I'm sick of living with my mother. I need my own place

I'm sick of living with my mother. I need my own place.

She has fucking OCD and nothing is good enough for her.

She constantly moves shit 30-40 times all around the house.

If you shower here, getting the rug wet is a problem, getting the floor wet is a problem.

She is also a narcissistic, fat piece of shit with low IQ that attempts to mock me and put me down.

19, M, US.

How can I get a house, ASAP?


You can't get a house ASAP. how fucking stupid are you? get a job and go to school. k bye now

basically find a job move in with a friend etc girl w/e do something with your life. find a new hobby w/e man move foward.
same fag

NYPA also you're probably gonna get b& summerfag

if you're gay you can shack up with an older guy (sugardaddy) who will pay for everything for you. shame you're not a chick, so much easier if you are.
or you could kill your mom and inherit her place

How does one find a sugardaddy when under 21? Any tips?


You're a great mother.

I have a job

You are a fucking retard

Don't they sell shacks or cabins or small ass houses or something?

Been here for years. I was here when I was 13, faggot.
