Fluffy thread
Fluffy thread
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que the salty fagvot
New content, just posted.
those better be poisonous
I hope they are too, but the comic emplies she's ate them before, so they might not be
Welp, you can always count on spiders.
Lets hope so...
Oh man, i wish the mini fluffys were real... I'd own so many of these. I would collect the brown ones and make them start their own colony! Kill all smarts in view of all coloney!
Kek wonderful
I find it stupid how they never tell their owner their abused. I understand he fears death but, the other fluffy can't do anything to him while he is at home.
Eventually the owner is going to have to notice that their foal comes home with a gaping, bleeding anus every day.
Do wasps build their nests in rubber? I thought they preferred wood.
It's probably too stupid and afraid to realize it could tell its owner at home and avoid getting hurt again
Boy, this owner is pants-on-head brain-dead. How the fuck does she not notice the crying?
Oc pt 1
Not all rape victims tell their friends or family because they are afraid that they will be killed if they go the police. This is more common when the victim is young. This also goes for kids who are bullied. They don't tell anyone because they are scared the bully will hurt them even more if they do.
Oc pt 2
Oc pt 3
Oc pt 4
Oc pt 5
What are pillowfluffs like, personality-wise?
depressed, they can't run, hug, play or really interact with other fluffies because they will make regular fluffies sad, the best you can do is distract them with tv
How do regular fluffies react to them?
How would you feel if you lost your arms and legs?
Usually by bullying them.
They assume (often correctly) that the pillowfluff has been pillowed for being a "bad fluffy".
Like a broken man?
A fluffy that does not look like a fluffy is a munstah fluffy, which means they usually run away from them. They can also shit on them, rape them, and even kill them.
they will try to play with the pillow fluff, but when they slowly realize that they can't do anything they just play in front of them
this depresses the pillow fluff, the pillow fluff starts crying, the regular fluffies hug away the "sadies", and this cycle continues until they get sick of the pillow fluff and may end up either ignoring it, asking a human to get rid of it or they may start abusing it
I fukin hate the chicken, but that's pretty cool.
Please kill yourself.
What the fuck are they saying???
What do pillowfluffs talk about?
it really isn't that difficult, replace w with r or l, they talk like a 3yo with a mild lisp
"Get rekted scrubs."
legs mostly, and tv
Asking their owner when their "legs will come back". They think if they behave well they will get their legs back by the owners, or the legs will simply grow back out.
I'm imagining a pillowfluff saying depressing things to other fluffies.
Well yeah, their company hardly brings smiles to other fluffies.
Wolfram Sparks drew comic about a owner having a pillowfluff. He then got two other fluffies to keep it company and cheer it up. It did help for a bit as they played with it, but only for a short while because the pillowfluff could not do anything other than watch. It cried a lot and got even more miserable. The fluffies asked their owner if he could get rid of it.
i think it was called spinel
it is the follow up to this comic
I've seen wasp nests on lots of things, those little bastards will make a nest anywhere.
I mean saying stuff like how life is meaningless.
Wolfram has made a good stuff, including comics.
Finally, some pillowfluff foals.
Is this you chocobro?
I thought so. :)
there is more to this comic i have seen it. just its not posted often
A fluffy sees a violent event on TV, and tries to re-enact it.
What happens?