Its Saturday night Sup Forums, why are you at home?
Its Saturday night Sup Forums, why are you at home?
Had dinner at a pub for brother's birthday.
Came home to check on my 3D Printer after.
Should be done in the next hour.
Because it is 8:35 AM for me and just woke up.
Because it's Saturday morning and this is usually where I like to wake up, you butterthoothed cuck.
Its Saturday night. Are you high or what?
you guys are fucking idiots... the sun is high in the sky and it's 02h40 PM
Still hungover from yesterday/ 7 am this morning
You fucking nuts?
its 11 am
Any plans tonight?
It's morning. Get out of your parents basement and expose yourself to actual sunlight.
what are you printing?
Might go for round two haha just got pizza delivered...should cure me
Its working!
Its saturday afternoon
It's 9 you piece of shits
Filthy animals don't even Central
Where you from fam?
Niggervile round from Stains
You gobbleroger
because I like saving my money
Its 10AM dickhead. But tonight Im getting fucked up
because its 3 in the afternoon you fucking degenerate
Because it's fucking 4:10 pm
Sure it is
nova scotia
But it's Saturday morning.
it feels safer here, no one to negatively judge, never get laid anyways and I am to lazy to keep friends when I'd rather vidya then leave my house
I was out, saw a movie with the boys, were gonna open up a few cold ones after but the fucken coppers pulled us over, so that fucked us up, and now im fucken back home, just craked open a cold one for the boys honor!
You're Australian for sure
>ausfag detected
also just finished work at fucking 11:30 so get fucked cunt.
trippin aMT, thats why
chilling on Sup Forums
Saturday morning**
In economics class, which I hate because I'm an engineering major, and feel it's a waste of time
I feel you. Used to be a liberal arts major, before I realized I was better off dropping out than going into debt for something that wouldn't help me. I had to take fucking algebra, even though I did it repeatedly in High School. Wasn't even going to use what they taught for anything. Fuck those con artists for ruining what used to help people succeed.
Nigga I just woke up
maybe share that feeling with a future employer when you draw something up and they ask you why you couldn't decide if you were an engineer or an artist.
Basic economics classes are included in engineering courses because most of you dickheads have zero field/work experience, and have an inability to keep things simple. (i.e. cost effective) because of your desire to show the world how smart you think you are.
Because it's 10am and I just woke up
EngineerBro here
It's not the fact that it involves math(which is insultingly easy in comparison to real math dedicated courses) it's the fact that the class is Saturday morning and focuses on stuff I might maybe need, but loathe the concept
EngineerBro again
I mean yea, we definitely need this course, just rather sleep on Saturday like a normal human being
On further thought it still doesn't teach a very basic concept that you only learn on the streets: how to set up your prices/how much to charge for your knowledge, and that I consider to be fucking retarded