Remember when a single Borg cube could wipe out an entire fleet of ships?

Remember when a single Borg cube could wipe out an entire fleet of ships?

That was the problem the borg went from being completely overpowered to being underpowered.

>in space
just fuck my air pressure up

We only saw the tail end of that battle. It was a running fight from the Typhon Sector all the way to Earth. I would imagine that there was a trail of destroyed starships stretching between those two points.


>air in space

Try to remember that the Federation got lucky the first two times they defeated them. By that point I'm sure they would have worked out better ways of stopping them. In Voyager quite a few species were capable of stopping the borg or at least fighting back in certain ways.

>star wars

points on windows or the hull are weak points for pressure, leads to cracks

In Voyager we see an easy way of defeating the Borg: Just travel back in time from the future, and bring future technology with you.

Boom, Borg defeated.

We adapted to their offenses.


They assimilated the armor and torpedo technology making it void against them within the same episode.

Janeway distributed a virus throughout the entire collective, destroying the Borg as a whole.

No more Borg.

Eat my poopa you gubby gooba!

Apart from the fact that they won't be destroyed. That is like killing off the daleks in dr. who. They will always come back because they are popular villains. Blame the writing all you want. But I am still right.

False. The Borg will never come back after Janeway genocided them, because the future of Star Trek is only prequels, prequels and more prequels.

>Borg's first appearance
>Data says a Cube can continue to function and regenerate after losing 70% of its mass and that systems of distrubuted uniformly that destroying any one part does not hamper function
>First Contact
>destroy them by shooting them in one place!

Corners are the weakest points in a pressure vessel. Spheres are the ideal shape, but cylinders are good too.

Part of the reason the Soviets lost the moon race was because they couldn't into large cylindrical tanks like the Americans. They had to use spherical tanks which leave a lot of wasted space when stacked.

That's assuming that the edges of the Cube are pressurized

Say what you want about this shitty movie, Stewart was on point.

Its his version of Kirk in Star Trek 6.


As much as I liked Ahab Picard, it didn't make sense given his character in TNG.
He got over his Borg experience.
He had his chance for revenge and didn't take it.

In a perfect world, First Contact would be about Sisko and Picard with some Borg caught in the middle. Like some Borg humans broke off from the collective and want to return home. Sisko and Picard argue about whether they should let them or not.
Sisko obviously saying fuck no, destroy them, and Picard believing their story.

Voyager ruined the Borg desu

Friendly remionder that Dukat did nothing wrong

>that episode where Voyager raids a Borg ship by shooting it

7 of 9 was OK, but the rest of the Borg shit was terrible

Unbelievable writing is the fault of the writers. Stewart himself did his best to sell it.

They showed him several times throughout the series being haunted by his experience with the borg. He never fully recovered from it.

>Unbelievable writing is the fault of the writers
Oh yeah for sure.
Writers don't get enough shit/glory for what they do.

The series showed him being calm, rational and even compassionate towards the Borg.

He was haunted for sure but he had his chance to literally kill all Borg.
He and chose not to because he saw redemption possible.
In the beginning of I, Borg, he as definitely aggressive towards Hugh but he let his hate go.

The Picard in I, Borg would not act like Picard in First Contact.

Sisko would.