Watching this movie was the best cinematic experience I've had in a decade. Way better than The Force Awakens and the Marvel capeshit tripe.
What went right?
Watching this movie was the best cinematic experience I've had in a decade. Way better than The Force Awakens and the Marvel capeshit tripe.
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
It might have been even worse than The Force Awakens. At least that weaved the agendas it was trying to push into the plot somewhat. With this they were just throwing feminist imagery in your face non-stop.
Rey and Finn were obviously cuck pandering but at least people weren't literally asking "who killed the world?" It's a shame they wasted all those car stunts on a propaganda piece.
>The Force Awakens
>better than anything
The movie was fine man. They needed Max's help to save them. The only scene that felt remotely forced was the sniper scene.
Fantastic film. It had a lot of energy and weight to it and I thought Nux was the best part of the movie. Max was underused tho.
Not as good as Road Warrior, but still pretty exciting. I just felt Tom Hardy was a poor choice for Max. Didn't really bring anything to the role. Charlize Theron was pretty meh too.
>The only scene that felt remotely forced was the sniper scene
That scene is the ideological center piece of the movie and it's a declaration of cultural war. You can't just hand wave that part away, that sequence IS the movie. The agenda of the film laid bare in the bluntest fashion possible.
It was politically less offensive than Fury Road. Whilst still being INCREDIBLY politically offensive in its own right.
It's a shame the costume design was so boring in Fury Road. These are great.
Well they did a pretty bad job because the women relied on Max, a man, for the rest of the film
Immortan Joe had a good costume.
Yeah, that's true, but the only other costume I remember really standing out was the People Eater and his fake nose and nipple holes
It was a message of gender equality and working together. The very fact that the film shows Max working with the females is ideologically offensive in and of itself.
Sup Forums would throw a shitfit over Road Warrior if it came out today just because it has prominent gay characters in it
top notch photography. some movies are very good to rewatch, wouldn't call them the best but they got something good going, like this one, Drive and judge dredd.
>long fruitful development hell
>writing actually addresses existential angst, quest for purpose, etc
>excruciating artistic detail
>very little exposition
>focused on primary characters, didn't get lost in world building porn
>violence, flames, anarchy, sick guitar licks, etc.
Actually that's wrong, Sup Forumseddit.
The gays in Road Warrior were presented as degenerate villians and they got what they deserved. The Fury Road cuck equivilent would be if Max worked alongside gay characters as allies and fought to save them from homophobia.
A lot a practical effects and less cgi shit.
>Sup Forumseddit
Did you even read that before you posted?
Yes, I typed Sup Forumseddit on purpose because that's the group whose sensibilities you are propagating right now.
>>focused on primary characters, didn't get lost in world building porn
I loved their restraint in fleshing out the films universe. Little glimpses here and there to show how large the world is, but it never overtakes the narrative like certain fantasy films try to do
Do you mean Sup Forums or reddit?
>being this big of a socially retarded fuckwit who pretends they're movie connoisseurs
what went right is that it wasn't an american production, it was mostly australian talent behind it, all american movies are formulaic as shit because they're all terrified of taking risks and losing money
The director went big in a time where a lot of 'action' movies feel small. Short short car chase sequence followed by a 7 minute fist fight doesn't compare to the bombastic action masterpiece of Fury Road
It was faster and more furious than any recent car movie in a decade.
This is why Beyond Thunderdome was a mess, amongst other reasons
The combined forces of Sup Forums and reddit. Sup Forumseddit is a shorthand to consolidate the two biggest threats this board faces into one target so the crossposters can be battled on one front.
this. Extremely well done wordlbuilding, like the altar of steering wheels and "witness me" and mentions of bullet farm and oil whatever.
Normal movie would've spent first hour showing religious ceremonies and action scenes in bullet farms and such
This one kept everything non important a mystery yet showed their importance and effect on the world.
