What is your life's philosophy user?

what is your life's philosophy user?
what code do you live by?

Let life happen

Well, it's more of a guideline than a code, but I take what I can and give nothing back


masturbate on /b

Fuck bitches, get money.

real men cuck.

I live by the wise words of olas mackelmore
"Expectations are resentments waiting to happen"

Ok, here goes it so far:
There are two types of thought, bitension and cotension, bitension means you feel like you're fighting your reality, cotension means you feel at one with your reality.

Plot twist, there's no difference between the two because we each live in our own reality and create our realities separately from each other.

We are creator gods in a universe with all the safety measures turned on, this is why we can't create an apple out of thin air even though technically we should be able to. We have holographic thoughts and emotions that would manifest instantly if we didn't live in our make-believe fake reality where we can't know our own strength. In short, we are gods in training.

This is my philosophy I live my life by.

"Don't be a dick" just about covers it.

>do no harm take no shit
>buy the ticket take the ride

Caring too much just leads to awkward circumstances.

dont die a virgin

Execute order 66 and 1488.

balance in all things

I get dubs when I want


But what of the pearl?

Do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't make someone else unhappy.

everything you do makes me unhappy

enjoy your new life of nothing

planned hedonism

live life as happily as possible until it gets to the point where it's too much work for not enough payoff

We live to die.
So might as well do whatever feels good. So fuck as many women as you want
If a slutty preteen is hitting on you then by all means fuck her
Fuck your homies gfs
Be shitty towards shitty people
But be nice to those who deserve it.

This really is true, in just about any circumstance.

I like it.

I Love you user

Find your solemate and do Everything to protect and Keep her/ him safe if you did find him/her

Plus that God Thing the guy talked about

Hammurabi's Code all the way for me
>inb4 so let it be written, so let it be done

First I check your dub dubs.

Second, are you actually my older brother?

I, too, love you user.


All things in moderation, including moderation.

Do no harm. Stay stoned.

Be somewhat nice to everyone, except niggers, dune Coons and Jews, but always have a plan to slaughter them, especially niggers, dune Coons and kikes.

That's the stupidest shit I've read all day.

dont follow anyone else's philosophy. make up your own and stick to it. that's mine.

Never thought of this... ill limit myself to 10 that i consider important in my life. Ill write them down and try to live by them.
>Fight for those you love.
>The only dreams worth pursuing are those. you can share with people you care about.
>Live on the edge.
>Good things do not come easily, so work on those good things.
>Have fun now, but be weary of the future.
>Always ask questions, and question.
>Time is your greatest enemy, do anything you can to control it.
>Never expect for future happiness, disapointment my crush you, instead wish for it, and work for it.
>Always strive to be humble.
>Never compare yourself to others.