thoughts on ep 3 ?
MDE adult swim
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girl was hot
It was OK, Sam. Better than the first two, imo, actually funny and I thought the ending was really well-done.
I didnt get the school sketch
I didnt get the water sketch
I didnt get the gf/bf sketch
I didnt get the musical number
The show is beyond terrible
The only one I've liked so far. The teacher sketch and emo ending was very kino.
Nick was really awesome in that last one. Charls water shit was pretty good and so was Sams nigger shit. That Nick tho.
based redpill comedy btfoing sjw tumblrinas
shame the anti-white kikes will get cancelled
thanks, you only say this 100 times in every single one of these threads..maybe find a thread about a show you like instead?
You may have retardation
I love the ending of the final sketch. All of the music they've had at the end of every episode has been great so far as well.
>I didnt get the school sketch
>I didnt get the water sketch
that was their best sketch, sam was pretty lame in this one, Charles outdid himself-
tap water - lsiten to the refferences, angry people, birth control pills, killing polititicians...its the borderline explicit right wing talk, like that scene from fight club when he puts the D in the film - you saw it but you cnat point what it actually is, very MDE approach
charls just isn't funny
me on the left
where can i find torrents?
i keep missing the show
When are you going to guest their podcast Sam?
It's a wonder SJW haven't attacked him yet for his blackface?
It's hard when you babbies keep spamming these threads
hurr MDE is better than Eric Andre durr
Just search for it on youtube m8. You don't need to torrent it.
are they editing the show themselves? the editing doesn't feel like their youtube stuff
the tap water sketch was meh, everything else was pretty good. I wish the episodes were longer
Nick continuing to stand out.
Watch the network try to break them up by offering Nick his own deal
But even their youtube stuff has different editors right?
>the tap water sketch was meh
literally the best sketch in the ep, this show is probably not for you
>hurr MDE is better than Eric Andre durr
which really isn't saying much, considering
This would be so great.
I get le epic symbolism, but I still prefer stuff like the school sketch, is more original
>I get le epic symbolism, but I still prefer stuff like the school sketch, is more original
the school is also great sketch, and also very simbolic but too explicit to be that interesting like the tap water was. steacher sketch goes a bit deeper into the matter, its more existential which was done before but still very fresh in many ways
>That last sperg that rams is car into her house
Kekd profusely
I want to marry that girl btw
The first two parts of the first sketch were pretty bad, but the ending got me good. Charls' tap water guide was fucking great. Very tongue-in-cheek. Teacher sketch was also similarly good. Surprisingly meaningful and poignant, which is something I wasn't expecting.
This, I didn't watch the trailer so I wasn't expecting it
i liked the inclusion of the slightly squirrely kid from the Papa Genos youtube vid- i think hes sams friend
Compared to the first two this episode was pretty good. Hope the next epidsodes are this level or better.
Still I like the youtube videos more, even the spontaneous vids.
that's the director, you doofus
another perfect episode from a perfect show.
I haven't been this entertained (entertained at all) by television ever.
still won't buy cable tho.
I might MIGHT get the dvd box set if it's released
definitely getting the rips.
The ending was unusually sentimental for MDE.
The show is edited by Trappped who edits most of their videos
He's Andrew Ruse from Thanks Computer, who have made some really good videos, including MDE collabos
>censoring the F word
Why are Amerisharts so afraid of bad words even in shows that are supposed to be for adults?
And now that they are giving shitty webshows space on real TV, Rucka Rucka Ali on Adult Swim when?
The first sketch was funny and the third really made me think. The tap water sketch was too on-the-nose for me.
Sam Hyde is my idol and I love the show but I don't post in MDE threads anymore because you people are completely terrible in every way
I dont get it, is it comedy or a commentary on society?
I really didnt get the first sketch with the black guy and women, it was just Sam in black face saying random shit.
>is it comedy or a commentary on society?
>implying you have to pick one
stay golden, peasant.
None of you have educations
>right wing
this isn't right wing humor
right wing humor can be found on CMT shows or Netflix's "The Ranch"
It isn't funny though, maybe i just dont understand it since i dont know about american society.
I thought the YouTube video in car culture, the stand up about immigration and the twitter one about gays was funny but this show didnt make me laugh.
there is one post in this thread calling it right wing humor
I take it Sam has invested in a water filter, already.
America is incredibly contradictory when it comes to morality. You can't say "shit" or "fuck" on TV, but you're free to promote transsexuality in children.
>right wing equals rednecks
can't you new york kikes come up with some new jokes? aren't you supposed to be good comedians?
>The Don King reference in the openign sketch
What an unfunny heap of trash. Enjoy it because this is the only season that will air ever.
I didnt get why the students had red painting in their faces
also, is that shit about tap water true or just tin-foil bs? is there any proof? if so, how do i clean it?
i get why some of you say the show is boring or whatever, i agree, they could work on it, but i still enjoy it, i dont know why
This is not funny at all.
>deadwood reaction pic
>I prefer my comedy unfunny
rubes, the lot of you
>I didnt get why the students had red painting in their faces
People paint their faces with the color of their Football team to support them sometimes.
Sam has faggy hands.
t.user with even faggier hands
At least you can acknowledge and understand different viewpoints instead of assuming that anyone who doesn't like WP is a triggered SJW or a Clinton shill.
what did the dog say to the rubes?
I've never posted in any of these threads, but he's right.
>t. lebbit
The water sketch is about how it's hard to feel bad for ppl in flint michigan when they havent organized action against the people responsible for fucking their water, and they still pay taxes and shit.
>right wing humor is liberals belittling middle america
cancer leave
You know angry people kill politicans
I got every sketch but the teacher one I think I missed something important? Like I got when he was saying that tenure is bad for learning because it creates outdated teachers, was that it??
it is far broader than that. its a general critique of big government
Why is charls so fucking funny? Wouldn't be surprised if he blows up desu. He's funny, handsome and gay.
this month holocaust, next month black history month
his line delivery is always GOAT
When we getting uncensored eps lads?
Like a "their only teaching white guilt" kind of thing?
Murder charls is one of my favourite videos
best yet
>Gotta represent, Queens
>i know about your murder charles
>detective ray paccatti knows about my murders too, fuck him in his ass
so this garbage is what little nu-male millennials find funny? jesus christ
Yes, now go back to Re ddit.
I liked the irony in the water sketch, where he talked about how you pay taxes and get shit, while the niggers in Flint complaining about their water don't pay taxes in the first place
More like a "red pilled" millennial nu male kind of has a liberal connotation to it.
> let me just throw a bunch of memes together so Sup Forums thinks I'm a cool guy
How is the Holocaust "white guilt"?
>never forget 6 trillion of the chosen peoples were killed by aryan nazis such as yourself
skip to 2.39
it's fine if you don't understand the humor, but you don't have to get upset over it.
But user, most people consider those jews white, too.
Not the alt right.
The humor is very easy to understand, all you have to do is lurk Sup Forums for a while and it's all there. Or do you think of "prep the bull" and "take the poo to the loo" as layered, profound comedy?
This shit is terrible
But they aren't, that's the thing
Is this WHITED? CREAMED? gawddamn Sam has that jungle fever going
It's satire you dense monkey
lol are you serious?
is that all you think the jokes in WP amount to?
maybe you should stick with what comes on CN a few hours prior
What kind of drugs do you have to be on to find this stupid shit funny?