Prequel roadtrip movie of bullet bill, immortan joe and maneater when
This piece of shit is the single most overrated thing I have ever seen in my entire life. The fact that this fucking video game is what passes for good cinema nowadays is proof that this art form has been dead for quite some time. This turd is literally tailor made to pander to the type of Sup Forumsedditor millennials that have butchered this medium. I sincerely hope that praising this garbage is actually just some ebin ironic reddit meme that I'm not in on, as the thought that film has sunken so low fills me with dread and sadness.
watched all mad maxes and thundedome was shit.
When I was younger i liked it but it's a mess with shoehorned in shit.
I need to sit down with friends with pens and notepads and figure out exactly why it's so goddamn bad
nice copypasta
I fell asleep in the theater. What a garbage movie.
The short answer as to why it's a shitty movie is that George Miller wanted to do a movie about a tribe of lost kids living after the apocalypse, someone pressured him into putting Mad Max in it, then he had to quit the project early on due to some problems with his family
The whole thing felt like shameless pandering a jumbled mess at the same time
Fuck you Sup Forumseenie, I didn't copy or paste a goddamn thing. You're the kind of millennial nu-cuck this shit flick is targeting.
Distinct lack of dialogue. I honestly can't stomach today's writing.
Nice fedora
Fury Road is one of the most fedora films ever made 2bqh
Except autism is Sup Forums sensibility and to stand against Sup Forums is to stand against autism. Their entire medium is built on autism.
I can never enjoy Mad Max discussion on Sup Forums without some buzzword spouting tard shitting up the thread
This is a fucking shitty tumblr flick
t. someone who didn't watch the film
"Who killed the world?"
Are you saying it was a movie about how men are bad?
It did kinda imply that men were evil and the reason for why the world went to shit, though.
How was that forced? Is Max known as elite noscope sniper who couldn't possibly be a worse shot than a girl?
hes right though
many other boards have started using it as well since they've figured out the real problems
>men do all the work and women laze around
>"just proof of women's natural power and superiority over men"
>women do all the work and men laze around
I think it was more about tyrants like Immortan Joe then men in particular, given how the world ended up the way it did thanks to a lack of resources
The movie wasn't WOMYN EMPOWERMENT anyway, it was more row row fight the powah with Max thrown in along the wayside
>Are you saying it was a movie about how men are bad?
Old white men, but modern "nu-male" cuck progressives like Nux and Max were deemed heroic.
>It might have been even worse than The Force Awakens
stopped reading there lmao
Men literally are responsible for all the wrong things in the world. War, pollution, corporate greed, gang violence, sex slavery, government corruption, drugs; men are undeniably at the center of them because men run everything
Only a pussy with an insecurity complex would take that personally and think the movie is anti-men for saying it
>Nux and Max
>"nu-male" cuck progressives
Please stop posting
>patriarchy controls all resources
>imperator furiosa (affirmative action/women's rights)
>morbidly obese women generating milk because women who have children are yucky breeders
>antagonist's unwilling brides are all skinny and more attractive than other women in the movie
>one-armed woman in charge of war machine and troops
>max crucified to vehicle (christianity is evil and part of patriarchy)
>3 main antagonists: joe, bullet farmer, gas town "people eater" (patriarchy, military industrial complex, capitalism)
>both of joe's sons dissabled in some way (eww don't have kids, it's yucky and they'll be retarded)
>war boy Nux (men) gets accused by women of having destroyed the world, tossed out of truck
>pregnant wife puts her own baby between joe's bullet and truck (abortion)
>pregnant wife falls from truck, dies a few hours later from injury (don't marry and reproduce or your life is over)
>side character named max is big and burly but can barely fight a scrawny one-armed woman
>side character max bests woman only when he gets a gun and places it to her head (gun control. also, Theron's father killed her mother with a gun in south africa)
>bullet farmer nearly kills all women (gun control again)
>max has to wash blood from his face using breast milk (motherhood is the death of happiness)
>Nux is rehabilitated and now a male feminist
>group of amazon lesbians setting traps for men in desert
>women able to live in sand filled void because MUH STRONK WOMYN
>old women in desert shoot better than war boys who have constant practice in raids
>old woman has a bag of seeds (hope)
>side character max wants to retake joe's citadel because it is unguarded
>convoy turns around (leftist revision history)
>people eater (capitalism) fat old bald man with gold nipple piercings, has to be lifted to his vehicle on the backs of poor
>desert lesbian amazons making perfect headshots from speeding vehicle on uneven terrain
And the "power" were controlling patriarchal white men by coincidence. And the new more optimistic future promised by the end of the movie was one where the genders respect each other and work together. By coincidence.
