>you have to fuck one
What do?
>you have to fuck one
What do?
Ana for looks 100%
Laci because she's red pilled
fuck ana
marry laci
kill anita
best choice
Red pilled laci,
And not cause I "have to"
I just would
Laci. Huge tits and eyes.
Shove her head straight into the fucking ground and beat her back with a iron pipe like never and tell her his is the same shit i do on 5 days meth or speed lol am 3th now 2 more to go while snorting that cat ass fuck cat mouth while cracking that nigger mouth fucking open and you ask me what i would do?
Ask me again pussy
That wasn't the question
I would choose Laci if she wasn't confirmed to be disease-infested. Since she is, I choose Ana. Ana's a better hate-fuck anyway. Laci seems like she would actually be pretty decent in person.