>200 million budget
>200 million budget
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fancy cheese
fuck you i'm actually hype for this.
at least it's going to be great visually.
Vidyakino will literally never work.
for Hollywood accounting, won't have to pay taxes or royalties if it fails too make over 200 million
35 mlion just went to paying Kanye for use of his music
>Sup Forumsirginboyos and 12 year olds are actually hype to see this
Warcraft worked, it wasn't a classic, but it was a good movie. Assassins creed looks okay though.
Not for advertising that's for sure. I can't wait for this to ruin Genderbender's career. While patrician Cuminsnatch moves on to the heights of capekino
>he hasn't seen McBeth
who's the 12yo now?
Warcraft was a shit movie.
The Orc parts were good, but the rest of the movie sucked.
>comes out one week after Star Wars
Guaranteed flop
It flopped though
Wheres the second trailer?
>the real ending will be a DLC
>additional scenes shown exclusively for preorder screening
>Sup Forumsirginboyos and 12 year olds
nice try summerfag.
now go back to facebook.
dont even try to claim autocorrect. Just fuck off.
warcraft was pretty great visually
it was shit as a movie though
For covering the costs of performing several leaps of faith
>summerfag meme
Silent Hill 1 and Postal were great
>I want to see a watered down version of something I regularly play everyday except all I can do is sit and watch it
people pay for this
Fucking burgers
5 million to pay the stuntman to do a real leap of faith
Fuck you.
I'm a fan of AC games but the movie looks like shit.
>cgi will be so broken heads will disappear except for eyes and mouths
>background extras will get stuck in the floor in horrifying poses
>texture pop-in will be horrendous
E3 poster
>pic related
release day poster
>video game movies have a 95% flop-rate throughout history that hasn't ever changed
>spend an absurd amount of money, hoping it will somehow break the pattern and catch the capeshit gravy train
hollywood is retarded
at least it won't make the same error as Hobbit and won't be 48fps
Mumbling: The Film
I liked the setting but I wish they'd speak up
I wonder how that meeting went...
>warcraft was pretty great visually
I get the joke user you faggot
I don't get it, so I'll think I'll ask you to head back to Sup Forums, fâm
The duel between Durotan and Gul'dan was pretty fkn cool imo. But Im also a Warcraft fanboy so
So why are Jesse Custer and Ragnarr going to do gang bang an Orc?
>Comes out a week after the new Star Shit movie
Fuck I want it to be good so bad
The more money a movie wastes on its budget the worst it will be.
Anything with a budget over 100 million usually flops in comparison.
200 million budget = BvS levels of terrible.
It will this time
don't blame the film for your inability to understand Shakespearean english
you could also have tried turning the volume up, or using subtitles
Why haven't they advertised this at all to the public?
I predict a 50 million box office. Such a shame
You'll need a uplay account before entering the theater
It's a classic Hollywood case of money laundering
It's making me nervous
I saw a trailer for it yesterday.
Where? It has never been on tv nor has there been any commercials for.
No normies know this exists
I second that notion.
The fuck you need that much money centered around a movie about a man who quietly assassinates people? It sure as shit isn't advertising money.
Is this going to have action set pieces with huge, real explosions or what? I can't figure it.
>$200m budget
>for a movie released in december
>1 week after star wars
wonder how many game spin offs they'll release to recoup the costs
looking back they're smart not to have released it this summer, but they really did not have anywhere to release it in 2017
I can't wait for this movie to flop.
I'm sick of Ubisoft.
real kino here
After you turn off the Xbox, kiddo.
Is there a way for these kind of things to happen more frequently? I've played a lot of games that are notorious for being buggy, but I rarely ever run into anything like this.
no idea, but this thread made me think of motdef's channel, he has a fuckton of these vids
Gotta get them leaps.
I don't understand why they didn't just do a bungee jump if they're going to composite him in.
The Assassin's Creed games have some of the most atrocious writing I've ever seen in video games, and I say that as someone who thinks video game writing is generally dogshit.
Of all the things, why would the fucking make a movie out of this?
10 ft haystacks
I seriously would love to see them pull this shit in the movie. No fucking way you can dive from 500 ft in the air to a little wooden cart with hay and not be dead
If the careers of Kurzel and Arkapow take even the slightest hit because of Ubisoft's choice of the Exodus/Tower Heist writers and opening a week after fucking Star Wars, I'm rioting.