How would you handle a CWC movie?
How would you handle a CWC movie?
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I would let Chris Chan write, direct and star in it
Who would play Bob and Barbara?
Just take all the footage and make an eight hours long epic with parts between narrated by Morgan Freeman
>yfw Chris will die soon because of an infected hole in his taint
I wouldn't. We're literally talking about a mentally ill faggot who thinks his penis is being transformed into a vagina through the power of music.
that sounds like pure kino to me tripfag
Barbara playing herself. Bob's dead body playing Bob.
There's already a documentary about CWC that some kid shot for his high school film class. It was actually pretty interesting, I watched the whole thing.
>Barbara playing herself.
I don't think she can last much longer, Fambo. Pic related is from a video taken this year where Chris(tine) dances her in front of the camera asking for "donations". She looks absolutely dead inside
she is a woman who've scammed her way through the life. I wouldn't be surprised if she lasts longer than Chris
I mean seriously his mom looks like she's scared for her life here. We're going to find out he has a woman suit he made out of dead prostitutes in his basement at this point
The documentary doesn't cover the trasgender years with CWC cutting himself an unholy vagina.
We need a sequel!
>CWC was the literal progenitor of all SJW and Tumblr-tier faggotry that exists today
This is god's curse for everyone making CWC's life a living hell
She's scared of being raped.
>We're going to find out he has a woman suit he made out of dead prostitutes in his basement at this point
shit almost pissed myself in laughter kek
Pretty ironical considering half the people who were stalking/harassing CWC were SJWs or liberals themselves
It covers the transgender years/phase, but it doesn't have the "vagina" wound hole saga because it was made in like 2012, and CWC didn't give himself a taint-wound until this year I think
This is who you pay all those taxes for, America.
A mix between the perception that people have of CWC and a psychedelic view of the world that Chris have, with visual simial to Sonichu
His descend into madness is represented by how the sonichu world is more and more présent.
At the end of the movie Chris is living in a eternal bliss, the last shot being him walking out of his house holding the hands of all his oc
a musical
I'd get the Good folks at Biurnal Beats to write the score
Massive amounts of fanta placement to help fund it, maybe try to get some Burger King payola as well
Recurring motifs of Chris fucking/fondling substitute women as a coping device for his loneliness and social inability and to show that his life's core motivation has and always will be out of his ability to attain
A post funeral scene of nameless transvestites rolling his graverobbed body in a carpet and throwing it off a bridge, then panning to the defiled grave and Sonichu adorned tombstone
Christopher Weston Chandler
February 1982 - Julay 2017
This. Pure kino
Todd Solodz shoul be the director.
>Julay 2017
I smiled
My dream is for Werner Herzog to make a documentary.
Kind of like Mishima except about a gay american autist instead of a gay japanese autist
>dreams of having sex with own parent
I consider these types of dreams "nightmares"
>implying she isn't playing her part to get free moniez
>Woman card
The fuck is that?
Why doesn't she blink?
>a CWC movie
>not doing a jason genova movie
Give the rights to Adam Sandler and watch the chaos unfold.
The film opens with Chris' legendary video from his 25th birthday. After that we follow Chris in both the dark, depressing real world, and in the Sonichu world (animated in the Sonichu style) where he is Sonichu's dad, mayor of CWCville and the coolest guy in the universe. We see the history of Chris getting trolled and bullied and victimized, but we also see him be a hateful, racist, aggressive, homophobic, mentally insane, semi-sex offending manchild. Eventually Chris is arrested and he gets convicted for his Gamestop freakout. At first he gets teased in prison but after a while the inmates start giving him some slack when they realize he's mentally handicapped and abusing him leads to nothing and raping him is no fun. After being released Chris arrives home and finds out Barb has passed away. The first few weeks Chris dines at McDonald's, but after he runs out of money(no savings and no more tugboat) he doesn't know how to acquire food. He calls Cole but Cole tells him to go fuck himself. As Chris starves the Sonichu world begins to fade since the real world pain has become too much to handle. In an act of final desperation Chris dusts off his Sega Genesis and cartridge of the orginal Sonic. At night while playing Sonic Chris passes away. While the real Chris lies dead on the floor of the Branchland Court home, the Sonichu world Chris gets congratulated by Sonichu. All the people Chris has met in his life and have appeared in his comics come up to him and celebrate his existence. A previously unseen woman and girl come up to him: A sweetheart from the ground up and Chris' little daughter named Crystal. Together the three walk off into the sunset. The film then ends on archive footage of Chris winning the Sonic Watch and Win sweepstakes.
Jared Leto (in fat person mode like in that Chapman movie he did) as Chris, Paul Dano as Liquid, The Rock as Clyde Cash, Roseanne as Barb, Clint Eastwood as Bob, Ellen Page as Megan
Jacob Tremblay as Bluespike
Jane Lynch as Mary Lee Walsh
Ryan Gosling as Adam Stackhouse
Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aimé have small roles as themselves.
Has the toxic-shock from his 'mangina' killed him yet?