Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP in>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



Well if you are here all the time you will always be popular.
wow you rely need to go to sleep!
yes but swimming is a definitely one.
Good night!


Still here


Have fun Kanna. Thats good then, As long as you like it I guess. Yeah but the tier 9 and 10 will be better versions of that you know? Thank you and bye
I think so. That would be pretty neat yeah but it would have to be a bit tucked away.
Its alright I guess.

I dont think thats how it works haha.



you got a tomo pic you'd want on your wall?
Also no need to be ashamed, I can't wait to plaster my wall with weeb stuff when I live alone

I said you.
oh well I'll just wait or work on that kv first

well how ever you done it your pretty popular

See you then. Maybe we can play a game together when I get my laptop ~
Do you have anywhere I can contact you outside of thread? I'd appreciate it to be able to talk to you whenever so that's why I'm asking~
Dont worry, that ass is fine as fuck ~ I want it to be sitting on my face ~
And have fun, I'll miss you~

Only alright? I guess that's okay...


No not really. Im fine with just plain walls. I think its something better kept to myself
No not me. That is a great start
Not even. Youre being silly.
Yeah. I feel like I should be doing something else.

Did anything interesting happen in here lately?

>pats the tomoko



Uh thanks.

yes you. I just need a lot of that free exp
I'll see if I can get my friend into it too

Dont worry, that ass is fine as fuck ~ I want it to be sitting on my face ~
And have fun, I'll miss you~

Oh? Like what? Maybe some work or chores? Whatever you're doing?

I'm not your very likeable
Hi rem rem

I fapped with only one hand while spinning a fidget spinner last night


Tradition Puerto Rican food is delicious!

ah well i can understand that
would also be hard to sell your house later I guess
only faggotry
and doujin sharing

picture again

Can you spin it on your dick?

>bear hug

No not me. If you want to haha.
Im not sure really Robo.
Oh shush
Hi sono
Yeah but I wont own a house probably...



Can you spin one on the tip while you do that?

mmmmh~~ Enticing!

Let's find out

where have you been all this time?!

That's not very good, hun. Maybe you should try and figure out what you want, dear?

oh why is that?
contribute tbh

Ohayou gozaimasu.
I literally just got here. That's the best this thread will ever have.



N-no I'm fat!


That art is a bit different. Yeah I know.
They just keep getting more expensive
How goes it?

where do you live? I assume America but I could be wrong

Hey Coffee you okay?
I ate some amazing fooooooooooooood

See sono turns up immediately starts talking to you
I didn't call you fat!

If you're still here Homura, sorry. ;_; space trucker is addicting.
KannaBot#4530 is me!
Good thing I'm always lurking!

Yes, hello


Yes in the states.
What kind?
I talked to them first.

Ah uh well, the usual ghosting around. Been lurking on here a bit still. Just not posting.


Aye ok. Welcome home!

I need proof

There's not much art of dorothy. Most are screenshots I made.

Well, when do you think you'll sit down and think about it then?

I heard you are a psychopath, is this true?
I heard houses are cheap af over there, is this not true?
what does that mean?


Haia Cureepy

Hi Hi Sono, I'm not terrible I guess. How have you been?

I havent really looked but yeah it looks like there isnt much. I already do.
Depends what you would call cheap I guess.

Yes you did that's cos everyone likes you

So it's YOU!
It's nice to be home.
Herro smorru garu

Nah thats just silly to think

I've seen other people say she looks like a sausage lol

yes. I do problem would be if he wants and if he can run it

Well, that's something if you already do! I hope you reach a conclusion soon! Or try your reached conclusions out I guess.

But if you hug me while I'm fat, I'm going to... .////.

Hi qt but I might have some right now lol


It means you must have faith

Anything fun going on today? How did the Gundam building go?

s-sorry . . .

Why would people say such a mean thing though?

Ahh, that's nice. I'm not drinking too much coffee these days, maybe a cup or two a day.
Tried decaff, or maybe some weaker coffee?

No. It can run on toasters no problem
Thanks robo. Hope you find more art.
I dont know how many people are like that sono.

In that case you can go straight to hell you bully of kind hearted poultry.
Still building it right now. Working on the arms. Might have to make slight adjustments to fix a couple mistakes, one of them not even being my fault. Still good though. What were you assembling previously?

Don't lock your door at night.

Yes, Alice is cute

Thank you, hun. I probably won't since I'm not actively looking. So there's that.

Tenryuu claimed

it is not every one who has been here more than once knows and likes you
what if I only lightly hug you?

lucky him


Sup, haven't seen you in ages
Fight me. Bratwurst

Cool, is it big?
Mistakes that aren't even your fault, those are the worst, as you can't really avoid them.
Yuh, I was. Some warhammer 40k Harlequins, getting ready to paint right no, just finishing my coffee first.

Oh. Maybe you should do a look around if you havent in a while
Yeah. Should be fun if they like it.

if you have a decent job you should have no problem finding a job
right. perfectly normal
I believe




But I wouldnt need another job...


nevermind, old ryoku claimer from france I used to call baguette. Hope he came back

sorry I mistyped. I meant if you have a decent job you'd have no problem finding a decent house
sorry alcohol us getting to me

I'm eggroll ryuuko

Ah. I could go for some of that.

Mostly because i haven't been here for ages

Probably, but I don't really want to.


Okay then, c'mere you dyke, Imma keel you!
1/100 scale Master Grade Nu Gundam. It's pretty big but not massive. I think this mistake in particularly was because of the questionable design. They want to be innovative but sometimes it's better to leave things as they are.
Not mechs but stylish af man. Now I want ice tea.

Watching or listening to anything as you paint?


Does decaf take away from the flavor?

One or two cups is a lot!

There's a lot of Puerto Ricans in my neighborhood, all pretty cool people.

No, not her. You.

Soft hugs make me giggle...

Baka I don't even know what a psychopath is.

well its tanks
who doesn't like them

*finger guns*
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

Oh well and cute pic
I wouldnt know but best of luck with that
Plenty of people dont.

finger me
why so indifferent?

I can't shake the Tokyo ghoul image from my head.
Wie gehts?


What is a waifu?

*flings wine glass aside*

A miserable little pile of secrets!

Stop that -_-