Do you think all men hold insane amounts of power and not just the 1%, or are you just retarded?
you obviously just came here from either one
>polecat minion plucks woman from her friends, delivers her to patriarchy
>desert lesbian amazons fall from motorcycle and dodge speeding vehicles
>amazon grabs rifle, continues to make perfect shots
>finally run over by people eater (capitalism as he takes control of the wheel and purposely kills woman)
>pursuit vehicles use harpoons and plows to try to slow truck (patriarchy holding back women's rights)
>max and nux now male feminists must help their women leaders
>max nearly falls from truck, charlize grabs him with the sheer might of her robot arm and strong will can hold up man three times her weight without prosthetic arm flying off
>max's v8 interceptor destroyed (manhood and patriarchy destroyed while saved by a woman)
>furiosa survives stab in gut by evil man
>nux given command of truck as furiosa jumps to joe's car
>max uses people eater as human shield against joe's bullets (using patriarchy to destroy capitalism via male feminist)
>max jumps to safety of women as capitalism explodes
>joe's massive son corpus fooled by woman who helps her get furiosa to joe's car
>max fights giant corpus
>furiosa rips mouth from joe (patriarchy no longer has say in women's lives)
>women quickly leave war machine for joe's leadership vehicle
>blonde wife takes seeds from old lesbian who is now dead but smiling
>nux sacrifices life to destroy war truck, corpus, and stop pursuing vehicles and thereby serve women
>gang returns to citadel, present dead patriarchy, toss him from hood where legions of poor tear his body apart
>intelligent but disabled son of joe pressured to let furiosa and brides up to citadel via lift
>he allows them up, they ascend to paradise while the poor are allowed to come up with them (open borders to promised land)
>furiosa looks down at sea of poor, sees side character max look up at her as he disappears into obscurity
Do you know how to read or are you retarded?
It's true though, they both accept the the strong women as equals and help them overthrow the oppressive patriarchy. Their only putting the film is to give millennial nu-males something to project themselves on to.
Why? It's accurate.
No because you're acting as if it's okay for the movie to say that men as a demographic are the reason for why the world is bad and not just a handful of super powerful dictators or people in the past.
I wish I could be a beta orbiter like Nux who sacrifices his life to help the feminist conquest.
I'm actually glad Max wasn't the focus because Tom Hardy is dull as fuck in it.
And this is off the top of my head. Thinking back, there are plenty of things I forgot to mention like the brides arguing about moving on after the pregnant one, Splendid, fell from the truck and died. The dark haired bride (hispanic or muslim) wants to go back to the patriarchy but the white ones explain to her that they must be strong and go on without men.
It's a modern action movie with plenty of practical effects, but it's not a Mad Max movie since he's just a side character. It's a feminism action movie with the Mad Max name to get more people in seats, specifically men who need to be taught the glory of feminism and self-sacrifice to push feminist goals. In the beginning of the movie, Max was used as an unwilling blood bag for Nux. Towards the end, he willingly becomes a blood bag for Furiosa to keep her alive.
Like it all you want, just be aware of what you're seeing, this is cold war era style propaganda and you're being indoctrinated for uplikes on facebook.
If you can't read film then this board and even medium isn't for you.
>men are responsible for everything bad
by that logic men are also responsible for everything good because they run everything
you sound like you hate yourself because you have a dick
>you sound like you hate yourself because you have a dick
This is the mindset that one must enter to fully appreciate Fury Road.
Can we not just talk about the Road Warrior?
No, I'm saying it's factual to attribute the world's problems to men because men did it. Individual men but men nonetheless
Again, learn to read
>only a pussy with an insecurity complex would take that personally
So in order to like Fury Road I have to hate myself for what other people did?
Fuck this really is a Tumblr movie.
So in order to like Fury Road I have to be as self-loathing as possible because of shit that other people did?
