Other urls found in this thread:
>name my band
>puddle of blood
am i the only one that dont get sick feeling or feel bad watching shit like this anymore?
I'm so desensitized at this point lmao
Haha ur so cool xDD
it's normal, i stopped feeling things like that at stuff like this when i was 13. probably related to trauma though. but i don't see why anyone else would get desensitised eventually.
Newfag spotted :(
Only if it involves kids.
After 14 you're a shit head.
Because you look at enough of it that you don't care anymore? Are you fucking stupid?
looks like paint and like that man just shat alot of blood.
also their faces make me laugh.
am I a shitty person?
Because you act like a retard
Always a good one
Nah you just browse B often lmao
You're a shitty person for not contributing to the tread.
the only things that really get me nowadays are animals being killed or abused. i can't fathom the idea of it all, they're little little babies with the minds of very small children, yet there's people out there who want to experiment different ways of killing. and no, i don't eat meat.
inb4 someone replies with that sick mouse crushing video
I laughed. Will I go to hell?
how about this then
actually, the guy survived. don't have a source though, i just remember hearing about it.
How fucking dare you
He is completely crushed and torn up. I do not believe it.
sorry, i wish i had a source. you don't have to take my word for it.
Any comment that isn't accompanied with a post if from a lurk moar fag
Lurk moar
lost one leg, but survived
backstory?. Why was she beaten. Just wonder. ( for school ressons)
brain damage. no way she's getting out of that without some kind of ailment. fuck.
>school reasons
He phone wasn't connecting to the moble hot spot so, being niggers, they had an idea.
prolly stole something, bro
Rekt bread?
very original
i hope he's okay :(
Dude did you see that guys head?
holy shit that dude's shit got fucking shredded man!
fucking hell that man should just kill himself even if he lived through it
Had some "medical expert" saying she probably died because of the way she seized up. Was indicative of brain stem damage or some shit.
I bet he wishes he never went back for that hat.
Either way he would have gotten cranked, hat or not.
Wouldn't have made a difference. He was doomed fro the start.
What's this from?
A marathon in Faggotland.
Looks like Boston Marathon bombing
>>Mfw I work with machine lathes.
>>Mfw this will be my fate someday.
>>Mfw I laughted.
Trips confirm.
oh, your ass.
Helmets are for fffffffffffffffffags
not surprised tbh
Remember to always wear a helmet.
>Will I go to hell?
To be fair his neck or back probably snapped the first rotation. You wouldn't feel a thing
Crisis Actors
>This rekt thread
rip Lots-o'.
that's the Chicago way.
not a ylyl thread
i´m not grossed out from seeing anatomy at this point its just interesting to see how everything can be violated from the body
Accept that we werent made to last and that death is coming, life isnt forever and when you look at gore you realize you´re not a god that could be you instead
Why the fuck do people stand in streets? Am I some kind of arrogant fuck for not understanding this?
No joke- you stand in a street and you're over 12--- fucking fuck you, you deserve to die-
>using bench grinder
>wearing gloves
>turn small piece of metal, angle it
>glove gets caught somehow
>glove ripped off, small metal plate launches across the shop
>almost shit myself
Another time
>doing struts on a Hyundai
>couldn't get quick struts, have to use the wall mounted strut compressor
>going well
>remove top nut, strut drops
>bend down to pick it up
>coil somehow shifted
>look up
>flies about 20 feet to hit a lift across the shop
>missed me by two feet
>life flashed before my eyes for a second
Such is the life of a mechanic.
just what happened to her?
The obligatory.
nerve gas
Yeah, there was definitely stem damage. What happens is the seminal vesicle gets overloaded and too much blood flows into the corpus cavernosum, the glans and teh mucos kj=just kinda go kaput.
>she died
poor girl. I would've had sex with her.
>I just wanna riiide mah moooootorcy...cle
Fucking niggers
what the fuck and kek'd
She cheated him for the last time.
someone add salil al sawarim to this shit, hilarious
He threw his lit cigarette down a cracked gas main.
Smoking kills - littering kills yadda yadda.
These are truckers trying to get to the port at Calais. France through all the scum sucking refugees. They got it bad over there.
what kind of ampage do third world train lines pull?