Creeping question: I am in a flat where the college girl left for some time. now i found a external harddrive and want to get her hot nude pics (college girls obviously have hot nude pics) BUT
When i connect the harddrive no volumes appears to look at. its a 1 TB drinve connected via USB 3.0 A/Micro-B Cable. when i check the volumes i see some partitions, but cant give them a nuber or acess them in any way...
what can i do?
>>motivation: this is her
Jack Hughes
Generally you can put it back where you got it. and kys.
Parker Cook
Are you running on a mac or a windows pc/laptop? Depending on which type of partition she created, it might not be visible on your machine.
Any idea which computer setup she uses?
Isaac Evans
could actually be a thing: im on windows i the as she is a hipter bitch she might use mac...
Hudson Gray
Beat the girl until she gives you the pics, or rape her and take oc-pics
Wyatt Baker
>: this is her
i know her she goes to my school im telling
yes she uses a mac
Daniel Price
get a software that can read MACs filesystem
Jack Harris
bait not taken, sorry i ll try :D now
Ryder Stewart
Couldn't say for sure without actually examining it, although from my experience, most external hard drives seem to be universal, in that the default format upon purchasing would be compatible with both windows and mac. Seems to me that she either intentionally went out of her way to reformat it in some oddball format that, for whatever reason, was required for use, or she set up some kind of system that only allows her access. Possibly something that hides functions unless plugged into a recognized computer, if anything like that exists.
Brandon Carter
thanks user, now i can access.
its a backup of her mac, now i just have to find the pics...