Haha no.
Actually if a nuclear apocalypse really did happen I think blaming it on men and masculinity would not be too unjustified
Did Max spending the first half of the movie literally muzzled seem like cuckold iconography to anybody else?
The part where he can't hit his target and so hands the sniper to furiosa is full of meaning too. Obviously it means that max is impotent and so must hand his gun (dick, balls, male power, whatever) to furiosa so the new unified genders can move on and achieve their goals.
>Individual men
>most of said men were of african and/or of middle eastern descent
Hi, another user here. So all in all, what was the movie's actual message? To me it seemed like it was saying that a lot of bad people are men, not that men as a whole are bad people.
>So all in all, what was the movie's actual message?
Old white men are evil. If we work together we can topple the patriarchy and live in a brighter tomorrow.
>To me it seemed like it was saying that a lot of bad people are men, not that men as a whole are bad people.
Obviously. How anyone could take a film where 2/3 of the main cast are men who do heroic and selfless things all film as anti-men is beyond me
It's just a simple populist narrative about fighting oppression and tyranny. People bring their own politics to it and turn it into something that deeply offends them totally on their own accord
1. They didn't add dramatic scenes with cheesy dialogue
2. They didn't explain the plot and setting as if the viewers are retards, they figured we can work it through natural dialogue and details
Basically, they did what literature has been doing for a few centuries. Show, don't tell.
Fighting oppression but the subtext is FEMALE oppression. The symbolism in this movie is hardly subtle.
Holy shit, we share a board with people that are this fucking new. Kill yourself famalam.
I think just the whole "who ruined the world" thing was what ticked people off, but unfortunately we DO have to realize that a vast majority of the bad shit in the world is caused by (individual) men.
Not to say that men haven't been useful in creating huge scientific and technological breakthroughs, and to an extent even making the future better for tons of other demographics of people that back in prehistory would probably just be fed to the wolves, but still.
Congratulation! You didn't add any valuable criticism to the movie but you sure proved to have autism.
Do you not think sex slavery is a thing?
You must have sperged out when you played Fallout: New Vegas.
Freeing sex slaves offends you?
Sex slavery is a stand in for general female oppression in this movie. And even just in regards to literal sex slavery, I can't say I oppose it.
A useful heuristic.
Anyone who accuses you of being reddit, Sup Forums, patrician, pleb, whatever - they either think unavoidably in terms of outgroup, or are trying to socially pressure you. Both mindsets are wrong so just ignore them and try to contribute to a decent board.
>Mad Max: Fedora Road
>anything more than a video gamer's wet dream 2-hour stunt demo
nice laffs. do try and stick to Sup Forums
See >If you can't read film then this board and even medium isn't for you.
Come back when you can actually understand cinema and cinema language, meme parasite.
Lol u raging autist
The point is that this movie has a feminist subtext, whether that is a problem is up to the individual, but the people who are claiming that the feminist agenda ins't there are absolute retards who can't read a film on anything other than the most surface level.
You're not Sup Forums to think this is a feminst film, you are just capable of understanding very blatant subtext.
>And even just in regards to literal sex slavery, I can't say I oppose it.
You should have just opened with this and saved me the trouble
Most of the MM movies didn't have Max as the main character, more so it's about the world he inhabits. Are you serious?
*fedora tips itself twice*
>Most of the MM movies didn't have Max as the main character
The main crux of the narrative in 2 and 3 was him helping a third party but to say he wasn't the main character is a flat out lie.
I watched the first Mad Max again a couple weeks ago, maybe a third of the movie is dedicated to Goose as a character and about a fifth to the villains, the other half is Max and his wife.
You get what I mean.
Mad Max is best movie of 2015 and better than any 2016 movie. People are really pissed by "sjw-propaganda" here?
You are attempting to mislead and manipulate because that is what leftists with heads full of jew agendas do. No supporting character in any prior film was given anywhere near the prominence of Furiosa.
I agree with slaver-user to a degree. The chastity belts may as well have had little #SlutShaming stickers on them. The imagery in that scene is not MERELY about sex slavery.