Bored as fuck, ask an ausfag anything thread

Bored as fuck, ask an ausfag anything thread



what state?

How is the cost of living? I'm thinking of either moving out of America and somewhere else in America that's warm 24/7

What time is it and how many beers you drank so far?

5 beers and one longneck of woodstock.
Its never enough

its 11:44 for me nigger what time zone are you in

Im im perth m8. Come sniff some petrol with me

Why are you shitposting like a true ausfag?


Not OP it's 22:15 And I have lost count... it's was my friends birthday today. We did a day party

im in NT we already got enough petrol sniffing coons here
Cunts are forcing us to use OPAL for our fuel to prevent sniffing... place Styrofoam into opal and u can sniff it anyway. please share this info will all coons so they die off sooner

Uhh in my area its pretty expensive because the average salary is high due to the coal mines in the area

12:15 am, 6 beers, 4 jager bombs and 3 cans of woodstock

Another desert nigger like myself.

What the fuck do you do around here, cos ive got nothing


Are the majority of Ausfags true multicultural cucks like Sweden?

Yeah cunt come out mido ways

Almost wish I lived in broome so the local jiggaboos were restricteeld to 2 drinks.

So sick of encountering boongs that stink of actual piss and harras me for smokes

Nope, we fuckin hate em, but our laws basically mean white males are worthless, but if ur a nigger, chink, wog or muslim u can do whatever the fuck u want

I just moved out of midland. Was the only whitey on the street

No shit which street


im in alice there are cops at every bottlo if u are a coon u gotta prove u dont live at a camp

>inb4 all of them

thank me later

How's it going cunt?

Yeah not bad aye, just chillin, how u goin?

Pretty good, too. Miss my aussie friends, really wanna visit but too expensive

Ewart st bruh

Where you at now?

Fucking hell.

What are you upto this long weekend

central europe. Back in my gaming days I always ended up playing with aussies, stuck with them through many different games. Genuinely good people.

I live in secret harbour now, moved the fuck on out of there. But nothin planned for the weekend

Yeah for the most part bro, im always meetin mad cunts just playing battlefield and fifa

Ah ok

Wheres the fucking Adelaide represents -taco

Suckin dick i assume

Text my mate some cock pics or ring him and tell him he's a cocksucker

No thanks im straight

0408 979 262

So's he you faggot cunt

Yeah good one

Hows the 6056 life lately

6021 or you're just a fucken abbo
0408 979 262