Would you take a pill that let you use 100% of your brain?
Would you take a pill that let you use 100% of your brain?
Yes since that means I'd probably become psychic or telekinetic
No because everything would be innervating at once, it would be extremely excitation and I'd be having seizures and a completely bewildering somatosensory flux
Liberal nu-male
No, I don't want to be constantly having seizures.
Nu-male cuck liberal redditor SJW üntermensch
We already use 100% of our brain, we just don't use all of it at the same time cause it doesn't work like that. It'd be like if you loaded up 20 movies at the same time, loaded up all your games, and overclocked all of your computer components beyond their limits, you'd fry your system
It would be extremly painful.
Put the thesaurus down buddy
>Cracked taught me brains don't work thst way psssh ujst a lil meme for us science ffans XDD
In answer to your question, yeah, I'd definitely try real NZT. Think I'd probably feel a bit guilty, knowing increased ability was chemical dependent, but fuck it. It's like feeling guilty about depending on water to survive.
Come to think of it, the reason Limitless appeals so much is because of the implication that the pill makes you get your shit together. Ecstasy makes talking, dancing, and kissing great, and Ritalin makes work a little quicker and sharper, but at the end of the day an NZT style drug would still require the willingness to work on bettering yourself.
It's like peopl who use steroids to get strong. Yes, they make working out easier, but you still have to actually work out. No pill lets you shit-post your way to being built.
Don't know about anyone else, but that's what killed me about the concept. The idea that I still wouldn't read all these long, complex books to become more intelligent if I had the time/ energy. Knowing me, I'd just continue to bluff through life with the intelligence I already have, and would waste the newfound focus on sex/ drugs/ other fun-but-transitory-experiences.
Sobering thought.
>inb4 everyone would take it
> only the top 1% actually have significant potential
>ergo the exact same class hierarchy and society stays the same.
Still, it'd be awesome to learn some concertos.
Yeah, truly the most limiting factor is our own apathy, not whether or not we have some innate talent (whether or not in pill form).
And speaking as a pharmacology major there is definitely nothing even remotely close to making us markedly smarter. The furthest nootropics have gone in efficacy is things like modafinil, which essentially just induce wakefulness and improve concentration and maaaybe LTP.
It's also true that your brain doesn't work that way.
>100% of your brain
That's called a seizure, user.
no i like that bloodflow and all that runs on autopilot
my meme potential would go through the fucking roof
>We already use 100% of our brain
you are a fucking retard. if we were using 100% we would be like rain man, or autistic geniuses and shit.
>we use 10% of our brain meme
We already use 100% of our brain. We use different areas at different times. It would be a waste of energy to grow and maintain something that's 10 times larger than it needs to be.
>pic somewhat related.
another shitty and memetastic flick
>if we were using 100% we would be like rain man
>Americans actually believe this
Holy shit! A nation of manchildren and retards with no understanding of how the world works. Hahaha
Why don't you use 100% of your brain and not watch trash like this.
wow u guize must be really really smart!!!
You're a smart guy.
Fuck. Had a feeling there was no "From Sup Forums to Entourage in 1 dose!" lifestyle-improvement pill in the pipeline.
Heard mixed reviews of Modafinil, most trending towards "Tricked out Adderall". So great if you have a deadline to meet, but it's not going to make you learn the violin if you've never bothered to do so before.
Any thoughts on non-depressed people taking anti-depressants for fun and profit? Love mild doses of codeine and DXM, high-wise, but I've heard LexaPro et al will do nothing to normies As normie as any Sup Forumsirgin can be
nice made up words
If it worked the way it does in Limitless, of course. You'd be a fucking idiot not to.
>It's like peopl who use steroids to get strong. Yes, they make working out easier, but you still have to actually work out.
You literally don't.
Someone on roids that's not working out grows more muscle than someone natty that works out
NZT is pretty much steroids for your brain
> Someone on roids that's not working out grows more muscle than someone natty that works out
Wow, you really need to go let everyone on /fit/ know this. They are all under the impression that you have to work out to build muscle! Thankfully Dr. user is in the house to school them all!
There a reason they give steroids to AIDS/HIV patients
Nigger, everyone on/fit/ knows that
The fuck you think my home board IS?
Stupid nigger
>people saying we already use 100% of our brain
>in our conscious states we barely touch upon probably 0.00000000007% at best
>we are so far behind the curve because of our own natural BIOS for lack of a better term
>learning is so fucking slow it's almost painful
>can you recall everything that's ever happened to you, perfectly?
>no? so much for your 100% and don't even try the "not all at the same time" bullshit
>we have so far to go as a species and we could get there someday but we'll kill ourselves off long before that becomes a reality
Would I take NZT? Sure, but only if I could get a one year supply. Taking one pill just to see what it would do for me and what I'm capable of just isn't enough - with one pill I'd see all the things I've missed, then when I came down from it I'd more than likely just commit suicide knowing I'd never get there again so a one year supply to actually get something done would be the one requirement.
I could have lived a much better life, all of us could but I didn't and regrets are the worst fucking things ever.
he's right doe. pic related.
>Knowing me, I'd just continue to bluff through life with the intelligence I already have, and would waste the newfound focus on sex/ drugs/ other fun-but-transitory-experiences.
And why the fuck not? Put just the minimal amount of effort and time into making just enough money to get through life fairly easy and just indulge in hedonism. The funny thing is, you would probably eventually get bored with all that stuff fairly quickly given your enhanced capabilities and dabble in so much new shit that you might accidentally stumble upon something that will grab enough of your attention for you to get you somewhere and make yourself useful.
err, couldn't find the pic
I hate this graph because my bench fucking blows. Those shits with no exercise making yuge fucking triceps gains compared to the placebo group putting in work with no triceps gains is just depressing to me.
like why even try if I can just explode my arms in two months in gear?
I just don't know.
To be fair though, most of it is probably water retention and most of the extra size will go away once you stop taking. This study has been done on untrained people, so 600mg is pretty huge.
Tell me how you train and what numbers you got stuck on, I might be able to help.
>Would you take a pill that induces a grand mal seizure
user, are you retarded? Of course I wouldn't. Would you take a pill that gives you aids?
>we just don't use all of it at the same time cause it doesn't work like that.
He doesn't suffer from crippling anxiety like the rest of the poor folk that roams these lands that reduces his brain processor output in a fragment of its potential
>Americans actually believe this
fuck you eurofaggot, we are the smartest nation in the world. ALL OF THE MAJOR INVENTIONS WERE INVENTED IN AMERICA. without us you would still be fighting islam on your doorstep. oh wait, you do. KEK
>A nation (from Latin: natio, "people, tribe, kin, genus, class, flock") is a large group or collective of people with common characteristics attributed to them - including language, traditions, mores (customs), habitus (habits), and ethnicity.
>No True Nation
Not an argument®
Would take a red pill?