Apart from beastiality and pedophillia, what do you have against Islam? They keep their women in line...

Apart from beastiality and pedophillia, what do you have against Islam? They keep their women in line, and have lots of kids user, whereas chances are you can't talk to women, and you have no kids

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They stink.

They're rude.

Their women are creepy as fuck and will walk on the road while staring at you rather than walk past you on the pavement like a normal person.

Well, they have lots of kids. That's the problem. They are ugly, have shit values, smell, and there are lots of them. Terrible formula.

Also, the pedophilia and doctrinal violence is a big part of it.




Islam is a vile regressive ideology which would see all the advances mankind has made reversed by 7th century dogma enforced by Sharia violence. Islam has contributed nothing of benefit to mankind throughout its entire history because it has nothing of benefit to give to mankind, ALL the advances made by mankind have been made despite Islam certainly not because of Islam, the myth of the maths and science and learning that Islam has brought is just that a myth, the advances were made by the Greeks and prior civilisations numerous of which were conquered by Islam which has always been spread by the sword. Islam has nothing worthwhile to bring to mankind, if it were not for the brutal repression of any dissent and the death sentence for those who leave Islam it would have died out long ago, but because Muslims are ruled by the violence instructed in the Koran they are fearful to question let alone leave. Had it not been for the apostates death sentence Islam would have died out long ago. Taqiya in some cases is actually MANDATED by the Koran. It demands that you lie to non-believers if you're a minority until the minority becomes the majority. Then taqiya is thrown out.

Every time somebody defends them in any way they're basically aiding and abating an enemy. They ought to be recognized as enemy. Jihad means Holy War against the Infidel......Britain,Australia,Europa,the US & Canada....guess what. You ARE the Infidel, be warned.

>pervz admiral hoodboy

sick ass name

using an outdated operating system

The women are too good, and I can't have them

>apart from beastiality and pedophilia

The fact that islam is more a political ideology than a religion, thus it's supposed to override the Constitution. So yeah, fuck islam.


Because Islam is imperialistic and fascistic.

They will never stop until the whole world joins their ideology.

If Muslims stayed in the Middle East. That's fine. I have no problem. But they're flooding the West.

Just because I want Muslims to have their own lands where they have their own laws and where they are with their own racial group doesn't mean I hate them. I want what they want -- for themselves in their own lands not in Christian and white lands.

But obviously the United States of Amerikkka won't stop bombing their fucking countries so they can have some peace for this to happen.

Apart from uncontrollable cell growth and death, what do you have against cancer?

they want to kill me for living the way i was raised. good enough reason to hate

but otherwise i do agree with a lot of tenants of the religion

They subvert the law of every country they enter.

>tfw you realise they are /pol of real life

Islam = socialism and their is a difference between Cristian traditionalism and treating women as slaves.
But I know you ugly, obese, liberal bitches love arranged marriages to get a remote chance for having a partner


that third thing
what the fuck is that
is it something they're told to do?

>They keep their women in line

No, Muslim women are detestable shrews. They just believe in Islam.



They have 57 countries they can fuck goats and achieve nothing in. Stop ruining ours.

False Prophet/God


Mate it wouldn't matter if America never dropped a single bomb On the Middle East, they'd fuckin find some reason to hate people anyway, it's what Islam does.

im going to europe soon. will i be able to smash any muslim pussy?

>Forcing women to cover their hair and in some cases their faces.
>Forcing others to convert to their religion.
>Their deep hatred against dogs and calling for them to be genocide.
>Free sex changes to trannies paid for by the state and openly encouraging it.(AKA Iran)
>Destroying historical architecture, art, and culture.
>Their lack of consumption of pork products.

fuck allah and his akbar

Their belief system supresses thought much more effectively than other religions.

that gets me thinking, is there anything NOT wrong with muslims?

these people sure managed to be the perfect package of human waste. sex with goats, rape kids, blow shit up, kill people who disagree with you on any subject, smell like shit. it really doesn't get that much worse

So why is that terrorism actually increased exponentially after the Iraq invansion?

Foreign policy matters, m8.

>Pedophile warlord prophet, who all muslims should aspire to be like
>science can only exist if fits the narrative of the book
>teaches hatred against non believers
>death for apostasy, adultery, homosexuality
>subjugation of Christians and jews if they are the minority, war if they do not convert or pay taxes
>no public displays of affection, women wear literal bin bags
>did I mention pedophilia?

Pedophillia and beastiality are not enought to chabge your pc liberal mind?!

Get out and fucke some sheeps

It's an obedience-based goat-herder religion that has nothing to do with Our sacred People, just like the other two arse-lifting religions that came from that area.

>beastiality and pedophillia
lol whut? Quote chapter and verse of the Quran

ISIS =/= Islam

They get suicidal and homicidal over a bunch of cartoons.

>Doesn't know Mohammad had a child bride
>Doesn't know all Muslims are encouraged to emulate him

I'm not a fan of the culture associated with it.
I don't understand how liberal women are so pro-Islam.
I enjoy being able to drive a car, to not be accompanied by a male everywhere I go. I love the fact that I get to be educated, and do not have to be considered property.
I appreciate that I have freedom to do most things without it being constrained by gender.

Islam takes away my freedom.
I cannot promote Islam.

Generally votes for bigger government, which is no good

its foreign

IS are also the strictest followers of Islam. Ever since the MB was founded they have wanted to restore the Caliph and build a Caliphate, now IS have done it. Everything they do is in line with what Islam teaches, right down to the way they executed prisoners and people who wouldn't convert or pay taxes.

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

Stoning and honour killing and considering a book more important than people's lives.

Iman's say it's ok to have preteen wives. Also it is described in the Q'ran (according to an iman's speech I have no intention to read the whole book) how it is forbidden to penetrate a bride younger than 9 and it describes how you can only touch her and kiss her between her thighs.

I have no problems with Islam.

I have problems with people.

Fucking Eurotrash letting in undocumented migrants.

There is nothing wrong with Muslims, like there is nothing wrong with blacks and whites. It's when you dial down wealth and education levels beneath rock bottom and raise them in shitty societies, you get shitty people that live up to stereotypes.

Abdul A is an engineering graduate with a squeaky clean background who volunteers at the soup kitchen. He is the ideal immigrant.

Abdul B can't do basic math, does not poo in the loo, jerks off to children, believes America is responsible for every bad thing in his home country despite mountains of evidence and is a generally shitty person.

It's not Islamaphobic to hate Abdul B and think Germany should not call for him to cross over the EU border.

Simple stuff.


You realize a large percentage of foreigners who have gone to fight for IS are educated persons? Doctors and the like have gone over in support, not to mention the large support network of money earners they have in western countries.

Bringing race into it is fucking retarded, being black isn't an ideology you adhere to, being Muslim is.

>Apart from beastiality and pedophillia

What's wrong with beastiality and pedophilia?

>what do you have against Islam?

The same thing I have with all religions. It's for thoughtless, weak minded people. I have no use for those types of people.