>All these race changes in Superheroes
>Not making a movie where the hero was already black
All these race changes in Superheroes
That HBO animated series was out of this world
What would happen if they casted a white actor?
Even if they remade the film they would never top the animated series.
Black Dynamite deserved a better Spawn movie.
ITT: Racists
Apparantly a sequel is happening. The script is written, just needs to be cut down or something.
Everybody knows about Mary Jane because Spiderman is one of the most popular superheroes around. It's less risky to take characters that are attached to something everyone knows about and swap the race than it is to make a movie about a lesser known character and stick to the source material. Spawn is also much harder to market at children so that and the fact that most people probably only know Spawn from the bad 90s movie would make it a very uncertain investment.
tl;dr money
As a racist
and a HUGE fan of Spawn
this is always conflicting to me
burt god damn it it's such a neat comic series and the HBO series was neat as shit too albeit with a very modified story line
Reminder that Black Panther is coming in 2018
And the movie was garbage.
But goddamn the animated series was amazing. To this day i still remember staying late on a saturday just to watch this.
I think this was probably the first adult themed animated show i have ever watched.
I dont understand SJW producers.
If they really wanted a black superheroe we already fucking got one right here. And the movies already have a big fanbase.
But not they just can't forgive wesley snipes apparently.
>Yeah, as in Hell Spawn
I know it was the 90s but Jesus Christ really?
I haven't watched the Blade movies since I was young. Do they hold up at all?
Fucking Jews man. Get the Gringo was an amazing movie but apparently the Jews want him to fuck off. Why do we care what the Jews think again?
they are as good as capekino can be
Strange that the west has not made anything like Spawn in the 20 years since it aired.
McFarlane wants to make a new spawn movie
he said it would be rated R and more of a Horror film.. Sounds pretty fucking good. If it's gonna happen, it needs to happen soon.
This is the greatest cape kino, I remember sitting in theaters watching this for the first time. Fuck, what a movie.
Came here to post this
same, bro
make way for the one and only GOAT tier Spawn film
This movie is getting way too much flak. Underrated as fuck.
Remaking spawn would be shit, only white could pull it off and he might be too old now.
>they just can't forgive wesley snipes apparently.
>only legit black superhero
>actor's name is White
Does he ever takes off his mask?
please choke on this piece of shit
Call me when they make a Bishop film which is a buddy cop film, but with superheroes.
He was training a militia
Wasn't snipes also a complete pain in the ass for the other actors to work with?
>tfw just yesterday rewatched Spawn movie
Maybe that's why he's good.
>Seth wants to direct
Don't know if want.
The first two are both still better than any other capeshit movies to this day.
There are tons of arguments over which one of the two is the better, and to be honest, that's an argument that will likely never have an answer, but either way they both shame most of what is pumped out today.
Watched this last night.
Holy shit, it's one of a kind bad. The worst CGI effects I have ever seen, ever.
Best makeup too.
gib details. Internet is being cheap on information.
You're going to take the word of Patton Oswalt on that? Blade 3 sounds like it was a shitshow regardless of Snipes.
Luke Cage is a legit black superhero among many.
Yeah, that one article about him filming is golden. Snipes didn't want to open his eyes (because reasons) in one scene so they had to cgi that shit. Also, smoke weed and leave notes erry day ~Blade
Spawn and Blade > Black Panther on the basis that they are not in any way defined by their race. They're also not goddamn writer's pets or Mary Sues while we're at it.
If they don't cast John Leguizamo again as Violator it's going to be shit.
I don't understand though.
There has been over 100 canon white characters swapped to black in the last 20 years.
Everytime it happens, SJWs act like its the first time and that it's "no big deal."
But what about Hispanics (of all races...white, mestizo)? Do they not fucking exist to Hollywood??
Why we're all 100+ swaps white-to-black? Why?
Latinos are a much bigger, more successful group than blacks, and yet it's like they don't exist to Hollywood!!!
>go spawny go spawny
Literally a scene for the camera.
Worst script ever. The story makes no sense.
who the fuck cares about spics, bro?
nobody wants to see a fucking wetback on the screen
numale faggot
eat shit
Because you guys have morals and standards, you MIGHT not vote democrats because you understand more.
Democrats cultivate nigger votes.
>affirmative action
>devalues black degrees
>get hired less
>more AA
>more of the devaluation
>more dem votes
It's all about keeping the nigger down but making him believe he's getting helped.
>50 years after civil rights movement
>8 years of a black president
>things are worse than ever
I rewatched Blade again recently. First time in probably 10+ years. It was still incredible.
I rewatched part of Spawn again recently. First time in probably 10+ years. Notice how I just said "part" of Spawn?
>nu male
Try harder. Spawn is a sad pile of shit.
All three of those characters were created by white people, I don't know why you're singling out Black Panther, is it because Reginald Hudlin put him in the spotlight in the worst way?
