ITT we poorly describe movies and anons guess what movie

ITT we poorly describe movies and anons guess what movie.
Ill start :
>Be 2 lazy high niggers
>smoke dead friend
>attend Harvard
>hilarious shit

How high

>ex porn star
>do gore porn
>puss out
>get druged
>raped family
>commit family suicide

>cant see shit
>better kill myself
>oh wait

A Serbian Film

Scent of a Woman

>be guy
>get into army
>save all squad but not nignog
>get out of army
>gf is whore

Too easy... Forrest Gump

Yeah, probably the gf is whore made it too easy, try this one.
>Scientist with weird project no one gives a shit about
>Go into adventure in weird planet idk

>eurofag in a small american town
>gets a house with some hot jailbait
>jailbait when to summer camp
>eurofag marry jailbaits mom
>jailbaits mom dies
>eurofag picks up jailbait from summer camp
>move to another town
>smash jailbait
>jailbait leaves
>eurofag found her again
>jailbait is now a milf
>eurofag kills some random cunt (the guy who help her leave, I guess)