Does big feet mean big meat in your experience?

Does big feet mean big meat in your experience?

It's a good indication of proper body ratio, but through my experience there's some really disproportionate fuckers out there.


idk , i wear a size 13 shoe and my penis is right at 7 inches. doubt it, i knew a guy back in college football that was known for having a 9incher and his shoe size was 11

I wear size 8 and have 7"

Who is femanon?

I am 8 inches with size 11 feet

Big feet is a metaphor. There is no correlation between feet and dick size beyond your predetermined DNA mess.

Did your penis break?

> massive faggot
> experience
Not really. Also haven't seen as much correlation between height and size either.

Trust me on this one: toe length is a much better indicator than foot size.

Why do you say that?

Mine as long as fuck and I'm 8 inches so that would make sense in my case

Not at all, I'm a size 12, but my dick is tiny

Size 16 feet with 6.5-7"

i'm ex military and played rugby so I have been around a tonne of cocks, it's something I've picked up on and is a good indicator as far as I have seen

Post your hobbit feet

Its hands actually.

Body gives you hands that manipulate your dick. Your dick can be so small you never satisfy a woman. But god would never give you hands that cant satisfy yourself.

Or think about this.....
How many asians have big hands?
Check and mate

OK, well, Ill post my stats I guess

I have tiny as fuck hands. Like serious about average for a female. Seriously, my hands are about the same size as most women I meet.

My shoe size is 10.5, extra wide. So, I dunno, I think my feet are basically short but wide.

Im 6 foot 1 inch tall

My penis is like 6.25 inches, and fairly wide or average in girth (iirc I measured 6inch circumference at widest point but cant remember for sure)

I also have wide hips but narrow shoulders

balls seem kinda small too.

So I guess Im kinda disproportionate but at least Im tall and have an above average penis. I am extremely self conscious about my skinny wrists though

Are. you. me???

How tall are you?

Dick thread? Oh shit nigga I'm like 9 inches soft probably 16 inches hard. At least 13 inches of girth too. All the girls love my massive cock. So fucking big just like everyone else on Sup Forums!

There's no good reason why there would be correlation.

But for me, I'm 6'1", size 13 feet, and an 8" dick (5.5" girth)

8x 5.5? Pencil dick mother fucker lol
7x6 here

It's not that people on Sup Forums are liars. It's that all the small cockers like yourself prefer not to post their size, so the numbers end up being skewed by confirmation bias.

butthole size is a much better indicator.
How big is yours? Show me

size 15, peen is 6.5 incheroos

Yeah you're definitely right about nobody lying on Sup Forums about their dick size.

my penis is the exact same length as the tip of my middle finger ot the bottom of my palm

>8x 5.5? Pencil dick mother fucker lol
>7x6 here

You must have failed geometry.

The difference in cirumference between 5.5 and 6 inches means that your dick is literally just 0.08 inches wider lol. That's barely over 1/16th of an inch.

I'll take my extra inch in length, thanks.

small feet, big dong