What job would be good for me

What job would be good for me
I study IT and I work. I'm out of home from 7(am) to 22. And it gives me satisfaction. At weekends I work 13 hours (8-21) and I'm out of home like all the time. And I love it, I would like to job where I could spend most of my time.
I don't have friends, I had some but I choosed to work all the time. I don't have and I don't want gf/bf
I'm not interested in army
What job would be good for me

About photo - pic related, but I don't work in grocery, I was doing shopping for my company because we had party and my boss trusts me

I'm sorry to disappoint you with being cynical but the reality is the majority of people in your position want exactly what you do. that is to work from home, but that isn't necessarily a realistic goal unless you're going to end up being a top earner.

Did you fucking read what he said? He wants a job that takes up all his time and not be at home

40 bottles for how many people?

howabout being a prostitute or transvestite or the little faggot that does anal irrigation therapy?

Become a doctor, you will live at the hospital. Bonus if you become a surgeon, extra for neurosurgeon. Becoming a doctor will also keep you very busy.

Another option is to start your own business and work like 100 hours a week on it.

The point is I enjoy being out of home and doing things. And I'm not about partys and drinking

What country are you from? If from the states, then become a long haul driver, they are on the road for weeks and you only make money when you are running miles. Other than that, maybe become a merchant mariner or work on a cruise ship?

That was exactly 48 bottles for 110 people. And we had about 50 additional already in fridge

if it is his pic then he is from poland

I'm from Poland. It's in Europe
I was thinking about it, I think one day I'll make truck driving license I will try driving around Europe and deliver things.

But I'm not sure is that for me

Poland intensifies

Zajebista żubrówka

Look up working on ships.
You get to be out of your house on long cruises, see various ports and views and spend most of your time on the sea.

Railroad engineer

Trochę to kosztowało. Ale za hajs firmowy baluj 8)

If Poland is going to open trading line with US the it could be good idea. Probably.

I worked CNC machining at worked 5 x 12 and saturday was 8 for 68 hours in a week.

Sous chef at wendy's

Maybe go to alaska and become a fisherman for crab?

Don't you have to go to Le Cordon Bleu academy first?

>russian checkout