I want to see Salma Hayek everything, yes. Way more than nigs.
typical spick retard
Both of these heroes would excel in today's market. Spawn especially. Why aren't they greenlit?
i really wanna re-watch this but i'm deterred when i think of how fucking horrible malebolgia looks
literally worse than ps1 graphics at the time
Friendly reminder that Al Simmon's best friend who married his wife was black in the comic and white in the movie.
It looks insanely awful. Trust me, it's not worth a rewatch. When I was a kid my brain thought that shit looked great and I regret ruining it by watching it again.
I'm white. What's retarded about liking Hayek? She's fucking glorious.
I never knew she spoke with an accent until last night. I only saw her in dubbed movies, I realise.
Used to be the same with Arnie. In my language, he speaks normally, no accent. Sounds a bit retarded in the original.
Stay mad, pablo. Don't you have to chauffeur Chloe around somewhere today?
They also couldn't use Chapel (Al's original killer..or was he?) so they made an OC named Priest.
She was hot though.
Because their culture and religion is based generally upon leaching off of others. You have no choice.
It's unbelievably bad. On par with the story and script.
Antagonists keep adding unnecessary obstacles to themselves
>malebolgia wants Spawn to lead his army
>why? nobody knows
>never motivated, but he wants no one else
>why can't he do it himself?
>why choose a guy who's not fundamentally evil?
>no reason
>violator manages Wynn to get a trigger to the virus inside him, so that when he does, virus gets triggered
>then attempts to have Spawn kill Wynn to start the apocalypse
>why can't he kill him himself? no reason
>how does the virus start the apocalypse exactly?
>what makes Wynn think that having the antidote means people will obey him even after they're cured of the disease?
On and on and on.
just watch the animated kino instead
>why can't he kill him himself? no reason
In fact, why can't he just trigger the fucking thing directly?
Also, how do you trigger a VIRUS?
>opening cans
Anything is possible but they never mention it.
Direction is uninspired.
>spawn spends 10 minutes climbing a wall
>only decides to fly after that
>hides with cloak
>un-hides for no reason, everyone sees him again
>"You have a lot to learn, don't get cock."
>"Sure, I want to fight the big baddie now."
>"Good luck."
Script was written with feet.
>not liking Leguizamo's best performance after The Pest
The first Blade movie is fantastic, still holds up. Even in spite of that "time capsule" effect a lot of film from this time period have.
The second is pretty dope as well.
Just forget the third exists.
Oh wait, I didn't say I didn't like it. I laughed my ass off at it. I do think it's fucking hilarious.
I just said it's for the camera only and makes no sense in that context. Movie is poorly written and has some bottom-tier effects, but nothing everything in it is shit.
Naw, they'd rather cuck you instead
>things are worse than ever
Do you even pay attention to legitimate news, you jackass? Jesus Mother Fucking Christ. Please go away forever.
Who is Chloe??
So what, just cause us Latinos don't need to live off handouts from whites like blacks that makes us bad??
Time Capsule?
>implying they won't cast Wanda as white
>Using a black actor for an already black character
Woah, racist much
>Don't need to live off handouts
>In thread bemoaning not getting handouts
Pablo you gotta stop
If you guys don't blow up the controversy, the marketing gimmick won't work.
If you make a movie about black super heroes then white people aren't going to come see it. But if you make Super famous white heroes and make them black, they expect white people to still come and see it along with the blAcks.
Hollywood thinks you're a cuck who will still fork over the money to see familiar characters even if they change the race or gender or sexual orentation
Like all the dipshits who cried about the black main character in Star Wars and still went and bought a ticket anyway. Dumb fucks.
Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, and other minorities might as well not even exist as far as white and black people are concerned. They both believe that they are the only two groups in the world
I read about this shit and just laughed. Blade movies were so good I couldn't even be mad
>There has been over 100 canon white characters swapped to black in the last 20 years.
Name them all or stfu
This is so unfair.
t. Angry Latino
you can always just not go see it.
code word for "it doesn't hold up but I badly want to pretend it does".
It's still a good movie, but the CGI is shit, it even was shit to the epoch's standards.
Doesn't really count since there are several types of Ghost Riders, but the All-New Ghost Rider is Mexican, even though his appearance was based off a One Direction member. His live action version will be debuting on Agents of Shield soon
What you don't think that it's happened incredibly frequently?
It was the great return of star wars. You had to see it for yourself.
Now that I did, I can assert they ain't fooling me twice. Especially when they don't even hide their agenda anymore like with rogue one.
You ever ice skate up a mountain? If no then fuck yeah they do
He ended up being the best part of that stinker to boot.
t. Brainwashed SJW tool
Damn I fucking miss the 90s
I miss being dark and edgy as well
Such a damn shame I had to grow up. I do miss it though
No, Han and Kylo were the best.
are there any movies this days that invoke the same spirit that spawn and blade do? just fucking fun, schlocky super hero violence.
Part 1 was GOAT
Part 2 doesnt exist to me
Part 3 was meh
>Part 2 doesnt exist to me
??? Blade 2 is a great movie.
Are you retarded?
I disliked it
Dunno why 3 got so much hate tho