread and replying to yourself? its weird. are you schizophrenic, or suffer from multiple personality disorder or something?

im not replying to myself your the one that keeps posting

im not replying to myself your the one that keeps posting

im not replying to myself your the one that keeps posting

im not replying to myself your the one that keeps posting

im not replying to myself your the one that keeps posting

im not replying to myself your the one that keeps posting