Political compass/spekr/filteries thread and discussion

political compass/spekr/filteries thread and discussion

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If you're not in the purple something is wrong with your brain.

almost there

>anyone who doesn't agree with me has mental issues

Left and right is the difference between freedom and oppression. I prefer the government not dictating my life.





god tier

We have a winner. Beat mine.

Damn straight.

deserve to be killed. libs are a cancer and should be killed. I would support their slaughter


Some pretty sensible people lean that far to the left. Sargon of Akkad is a good example.

His ideas about the economy are shit, but overall he's a great guy and not a "progressive."


What's up

Shit tier but I appreciate The new website


What up less radicalized me

Damn fucking straight.

Hello, more moderate me.


Not too much, just relaxing listening to some music. How about you, user?

I have a framed picture of Stalin in my apartment.

No fucking way you actually got down there, that's impossible. I'm as truly libertarian as you can get, but the test still funnels me into the diagonal axis.

I feel outdone


you just need to believe friend

And beyond.

>tgw Über Ron Paul.

wow that video is really good. Sends a good message too. Libs need to fear for their lives and be killed. They're terrorists.



you clearly don't have conviction in your beliefs

I agree no real conservative supports libfags. They should be imprisoned or killed. This world keeps getting more and more fucked. Plus the country was founded on conservative christian beliefs. This is a democracy for conservatives only.

>tfw you're basically a Maoist compared to this guy


Damn fucking straight bitches


My compass >>>

Dude how oh my ufcking god

Have you seen Evergreen College recently? Perfect example of why this needs to happen



They got me wrong. I'm a Social Democrat. Because Democratic Socialists are retards.

Socialism is just as bad as Libertarianism. One wants the State to rule over all, the other wants the Corporations to rule over all. What we need is the State protecting public interests while the Corporations protect private interests. We need them in balance with eachother so neither becomes tyrannical.

And I consider myself a Classical Liberal

Actually, maybe I am a Democratic Socialist. This is the farthest Left I've ever scored.

Nice 20% deficit numbnuts

eh. Just cut healthcare and science I guess