Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?

Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?

Hes a big guy but he cant think it really hides the fat, he has a lot of loyalty to this shirts for a washed up hack.

If he took it off would he die? he actually married a couple wearing it. he wears it to funerals, i bet he wears it to bed.

why would you not take off a shirt before throwing yourself in bed?

for you


christina it top tier milf


>It's a Kevin Smith 'slighted' my hero by appearing on his show under-dressed and now I'm taking vengeance by forcing a Sup Forums maymay episode
When, sir? When is enough going to be enough?

someone tell me thick aguillera lookalike pornkinos

>giving a fuck about Leno


I bet he has 20 pairs of those long shorts as well.


they're called jorts

kelly devine has some blonde stuff, velicity von

They're leg warmers for elephants



there are some with more xray

How can he be able to dedicate himself to filming movies but he cant dedicate himself to diet and light exercise

wtf it takes more effort to get these than to get thinner and buy regular clothes




Why did ksmith not go for the hug on stage? too beta? theories?